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Everything posted by VtBowhunter

  1. Re: Famous books by forum members [ QUOTE ] "The Greatest Bow-hunter Alive" - by the greatest bow-hunter alive (so he says) [/ QUOTE ]
  2. Re: Famous books by forum members "How to Avoid Deer With Your Vehicles For Dummies" By Snapper.
  3. Re: Famous books by forum members "The Complete Guide to Deer Poop" By Buckee.
  4. Re: Here\'s my bow!(photos) Ruth, you got a sweetheart there........good luck with it this season.
  5. Re: RAGE BROADHEADS We can't keep them in the store......they come in and are literally gone in 5 minutes or less.
  6. Re: I can\'t take it! Yes I am, and I have been ever since a package of Fresh Earth Scent Wafers broke open in our frieght at Dick's.....that smell always triggers it in me. Look on the bright side, TG, you have 3 weeks to get real good with the Rintec.
  7. Re: My bow is in finally! That's Awesome, TG. Good luck with it this year. You can never go wrong with Hoyt.
  8. Re: First deer ever *pics* Congradulations on a beautiful doe and first kill. Nice lookin' bow there too.
  9. Re: Will a New String up my Bow Speed? Yes a new string will up your speed since your old one has, no doubt, setched over time. However, that will only last as long as it takes for the new string to break-in and stretch as well.
  10. Re: 2 Diff. Pro Shops said my string looked \"FINE\" It looks like something got between the cam and string and the string jumped the cam.........did the string break and I'm just not seeing it?
  11. Re: Question for the fellas Face and head........That's it.
  12. Re: My plans for a Summit Viper LifeNRA nailed it.......The SS is aluminum, and the Classic is Steel, and you definately notice the weight difference when it's time to lift them.
  13. Re: tell us your setup this year Hoyt Vtec Goldtip Hunter Pro 55/75 arrows 100 Grain Montec and Tekan broadheads Sims Modular Stabilizer TrophyRidge DropZone rest Team Extreme Recon 600 sight Alpine Soft-Loc quiver Tru-Fire Team Realtree Buckle Release
  14. Re: Hat Off To The Jags......... Chrud, don't forget that I'm a huge Steelers fan, but also a fan of Favre and all he's done. I don't get how everyone is so quick to want Ben out, when he's been though a lot of stuff in the past few months. Let's look at it this way. When Favre went through all the things that he has and came out huge in the games that followed, what did he have that Roethlisberger doesn't have yet? A lot of experiance....both in the NFL and life. Let's not be too quick to hang Ben just yet.
  15. Re: Looks like a new daddy again.... [ QUOTE ] BTW...........Brady is a good name. You coulda really messed up and called him Roethlesburger [/ QUOTE ] Yeah, but hopefully you could have spelled Roethlisberger the right way. Shawn, your wife's been listening to "The Morning Round-Up" on WOKO hasn't she? The D.J. on there named his lab the same thing for the same reason.
  16. Re: Hat Off To The Jags......... Ben was still suffering the effects of the surgery and a temp of 104......you could tell he was struggling with the throws. The Jags played a good game, but they weren't all that great offensively either. It was a total defensive game. Oh yeah......Chrud, how are the Packers doing?
  17. Re: Did I get a Deal??? I didn't think the LX was being made anymore.......so was it a used bow, but new to you, or was it left over from previous years but still new? I guess it would depend on the year of the bow. I know that they had Limb pocket issues on the LX when it first came out a few years ago.
  18. Re: Had company Saturday [ QUOTE ] Thanks for adding to my top 10 list for living up north. #8. No Rattlesnakes!! [/ QUOTE ] That's what you think.......you'll need to remove that one from your list........we have plenty of Rattlers here in the northeast.
  19. Re: Gold Tip Manufacturing GoldTip shooter here, and you won't see me switching anytime soon.
  20. Re: Change of plans; 113 in 3 days! So you're hoarding all Vermont's deer up there are ya?
  21. Re: Ok, somebody make me feel better! Not to add to your pain, but if there was paunch on the arrow, then that deer is dead. Your best bet is to get as many folks as you can and spread out to walk the swamp........it will be there. Remember that every bowhunter has a bad shot at one time or another, and any bowhunter that tells you they never have, are either going to at some point or they're lying to you. Keep your chin up and keep at it, but exhaust all efforts to find the one you shot already.
  22. Re: Shot at my first buck today!!!! It when the deer is braodside and turns slightly away so you can slide the arrow in behind the ribs and up through the lungs.
  23. Re: bow speed ratings I've always found that if you took the IBO and AMO speeds, added them together, and divided that number by 2 you'd be very close to an actual speed for your bows hunting set-up.
  24. Re: Shot at my first buck today!!!! A downward shot at the spine is a very low percentage shot.......always wait for the broadside or quartering away shot.......these have the highest percentage rate for a quick kill.
  25. Re: Can\'t leave the country... w/out somthin\' hapn Sorry to hear all this, Bill. Prayers sent.