I have the 34" inch EZ-Hanger and have found if you do not really tighten it down the weight of the bow will cause it to drop. I have found it is best to just tighten it in past the screw and at least 1/2" into the square tube of the EZ-Hanger.
Well the NY archery season is over for me and no deer this year... I passed on several during the season I wish I had another opportunity with now. The shotgun season opens on Saturday.
Well, the NY Season (southern zone) as been closed for a little over a week and I was not able to improve on the buck I got in Iowa. Congrats to all that scored this year and good luck to those still hunting.
I just entered my Iowa buck into the contest. I shot him on Wednesday 11/2 in the poring rain @ 39 yards. Here are the pictures.[ATTACH=CONFIG]11109[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]11110[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]11111[/ATTACH]
Well I connected on a good 9 point here in Iowa today. I will try to get him entered into the contest ASAP but it may not until I am back in New York next week.
Well no more luck in NY... I have seen lots of bucks but nothing I wanted to shoot. I am getting in the truck in ~30 minutes to head to Iowa to try my luck there.