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Everything posted by VTbowman

  1. Re: TEAM #25: Strutbuster Geesh! Now watch. You wont be able to see that bird again ever. LOL Is your season started or just close? Nice series of pics for sure.
  2. Re: Sights??? [ QUOTE ] Thanks for the input! I'm still waiting to get some pictures of the RT900 from Widowmaker.... My bow, maxed out, should get 280 fps....would it be able to shot arrows at distances if I had a 5 pin sight? I'm thinking 10/15-20-30-40 and 45/50.. [/ QUOTE ] With that speed I would set your 1st pin to 20 yards. Anything closer would still be spot on. Then go out by 10s. Even if your not hunting with your 4th or 5th pins, its nice to practice at long range. Makes those 20 and 30 yard shots seem like 10. JMO BTW I have a G5 Optix LE 5 pin. So far I am in love with it and the G5 folks are super to deal with when I had issues getting the used sight back to brand new.
  3. Re: Release or no release? I shoot both compound and trad and they both have there place. For me the spot on accuracy is a must when shooting my compound. Something I can not achieve shooting fingers off the wheelie bow. Lord knows I have tried. LOL On the other hand there is no way I can use a release on my recurve. The higher poundage at full draw will have me punching my self in the face/cheek everytime (I have tried it as you can assume). Accuracy was terrible to boot. There are several different styles of mech releases, none of which have failed for me, or anyone I know of. I have been shooting more then 20 years too. I prefer the wrist strap/caliper style.
  4. Just wondering who uses these to hunt with? How does you practice which such a head? I am pretty sure I will be sticking to my regular BH and go for center mass but they intriege me..
  5. Re: The few...the proud...The OTPG!!!!!!! [ QUOTE ] Sorry to disappoint. But cocoa by any othe name is still froth brown slop underneath. You can put a pig in a prom dress and it's still a pig, too. Just say "no". [/ QUOTE ] Got it. From now on if I want to enjoy this beverage it will be by filling an empty/dirty cocoa cup full of peppermint schnoppes!
  6. Re: The few...the proud...The OTPG!!!!!!! Ok, Anutter Cocoa question....??? Does it be ok iffin its 1/2 full of peppermeint schnoppes? I must say I enjoyed that about 6 years ago and just remembered it. I have not touched a drop of it since I swear to GOD!
  7. Re: Winners for Best of Contest / Field Pic Didnt those dude win it last year....??? And the year before....??? LOL Congrats fellas!
  8. Re: Encore MZ pistol I have the 15" factory Encore ML pistol, custom wood, and a Burris 3-9x32 scope on top. I shoot the 250g ShockWave sabots with 100g worth of Pyrodex pellets (2x50g) and achieve 1" to 1.25" groups at 100 yards. I should of tried loose powder to tailor my load but this combo gave me excellent results so I stuck with it. I was told back when I was 1st starting with it to start around 60g of loose powder and go from there. 240g to 250g sabots. Anything bigger and the recoil would be uncomfortable. Its ROCKS now. LOL Good Luck.
  9. Re: TEAM #25: Strutbuster I dont get a crack until the 1st Saturday in May. Then its only weekend mornings for me. Looking forward to it thats for sure..
  10. Re: Wrapped camo arrows? Here are a few pics to judge for yourself. All wraps are reflectives, even the black which shines white when hit by light. Good Luck!
  11. Re: TEAM #25: Strutbuster Hello Randy and welcome. Lets do this thing now that we are 100%!!!!
  12. Re: Gun range fire... Hope no one was hurt.
  13. Re: Silicon on Fletchings??? The silicone spray does work but it aint magic. It just slows the wet down not proof them.. As for your bow. A litle little oil in key spots cant hurt but most bows do not have moveable parts that water will hurt/rust. Only thing at risk for rusting is mounting hardware if not dried as soon as possible after the rain. Which I am sure you already know.
  14. Re: Turning GT Hunters into XT\'s?? Now I can definatley see that point. Cutting both ends will square them up and make for better nock and insert alignment. Making a shaft strtaighter by cutting it just seems like turning lead into gold.
  15. Re: Turning GT Hunters into XT\'s?? [ QUOTE ] I've also heard that they are the exact same arrows, coming from the exact same machine. The only difference is that the Hunters are the ones that are produced while the machine is still warming up. Does anyone know the truth behind this? [/ QUOTE ] Not sure 100% but from a manufacturing stand point. I would think a company would run a series of arrows off the same machinery and naturally have batches that have a mix of "straightness" and then have to inspect and classify them accordingly. I am sure while running a batch of shafts they will get anywhere from .001 to .007 and then just put the straighter shaft in one batch for be labeled "XTs" and the less straight as "Expeditions". That being if the same demensions for a shaft are the same. (Length, ID, and OD measurement.) As for cutting a shaft on each end... I seriosuly doubt that your going to make a .006 shaft into anything less then .005, if at all. Unless the defect is at one ond or the other and you get lucky. You can not look at a shaft as being bowed in a even arch for every shaft. It could be .002 for 80% and then curve at the end or whatever. JMO but an Expediton will be and Expediton no matter how you cut it. But to each his own.
  16. Re: Eye glasses and Archery? I am not as concerned about the fogging or rain as there are products that help with that. I am prepared for that sucking. LOL I was more worried about the actual sight picture or diffraction of looking threw a lense at an odd angle and how that effects the sight picture and shot. I suppose its relative to what prescription you have, size of lense, etc... I will have to just "see" for myself. LOL Thanks for all the input.
  17. Re: Cheapest GT\'s? How much were they after shipping? I know just about everywhere I looked, catolog-wise, sold them for around $60+ then shipping. Thats why I went to the ebay guy who sold them for $49 per dozen then shipping. Of coarse his shipping was $9 which put it up there close to everyone else. LOL
  18. Re: TEAM #25: Strutbuster Calling Gobblerbane08! Team: It looks like we have a no-show. If anyone knows of this member or has talked or PMed him/her please inform him he/she is at risk of being replaced. Strut10 is asking if we need/want a replacement as there are other RT members that want in.
  19. Re: A Little 3D Action From This Afternoon Thats cool you can enjoy the sport and hobbie with her. My wife will not give archery a second glance and definately not bowhunting. Good to see some wives do. Nice pics.
  20. Re: Shot my bow before I hear ya. I am starting to get the itch again and last time I shot was October! I am looking at some upgrades now. Think its time for a custom string and sling. Looking at the BuckNasty string and cable set and a custom sling to match the colors. Not sure what colors yet though. LOL Got some new GT XT5575 shafts coming with new blazers and wraps so I will be sporting a new arrows this summer fall as well. Got super duper snow levels still thanks to a Nor-Easter snow storm that just hit the area so my shooting wont be for a bit...
  21. Re: Don\'t shoot a Drenalin... Yeah thats what I felt too. But I went from an older Mathews SQ2, to trad archery for 2 years, and then to a XT. Man what a jump in technology for me. LOL Have fun with that sweet bow!
  22. Re: TEAM #25: Strutbuster I was planning on going out to set up a pop-up ground blind over my last years food plot and hang my cam too. Then we got a massive snow storm the last 2 days so it looks like that plan will have to wait for the snow to go away.
  23. Re: Don\'t shoot a Drenalin... This seems to be the case when you go from a 2 to 4 year old bow and shot something like that. LOL Its what happened to me when I went from an SQ2 to my new SB XT. However shooting the XT and the Dren, I did not feel much differnece at all. Sweet bow no doubt but not enough of a improvement if at all over my XT to sway me into a bow of that price. JMO
  24. Re: Rhinehart Target + GT Advantage arrows= It really does I have found in my experience too. Some targets seem more effected then others though. I will always use some form of arrow lube while hitting the 3D coarse. But then again I dont shoot 3D much. LOL FWIW I dont need it in the cheapo Delta Backyard Buck targets I use...
  25. Re: Fletchers+Arrow builders-Lets see those colors! Wow Luke those are pretty sweet! I suppose that why you were looking for black nocks a while ago. LOL