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Everything posted by dogdoc

  1. Re: merry christmas everyone! Merry Christmas!
  2. Re: Homebrew pic nice buck and nice pic. todd
  3. Re: Christmas Eve Tom Pics Bowkill congrats on the Christmas bird! todd
  4. Re: My 7 year old makes me happy congrats to both of you and welcome to RT! todd
  5. Re: Deer feed i've never used a commercial deer feed/pellet so can't help you out much! todd
  6. Re: food plot in missouri? welcome to RT forums. As far as a year round your best bet would be a nice perennial blend of different clovers, trefoil, and chicory. However--they do require mowing couple times of year and occasional fertilization. Proper soil prep is also a majory key to longevity. If you want something easy and you have enough area to plant then a nice mix of warm and cool season annuals is the way to go. You could spend a weekend planting your warm season plots in mid-april and then another weekend planting your cool season plot in late August. Spring I'd plant a mix of cowpeas, soybeans, millet, milo, and forage sorghum. Fall I'd plant a mix of wheat, rye, oats, brassicas, and austrian winter peas. good luck todd
  7. Re: Happy Birthday HORST!! Happy Birthday!
  8. Re: First duck hunt tomorrow!! good luck!
  9. Re: double reed call I've never blown the Foiles Dead Meat but I know a lot of the guys over at the Refuge Forum really like it. I blow a Cutt Down Timber Double reed--raspy little call. I really like it. Tough part of buying a call though over the internet is you don't get to try it first..
  10. Re: Got my first buck!!!! lil'finn--congrats on an awesome buck! I can tell by your smile how excited you are!!! good job partner todd
  11. dogdoc

    Were Did It Go...

    Re: Were Did It Go... ain't that the truth Dale---as I get older and especially now that I have kids it seems time just flys by so fast. Tell the family Hi for me! todd
  12. Re: A little info on fescue removal thanks for the info----I've got about a 40 acre field that is 80% fescue. Funny thing is my dad and I were just talking on a plan on how to eradicate the fescue--very similiar to your article! thanks for the info todd
  13. Re: Whitetail Challenge yep----I was pretty disappointed in the show also.
  14. dogdoc

    Skunk vs. Dog

    Re: Skunk vs. Dog best skunk treatment mixture of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and lemon scented dish soap. mix all 3 ingredients together to make a paste then bath dog in it and let it sit on the dog for 15 minutes--rinse and then repeat. Should have a skunk free dog.
  15. Re: Killed a limit in Arkansas! (pic)
  16. Re: So this is waht it feels like... thought you liked Russian women?? Best of luck with your new relationship. I hope you two find lots of happiness together. todd
  17. Re: Ladies, did I do well? [ QUOTE ] Moonlight Path scented [/ QUOTE ] you da man!!!!! all women like Bath and Body Works!!!!!
  18. dogdoc


    Re: rain one of my best days was in a light rain/foggy day. Most of the pond was frozen except for a small area. I put out like 6 decoys with one of the decoys on a pull string. I'd give that string a little move to make motion and some light calling and the ducks just kept dropping in. Had a limit in about 1 hour. I don't like hunting real heavy rains but light rains are great for duck hunting.
  19. I had a client come in today who is a breeder of some fine hunting labs. I've taken care of his dogs now for about a year--he just got back from a duck hunt in Stuttgart. He came in to tell me about the hunt. Then he stated he stopped by the RNT store in Stuttgart and pulled out a new call. I just thought he was showing me his ne RNT Acrylic Old Style Duck Call. I look at it--he then tells me to blow it--so here I am blowing a duck call with a room full of clients and dogs. Clients are all getting a kick out of my calling and the dogs ears are perking up--he then tells me Merry Christmas. I look at him--what??? The call is yours--thanks for taking care of my dogs. I'm like WOW--an Acrylic RNT. Can't wait to call in some Greenheads with this baby! todd
  20. dogdoc


    Re: Rain never hunted in a hail storm but have plenty of times in the rain with the bow. When I get home I just dry everything out real well--don't let it sit in the case. I usually will use a hair dryer on low heat/high speed on the cams. Never had a problem.
  21. Re: Arkansas Hunting Trip!! (pics) looks like an awesome time.
  22. Re: Are you happy? I didn't get to hunt near as much as I usually do due to family issues. Only bow hunted 3 times and rifle hunted 4 times but my 4th rifle hunt was a blast. I was able to harvest my 2nd largest buck ever--and had my daughters with me--so all in all I'm pretty happy: Now that's happiness to a daddy
  23. Re: Ist bowkill minnesota welcome
  24. Re: My new foodplot tool good buy--I have that exact tiller except in 5ft. Wish I would have purchased the 6ft now b/c my Kubota pulls the 5ft like a hot knife thru butter. You will love the tiller. enjoy todd
  25. Re: Remember my post about losing my manhood? not to get into any details but i still had a few swimmers 6 weeks after the procedure. Another month and I was good to go.