Ravin R10 man

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Everything posted by Ravin R10 man

  1. Re: Scored on a monster today!! **PICS** Super 8pt. Im guessing 135"
  2. Re: picture question? Ill try to help ya. Go to where you got your pic and double click it(left) and it will fill your screen. go to the bottom of the pic and click into the edit symbol.That will take you to" Paint", then click image sketch and scew and resize your pic I usaully resize it down to 50% twice to get the right size. Then click out of that program, and click save changes, that will come up by itself. Now go to RT and hit upload and you should get it to upload into the picture post.. Then you have to hit "process files" then click that pic again to get the url at the bottom. Highlight this by left clicking and dragging your mouse from right to left while holding down. then right click copy and go back to RT forums and then paste onto your post. If I screwed up someone correct me.
  3. Re: West Texas Deer YUP.......Thats worth waiting for!!
  4. Re: Smackdown Time!! (pics) Oneida man nice buck!!! congrats on the deer will make a good looking mount. Yup...Thats where he is right now, Cant wait to get him on my wall:)
  5. Re: Anybody own a Moultree GameCamera???? Just remember to advance the camera by clicking a pic after you load the film. and change the camera battery every roll, the other batts. change every second roll
  6. Re: few bucks on the plot.... Well......of course they will be great bucks guy's.....Look what they got to eat!!! LOL!!!(jk)
  7. Re: Walk in Coolers Guys...If you are close by get one!! We got an 8 by 16 and its great!! got a rail full lenght too with rolling hangers too. Makes life soooooooooo much easier.Skin em out while they are warm and kick on the compressor!!
  8. Re: BUUURRRR... Hey goat...wait until mid week.....we gonna get nippy here!!
  9. Re: Ethics, Morals, Realtree, and America Billygoat.....Welcome!!! You will fit in just fine!!
  10. Re: Merry Christmas Hey...That looks alot like buckee!!
  11. Re: 2004 As far as I know...we didnt have any problems with poachers here this year.
  12. Re: First Good Deer Keep er up..your off to a great start
  13. Re: Scored on a monster today!! Congates!!!!...Gotta like a buck that grows BIG "pulling" handles!!!
  14. Re: few bucks on the plot.... Todd...deer here are still nocturnal too!! At least the big shooter bucks, .......except for one!!! Camera is picking them up at 10:30/11:00 P.M.
  15. Re: Broke my favorite knife!! Taking the legs off is easy, i know...I just did a stupid thing like keep the knife blade in the ljoint when i broke the leg off. By the way...I picked up a new knife at Walmart today!
  16. Re: Realtree 2004 Christmas Exchange Results Thank You to DJR!!!! I got a dvd of "Kisky "productions Exteme hun ting whitetail 4( even has "Tiffany" on it!!! LOL!! and an U.S. Army shirt, and Army pen. The DVD is SUPER!!!! Thanks man!!!
  17. Re: Aaron Carter blew me a kiss! Lil blonde says he's Nick Carters (Backstreet boys) little brother. Ok...so who is Nick Carter??
  18. Re: Happy \"B\" Day Oneida Man!! OH MAN!!! That one hurt.....but your right!! Thanks guys...Im almost 16 .....for the third time!! LOL
  19. Re: question for the ladies Whatever you get, be sure it's in rhe infamous "MOJO" box!! LOL
  20. Re: Russian Boar w/ Revolution Pics. You might say you got a pig with a poke...congrats nick
  21. Re: Happy birthday to me!!! Happy Birthday!! Mine is Tomarrow!
  22. Re: Stealth Cam pic 8pt. my guess is 3 and 1/2 right now...I got 15 yards of him with the truck one day. He was bedded up and it was so windy he didnt hear me drive up until I was on top of him.He is pushing 200# when I saw him. and about 17 or 18" spread. The photo lost some clarity when I scanned it in. I got two photos of him, and they are at 10 and 11 p.m thats why I never saw him ,...he's nocturnal
  23. Re: Broke my favorite knife!! AHEM!!......a "SAWSALL".............cordless........Maybe someone will take that into consideration???
  24. Re: Nakey Time lil blonde did it too!!! usually right out of the tub and just before she had to get dressed. Seems it was a game for her to have mom catch her and get her dressed.
  25. Re: Realtrees TV show Hey ..I was out last weekend in 50 MPH gusts and in a treestand too!! I saw that show, I didnt have a problem with it, and I doubt that the wind was constantly 90 miles an hour.....if at all, it was prob half that.