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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Re: Congrats to another new mod!! Thanks everyone! I'm honored, really! lol. Watch out, us women are taking over Realtree,lol. Wuu haa haa haa:)
  2. Re: Squirrel Contest Teams/Standings I think they are both grey,lol. Littlered and I need to get some bigger squirrels,lol
  3. Re: got one in the gut Don't forget to check the thick stuff....Andy gut shot a doe this archery season, I helped him track, never found it, he started looking too soon and it was lightly raining. Deer went into a hemlock swamp and seemed to follow a creek and thick stuff. so don't give up and good luck!
  4. Re: NY Hunters, If You had A chance Good question... 1 - Wearing orang during rifle/shotgun seasons 2 - Turkey population, especially in my area 3 - Having a minimum number of people in a group doing a deer drive (our neighbors get a huge number together, surround a field, then empty their guns on running deer. Surprised one of them or even myself has not been shot yet)
  5. Re: hungry for lobster anyone ? ( pics ) Oh man, you have a great job,lol! Yum yum yum. Like a couple others said, send me 4 of them,lol. My mom actually said "Ask how much and if he'll ship them" lol.
  6. Re: got me a doe Nice doe! Congrats huntnma!
  7. Re: Broadhead sharpeners? Any opinions on the ones Cabela's sells? Which ones are good?
  8. Turkeygirl

    Gonna have a baby

    Re: Gonna have a baby Aaaw... that's great Andrea! Boy, I really thought you were going to be the mother from the title of your post,lol.
  9. Re: wyo bags a bull Wow Wyo, that's a grat looking elk to me! Big congrats to you!
  10. Re: William\'s Custom Calls Wow, beautiful work! I wonder, for any of you who have one, do they sound alot better than the ones like Ol' Yeller by knight and hale? That's what I have, not sure i like it too much anymore.....I don't seem to get the calls I want out of it, tone wise...
  11. Re: Who gets NY Outdoor News? I get it, I'll have to go look! I haven't seen it yet but that is cool, you must be proud!
  12. Re: A Pat on the Back.... Great and keep it up! Wish more people would quit, it's the worst thing for you! Way to go buddy!
  13. Re: That hurt.... OWWWW!!! Glad that's the only damage you had! My sister was riding her filly a couple years ago, and I can't remember why but she reared up so my sister slid out of the saddle and off herb ack. When the filly came down, she kicked and hit my sister upper groin, inside of hip bone and gave her a good gash that needed a few stitches. Dr. said it missed the femoral artery by an inch... You never know with horses...
  14. Turkeygirl

    bad morning!

    Re: bad morning! Yeah, don't push it. Do what the docs said and you'll be ok. Hopefully it is, like they said, just sprained...How'd you injure it anyway?
  15. Re: Congrats to our NEWEST MODERATOR Ok Andrea what did you do that I haven't because I've been on here longer than you:( lol Way to go and congrats!
  16. Re: This saturday Good luck and be safe! Hope to see some pics!
  17. Re: I Put The Smack Down On One...(Pics) Way to go! That is a beautiful buck!
  18. Re: YES/NO QUES. NY HUNTERS #1 - YES #2 - YES
  19. Re: Broadhead sharpeners? Ok. I know we have alot of blades lying around that are in great shape, no nicks, just need some sharpening...
  20. Re: Team 16 Wow, good job again everyone! Now if Harvdog and LetMGrow get deer, we'll be set:) I'm hoping to upgrade from my bow deer as I'm hoping to fill my shotgun buck tag but who knows...Keep at it team!
  21. Ok, I was looking through a Cabela's cataloge yesterday, and thinking of a good Christmas gift. Well I saw they have several broadhead sharpners which I though would be a great gift. But I want to know, do any of you have one and does it work? And yand I shoot 125 grain Thunderheads, though I may be shanging to 100 grain next season, and if any blades get a little dull, we put new ones on, such as from a miss and hitting dirt and going through a deer. I thought it would be a good gift for Andy, would save on having to buy new blades. I want to hear any opinions though, don't want to spend money on something that doesn't work. Any sharpeners you suggest?
  22. Re: Got me a 9 point!! Great buck! congrats!!!!!
  23. Re: What camera should I get? We have a Kodak that Andy bought refurbished from Kodak...don't get that, it isn't that great of a camera. I've been thinking about getting my own, something a little better, because I have alot of good photo opportunities in the woods. I've heard and seen Canons are decent. I'd suggest looking in Consumer Reports and searching online. Let me know because I'm looking for one to!
  24. Re: Important day tommorow Good luck and be safe! I sure wish lobster was cheaper though,lol! We love it, yum!
  25. Re: First blood...points for bucks gone wild Congrats! That's a nice buck! 6 points for the contest is better thean no points...or 5 points,lol:)