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Everything posted by Born4it

  1. Git 'r' done, Man... Way to step up! Take care, Ryan
  2. I'd say it's unbelievable, but I'm from West Central IL, and I believe it! Awesome pictures though! Ryan
  3. When we bought the new house, the little lady knew that I'd have to have a den/man room. She doesn't think that all my mounts will fit in it, so I told her that's too bad for her! Congrats on the awesome problem though! Good luck, Ryan
  4. Born4it

    UV killer

    Ditto! Haha!!! She stays away from the laundry room when I'm doing the hunting clothes:p She accidentally washed some of my hunting socks one time with the rest of the was hilarious! She thought I was going to be really mad or something...she said "I messed up real bad, huh?" It was really cute, actually:D Take care, Ryan
  5. I've got everything I need, but I've had everything I've needed since I was 9! I've done some work on my bow already with a new sight and peep, but there's still some things I want. I'm going to buy 6 new arrows, a warm camo/orange reversible vest, Primos Bloodhunter light, pruners, lightweight pants and long sleeved shirt (AP HD of course), and a few other odds and ends...oh, I want a screw-in tree mount for my quiver. Nothing huge this year! Take care, Ryan
  6. As long as you know exactly what you want, there's not much to worry about! I've never bought a bow, but my buddy did, and I've bought all kinds of stuff on ebay...never a problem! Good luck, Ryan
  7. Awesome..can't wait to see it! Congrats, Ryan
  8. I sight in twice a year. Once for 3D from the ground, and once for hunting from the roof of my cabin :-) Sometimes I go to a stand to sight in. I have 5 pins, and usually I would have them at 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, but I'm going to do 5 yard increments this year from 20-40 since I probably wouldn't shoot a deer over 40 yards. Good luck, Ryan
  9. Awesome! I remember my first buck with a bow...and I definitely remember the shaking part! That's what it's all about! Congrats :-) Ryan
  10. Awesome pictures! Hope to hear the success story come fall! Good luck :-) Ryan
  11. Nice goin, Man! Better hang it up somewhere! Take care, Ryan
  12. Born4it


    Welcome back! I did the same thing...I've been on a little more consistently, at least during seasons, for the last couple years. Good to have you :-) Take care, Ryan
  13. Nice! Bet it won't be hungry for a while! Thanks! Ryan
  14. Entrepreneur, huh!?!? Nice joke!
  15. I haven't ever used SL, but SB seems to work ok. I don't know if I would swear by it, but a couple of my buddies used to. So I bought a few things, and none of us think it's really that great anymore. I'm pretty sure that after a while it wears off, and few people have dryers capable of reaching temperatures to "reactivate" the carbon. Good luck! Ryan
  16. There's a whopper! Hope you told some good fish stories :-) Ryan
  17. Born4it

    UV killer

    I kinda figure that's not needed, because of what was already said...obviously companies who make hunting apparel won't put brighteners in their clothing. Good luck! Ryan
  18. Cool footage! Hope you catch up with them come deer season! Good luck, Ryan
  19. I'm kinda in the same boat as Tominator. I shot a 161 a few years ago, and now I don't shoot them unless they're at least 125 or 130 depending on what part of the season it is. If you're looking for advice though, I always say that you know whether he's a "shooter" within the first few seconds of seeing him. Go with your gut! Don't let other people's standards affect yours either...if you'll be happy with him, take him! Take care, Ryan
  20. Very nice! The chocolate horns always get me! Tell pops great buck! Take care, Ryan
  21. Born4it

    Quest Bowhunting

    Haven't looked at them in person, Kyle. Have seen them in magazines and advertisements, but I'm not in the market for a new bow...they look pretty sweet though! Take care, Ryan
  22. Born4it


    Nice! Congrats on the fun conversations!