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Everything posted by Missed160

  1. 2 packs of Steelhead 100 XL's plus a replacement balde kit. 6 broadheads - 1 has been shot for sighting in. The rest have been in my quiver, but have not been shot. $35 TYD.
  2. Just wondering what color pins everyone prefers.. I had usually used Red, but have found that red blurs for me, so I have been using Red for the 20 yard pin and Green for the rest. I also think green shows up better in the low light? Thoughts..
  3. The picture just makes me think of a line from the movie JFK..... "Back and to the left, Back on to the left"
  4. We just bought a new one, love it. I have traditionally bought Microsoft stuff, but continually had issues. This time I decided to spend more & bought a Mac. I really love it. My wife doesn't use a computer much & these are a lot more user friendly, and the big plus is no viruses to worry about...
  5. Today has been a LOOOOOONG time coming - I can't wait for the returns to start coming in tonight - I can't wait for Ms Speaker of the house to realize she is out of a job - I think the Harry Reid will be beat - I can't wait to hear how the president tries to spin this expecting whipping tomorrow!!!!:cell:
  6. Now the Mexican gov't says the murder of the man leading the investigation has nothing to do with this case? Sounds like they are scared to make an issue with the drug cartels.
  7. Very disapointing for me so far - been passing up small bucks. The weather has been way to warm, 70's & 80's for 2 weeks! Good news is the farmers are done with the beans, and are starting to pick the corn. Weather is supossed to cool down next week.. Hopefully cool weather for the end of october when rut signs start to show up.
  8. 8 isn't a big spread, but if you are in the right location you should be ok.. Try adding some movement, flagging really can make the difference sometimes.. I made my own fags, just stapled some black material on a 1x2 piece of wood. The material is about 2ft sq - when the geese are at a distance, try slowly waving the flag while calling. I really believe adding the motion makes a BIG difference.. Main thing, keep scouting, make sure you are where they want to be,
  9. Missed160

    Son left home

    This morning I drove my son to the airport. He graduated in June. He is going to Virginia for about 12 weeks of discipleship training. In early December he will be flying to Angloa Africa on a mission trip. I am SO proud of him - but is sure is sad to see my first head off on his own:( Please include him in your thoughts / prayers for a safe, meaningful mission trip!
  10. A few weeks left until our season opens, and I am thinking about changing broadheads for deer. I have used Rocky Mtn premiers for a few years & would like to try something different.. I am currently using 100 gr heads. My archery shop had a close out of some 125 gr Snypers, I got 2 packs for $18. I have always like the Steelhead expandables & am considering these.. Has anyone used either???? Thoughts?? I have tried shooting 125 field tips in place of 100 gr & didn't notice much difference to 35 yards, so that shouldn't be an issue.. Any input would be greatly appreciated.. Thanks
  11. I love shooting a 20 for pheasants. The only difference is pattern density, so be a bit more selective on the longer shots & he will do just fine..
  12. According to the UPS site it will be about $8-9 - If you want them & want to split the shipping, I will send them for $30 total..
  13. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/product/standard-item.jsp?_DARGS=/cabelas/en/common/catalog/item-link.jsp_A&_DAV=MainCatcat20564-cat20614&id=0033487830653a&navCount=1&podId=0033487&parentId=cat20614&masterpathid=&navAction=push&catalogCode=IA&rid=&parentType=index&indexId=cat601233&hasJS=true I have not taken a picture of the actual pair, above is the Cabelas link for the waders. I really think that the waders will fit someone that size, my son was in the 5ft to 5'5" range when he wore them - his feet grew, so that is what made us buy new ones.. I can ship..
  14. Youth Cabelas Neostrech Waders Size 9 My son wore these 1 weekend for 2 seasons. They are in good shape, no leaks. $25 plus shipping TYD.
  15. I would lean towards the 25-06, or even 308/ 7mm-08 - Most ammo manufacturers are now selling "Reduced Recoil" ammo. My son has shot a couple deer in Minnesota with this ammo & it worked awesome!
  16. I have to agree, there is a tipping point coming! I don't know it it'll be this, or immigration, or what issue, but there is a revolt coming!
  17. I disagree also. I think he is going to keep going more & more left with his policies & people are totally fed up! That said, the GOP needs to come up with a REAL candidate, not some cardboard cutout! IF he is re elected, at least we know their poewr will not be un-checked like it is now! He should be pretty well neutered because I truely believe the Repubs will win back the house & maybe the senate in 2010..
  18. I do not know your personal/ finacial situation, but at some point need to decide to splurge on yourself to fill a dream. In 2008 I did the same thing, decided to fullfil a dream for a canadian whitetail hunt, cost about $3000 - It wasn't easy, but I really did the numbers, found extra income wherever possible, saved where I could & made it work. Bottom line, it won't get cheaper, there will always be a reason NOT to go. At some point, if you really want to go on a hunt, you need to commit to it find a way & make it happen. Make sure the hunt is a quality hunt. It would be sad to go on a dream hunt and have it be a bust, really talk with this guy & make sure it is something you want to spend hard earned money on .. Like I said, I do not know your personal situation, don't spend the house payment on a hunt, but 1500- 2000 isn't a giant number, there are many ways to save, make a bit extra to pay for the hunt.. Talk it over with your wife, if it works for both of you, commit to it, make a plan to pay for it....
  19. I went to a game farm over the weekend - brought home some pheasants and Chuckar breasts.. I have never had Chuckar before, Look a lot like grouse breasts - I assume I can cook them like grouse, but looking for some ideas from anyone who has ideas on how to cook them...
  20. We had a great pheasant short hair growing up. He was pretty good sized, though he did retrieve ducks, he absolutly was not a waterfowl dog.. He was very busy in a boat, and had a lot of trouble with cold water after the first couple weeks of the season..
  21. Vertical Jigging in Angola Those pictures are awesome. My oldest son is a highschool senior, next year he is planning on training with a group called YWAm (youth with a Mission) - Then going on a 4-6 month mission trip, and it sound like they wil be going to Angola..
  22. I took my son deer hunting for the first time this weekend, up in NW Minnesota. Temps were a liitle warm, but comfortable for sitting. I sat with Sam the opening moring, didn't see anything. I was going to sit with him again that evening, but he said "Dad, I know what I am doing"... So I sat a couple hunderd yards away - He shot his first deer, a doe about 3:30 - trailed her about 80 yards. Monday morning he shot his first buck, nice little 8 point - had to trail it about 250 yards. Good hear shot, he got down heard it run in the woods & went after it, I think he pushed it & it ended up going further because he was after it... Made for a hard drag!!!! It was an awesome weekend & he is hooked. I will post pictures as soon as I get them loaded..