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Everything posted by VtBowhunter

  1. Re: Heavy or light Broadheads??? [ QUOTE ] The broadheads themselves have absolutely nothing to do with flatter shooting at furthe ranges lol, it's the overall arrow weight that determines that. For example, if you use a 75 grain head and your arrow weighs 400 grains finished, it's gonna shoot the same speed (if same bow is used) as a 400 grain arrow would if there was a 100 grain head on it. At any rate, the heavier the broadhead, the better the FOC, but heavier heads also weaken the spine of an arrow. Provided you are properly spined, I would shoot the heaviest head you can without it effecting your arrow flight. My arrows are tipped with a 125 grain head, weigh 418 grains and are buzzing along at 280+ fps. That equals 73 lb. of KE and that my friend is what will allow you to penetrate better at further distances. [/ QUOTE ] That's what I said, LMAO.
  2. Re: Heavy or light Broadheads??? Generally, the lighter your set-up, the heavier you want your heads.......You need them a bit heavier for increased penetration.
  3. Re: Just a question. I do all my hunting with a bow, and I limit myself to 40 yards........I can hit a target at 120 consistantly, but that's only for fun. Could I kill a deer at the distance? Absolutely. Will I try? NEVER!!! It doesn't take much for a deer to move while that arrow is in the air, and now your perfect shot is a gut shot or worse.
  4. Re: Team 15 Just over 1 week to go......I start Oct 7th here, and the wait is killing me.......the Outdoor Channel doesn't help matters, lol. I am seriously ready to hunt and hopefully deflate some lungs.
  5. Re: Safety Harness Suggestions Summit Seat-Of-The-Pants harnesses are about the best there is. Hunters Safety System is also a great one.
  6. Re: My cast stinks, what do I do? Spray some Dead Downwind on it and that should sure the problem.
  7. Re: T.O. suicide attempt Maybe he had a bad reaction which made him loopy and he didn't know what he was saying to police........I've seen that kind of thing first hand, so don't take the report too seriously.
  8. Re: blitzinburg They are good, but for about $90 you can get the Jo-Jan multifletcher which is just as good and you can do all 6 arrows at the same time.
  9. Re: WildView Digital Game Cam We sell them at Dick's as well, and I have one. They work great, but you definately want to buy a couple memory cards for them, because if you accidentally loose the batteries before downloading your photos they will be erased. I've had some decent photos on mine so far.
  10. Re: Team 15 I like LungBusters, and I really like Team DropTine. I'd vote for Team Drop-Tine.
  11. Re: Checking in Deer? We have to go to a licensed check station, which is usually the local Ma-n-Pop store or Proshop. There they look the critters over and weigh them for records.
  12. Re: Experience with Montec broadheads? You can't go wrong with anything from G5. The Montec and Tekan will kill quickly and both fly exactly like a field point.
  13. Re: first broadhead you used? 100 grain Browning Specters.
  14. Re: Team 15 Let's get some names out just the same and then we can vote on one, but we'll want to do it soon. Jason........best of luck on that brute.
  15. Re: Team 4 How did you poor sould wind up with BobD AND Vtbowman on the same team........now y'all are gonna need some serious help........kind of like playing with a serious handicap, LMAO........Hi Guys!
  16. Re: Congrats to Jeff Burton Excellent job by Burton and his crew, and Kenseth was very fortunate to finish in 10th.
  17. Re: Team 15 Josh here.......I'm bowhunting for all seasons and that includes 6 days in West Virginia where we usually have pretty good luck.
  18. Re: Treestand? I'm not a big fan of the block and cable hook-up. API had a huge safety issue with them a few years ago and sent Chains to customers to replace the cable. Plus there are too many pins to make too much noise. Summit has the best set-up in their cable system. Safe and quie to set up. All my opinion.
  19. Re: im worryed everyone Where are you from and has CWD been found in your area?
  20. Re: ethics question I'm all for killing does with fawns for all the reasons given.......buttons will stay put, and fawns still in spots are a good indicator that the doe numbers are out of control.
  21. Re: Cabelas shipping I just placed an order for some Dead Downwind from them tonight.....I know I'll have it by Wednesday of next week. They're always quick to ship.
  22. Re: Quigley Down Under Definately one of my favorites.
  23. Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALISHA!!!!! Happy Birthday, Kid......and you're right, you are such a blonde, LMAO. How appropriate is it that your an 8 point now after last year?
  24. I've been working part-time for Dick's Sporting Goods as the bow tech for about 6 months, and I've often toyed with the idea of opening my own Proshop. Well today a man came in asking for me by name, and proceeded to tell me that he'd driven all the way from Hicksville, N.Y. on Long Island so that I would work on his bow, because he heard of the work that I do. This has me seriously looking into opening the shop. I'm wondering if I should or not. It would only be a small one and part-time at best. What do y'all think?