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Everything posted by dogdoc

  1. Re: Football Withdrawals no but should have some good NBA on this weekend
  2. Re: Mavs, Suns on collision course mavs took a nose dive last night.
  3. dogdoc

    Re: hate to have make up days during the spring.
  4. Re: Team 5 i'm visiting with him thru e-mail. He does not have a computer at home since his crashed. He had to send it back into the factory to get it fixed. He told me he has a picture of the tag and would e-mail it to me. I haven't heard back from him since--hopefully he will come through.
  5. Re: Is There such a thing as.... this is turning into a stinky thread.
  6. Re: Starting To Get Alittle Worried... sorry to hear about the elbow--probably a bad case of Tennis Elbow and might need a good steroid shot in the elbow--sounds painful but will do wonders. best of luck todd
  7. Re: NEW JOB!!! [ QUOTE ] Got me a new job at a deer processing store...had an awesome 1st day...they even gave me 3 lbs. of deer burger!!! [/ QUOTE ] I always wondered why I felt like I never got all me deer back congrats on the new job--looks like you will be eating well.
  8. Re: question for lab owners.... since both parents are pretty good size labs my guess would be he should be close to the same size as his daddy. good luck
  9. Re: OK greenheads nice late season limit.
  10. Re: lots of does... white stuff is pure ice.
  11. Re: Who thinks the NBA is overrated?? hockey--yuk! I love watching the NBA playoffs. Yes there are some thugs in basketball but there are thugs in all walks of life. During the regular season i'll watch high profile games. However--yes you do see guys scoring 50 to 60 points but that wasn't too unusual back in Wilts day--doesn't he still hold the single game record in points?
  12. Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUFF have a good one partner
  13. Re: Coyotes something to be scared of? i'll tell you---a few yote howls and increased my heart rate more than once.
  14. Re: -39 yote congrats on the dog--love the camo job.
  15. don't know where the bucks have gone but they have left my property--glad it was now and not before hunting season. I set this camera on a creek crossing. The tree kind of angles over the creek which made a great place for the camera. I've only had it set up there for a little over a week and already have a few neat pics. todd
  16. Re: land question wish I had that problem--cuz I love duck hunting. Wish I could help you with some advise but that is out of my league. bood luck todd
  17. dogdoc

    New Guy

    Re: New Guy welcome to the forums--my first year of duck hunting I shot one Gadwal and that was it---stick with it--it's addictive. todd
  18. Re: Huge Scare for my Family. i'll keep you in my prayers. Jeramie--we went through a stage where our oldest wouldn't eat baby food. We gave her one to two Pediasures a day--wow did that little girl put some weight on---she called it favorite milkie. You might give it a try--even the Ensure would be a good choice for her to put on some weight plus get some good nutrition. best of luck--i'm sure everything will be just fine. todd
  19. Re: How about this trade rumor... i think that is a high risk trade for the Raiders--No way would I make it. Vick has flashes of be a star--but that star usually becomes a falling star in the next weekend. Leave him in Atlanta and take Russel.
  20. Re: Mavs, Suns on collision course yes it will--i can't wait.
  21. Re: Next coach of Dallas???? [ QUOTE ] Lot of talk about Norv Turner! [/ QUOTE ] what would that be--like his 3rd chance?
  22. Re: injured coon there is a wildlife care center in Noble (just south of norman) that would take the coon. The problem is not knowing how bad the internal injuries are and also coons can be carriers of rabies--so be careful. good luck
  23. Re: Phone Interview with DU!!! best of luck--hope you get it.
  24. Re: Get the shakes? yep--my "buck" fever is just as bad with turkeys as with deer. Heck--I get the shakes when a big flock of ducks or geese are coming into my dekes. Ain't that what it's all about.
  25. Re: Set-up a little mineral site next time dig a hole and fill the entire hole with the minerals--not just scattered out over a large area like you did. It usually takes a while for the deer to start using minerals. When put in a hole it will leach into the soil and last MUCH longer.