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Everything posted by dogdoc

  1. No geese but had a nice 30 yard shot on this young one...... Belle was marking him just fine: Ended up having 4 deer feed on my "goose plot" for about 30 minutes. The goose calling didn't bother them one bit. Amazing how much movement you can get away with when surrounded by goose decoys.
  2. Re: Chuffa wish i could help--i've never planted the stuff. In Michigan it is considered a noxious weed and illegal to plant. I do know turkeys love it.
  3. Re: No mallards...just gadwalls (pic) [ QUOTE ] congrats on the gadwall they look great! [/ QUOTE ] look great--there isn't even a pic. duckslayer--appreciate your enthusiasm in the waterfowl room but you are responding to posts that are over two years old
  4. dogdoc


    Re: Mojo I use the Lucky Duck wind operated decoy. I do believe it works--ducks will usually land close to it.
  5. Re: Peyton Manning [ QUOTE ] Definitely a bear killer!! [/ QUOTE ] we'll know soon enough
  6. Re: 2007 Realtree Oklahoma Get Together... [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] Everyone is welcome!!!! Don't think you would have to worry about that, on the 3-D range any how. Just stay away from the hillbilly and the guy in the pink dress [/ QUOTE ] Hey somehow I missed that..... Shoosh or we will have to have a head shaving at the get together.... [/ QUOTE ] Yeah, but if memory serves me right, ain't neither one of you have much hair to shave!!!!!!!!!!! [/ QUOTE ] I ain't shavin' off all my beautiful hair.
  7. Re: a good season congrats on a successful season.
  8. Re: Waterfowl Season Recap congrats on a nice season---i have those shooting days also. Should have had a nice honker today--don't know what happened except that big goose kept flying. todd
  9. Re: NFL Picks--Superbowl.... Muff's picks: Indy/under 650 yards Shaun's picks Indy/Under 688 yards looks like it will come to the tie breaker. good luck guys todd
  10. Re: Fertilizer when you do your soil test be sure to advise them the seeds you will be planting--that will determine what fertilizer will work best for both the seed and the soil. Different plants have different needs.
  11. Re: land question(pics added) William--for a non duck hunter you have a big waste of land there--now if it was me I'd love it. Again--I wish I could help you but I have no clue on how to fix it.
  12. Re: Roundup Ready Alfalfa??? i think i paid around $28 for a 50# bag of RR soybeans 3 years ago. The corn is the expensive part.
  13. Re: Pictures of a couple of recent hunts [ QUOTE ] I just love the sound geese make as they come in low over your head. [/ QUOTE ] oh yea!!! congrats on the successful hunts.
  14. Re:Date Has Been Set...Oklahoma Get Together... if I don't have a dog trial or have to work you can count on my being there.
  15. Muff and Shawn--need your picks. Indy vs Chicago O/U 48.5 total offense for both teams (tie breaker) PM me your picks and congrats to both of you for making it this far. todd
  16. Re: Ten Year Survivor and many many more my friend
  17. Re: Leaf river-cannot believe it-update William--I sent in my very original camera b/c of the wires splitting at the door. It was way out of warranty. They fixed the wires and completely took the camera apart and rewired the batteries and clean the camera for me---they didn't charge me a thing for it. However I'm sure they would have charged me if they would have had to replace anything.
  18. Re: High Water Pics! enjoyed the pics--don't see many ducks on the game cams.
  19. Re: End of the season congrats on a good season ending hunt!
  20. Re: what kind of steel shot? Kent Fast Steel 3" #3
  21. Re: Team 5 [ QUOTE ] Anyone heard more from hunterfisherman? Looks like Team 8 is working on taking back the lead. We need to get those points. [/ QUOTE ] I e-mailed him about 10 days ago telling him we need a pic of the tag. He e-mailed me back quickly but I haven't heard from him again. Hopefully he will come through with the picture. His computer crashed on him and he had to send it in to get it fixed--hopefully he will get back in touch with one of us soon.
  22. Did my first ever field hunt for ducks. Other than having to layout on frozen grounds in the layout blinds it was a blast and a lot of work. We put out approx 400 decoys and called in ducks over a peaut field. Belle got more retrieves in two days of hunting the fields with 6 guys than my entire season hunting alone. We had a little trouble with steadiness on day 1 as she has never hunted with layouts before. She'd sit next to me real nice but when we'd pop out of the blinds to shoot she'd creep out on me---a little correction with the collar fixed that in a hurry. At one time we had at least 500 ducks circling us and falling in. She was very steady and picked up every bird for us. Kind of sad season is over though. Now back to training to finish her titles. todd and belle
  23. Re: Colts vs. Bears colts by 10
  24. Re: Best Live Sporting Event... The most exciting so far was when OU came into Iba Arena ranked #1 in the country in BB and we (OSU) de-throaned them. However--I am going to the Oscar DeLahoya/Mayweather (I think that's the name) fight in May. I have a feeling this might be the best one.
  25. dogdoc


    Re: Unreal!! what a bunch of stupid dorks. The club should be shut down. Four thousands bucks isn't enough for something that horrible. That, IMO, is animal cruelty to the highest.