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Everything posted by johnf

  1. johnf

    Crippie fishing

    About a week ago. They start biting here in mid winter for us and generally slow down in early to mid May.
  2. johnf

    new bowtech

    It is, however, better than the alternative.
  3. johnf

    new bowtech

    Worth it to whom? I paid $325 for a used Guardian because I think it's insane to spend $500 on a new bow. I also don't buy new cars. I buy them 2-3 years old. Some people want the latest and greatest. Wait 3 years and buy one for $500.
  4. It did seem the commentators didn't realize that the hogs were actually ahead untill about the last 45 seconds. Every time KState farted in the right direction it seemed the were about to pull ahead. After watching our defence with the new coach and watching the BCS title game, it would not suprise me to see Arkansas in the title game next year. If I remember right Arkansas scored more on AL and LSU than anyone, including each other. If we play D next year like we did at the Cotton Bowl I think we will dominate. For those who have not followed the hogs, that was not a very good offencive game for the hogs. They've announced that Knile Davis will be back. Not sure about Tyler Wilson. He has sent in paperwork for the draft and it looks like he may get an offer he can't refuse.
  5. Same thing unless I'm deer hunting, then it's whatever I happen to be carrying.
  6. Printing isn't nearly the problem as some folks would have you think. Unless they think you have a gun most people assume it's a cell phone or insulin pump, or they just don't notice at all.
  7. I wish either santorum or gingridge would throw in the towel. Either one, I don't care. With both of them in the race the vote will go to Kerry er I mean Romney. I'd like to see a real conservative in there. Romney is a freakin' talking head used car salesman d-bag.
  8. johnf

    Here we go again

    Yep. We've got 2 stations in town and apparently one didn't get the call. $3.09 and $3.35. Guess which one I filled up at.
  9. Hey isn't that a bunch of meat under that skin? I wouldn't have passed on him the first time. Congrats.
  10. You should also look at the 7mm-08. Its a very good little round with very managable recoil and makes a much larger hole than the 243. As for brands, I've got several H&R/NEF guns and they are very accurate and recoil is light. I've also shot a Rem. 700 youth gun in 243 and it was spectacular. The recoil felt like 1/2 of what it was on my NEF and the gun just feels great in your hands. I think you can upgrade to an adult stock on it. Mossberg has a Bantum gun that has an adjustible stock that can grow with the kid. Good luck in finding what you want.
  11. I've got a bianchi holster that I love. I can't remember the model, but here's a picture. It was under $30 too. Edit. Evader:[ATTACH=CONFIG]11390[/ATTACH]
  12. I've only got one pair for hunting and 3d Nikon Monarch ATB. They are great and don't break the bank. Nikon Monarch 7515 Discontinued Items - Other Items I got mine off Archerytalk for $120.
  13. Get a can of Seafoam fuel additive and put it in the tank. It will clear out anything bad in your system. Sea Foam | Motor Treatment | General Content - Motor Treatment
  14. Sterling Rope » Outdoor/Recreation » Outlet » Evolution Duetto 2-Pack"_prusik This will get you about 90 ft for $77 and $15 for 3 prussic knots. That's enough for 3 lifelines.:clap:
  15. Only problem with phone apps is that if you lose your signal you are out of luck. I've got the venture and it's great. The first time I used it after playing around in the yard for about an hour it took me staight to my stand in the dark with no moon or flashlight. I actually bumped into my stand befor I saw it using the GPS. They are awsome. I also found some free maps online with it that were better than the Garmin maps.
  16. Go to a local climbing store and get some climbing rope and prussik chord. It's not hard to make. The knot is really easy.
  17. Also interesting that Satorum only dropped below 3rd place in only 5 counties and his lowest showing was 14%.
  18. Seems interesting that Romney and Paul won the same number of counties at 17, Perry won 2 and Santorum won the remaining 63 counties. Seems like a pretty good showing.
  19. johnf

    Iraq War Ends

    All we have to do to know what's coming next is to look at the history of the region. It's even worst than Steve says here. Anyone not believing exactly like them are the enemy and have no rights to life. Why do you think we hear so much of the Suni's and the Shiets (sp?)? They have been killing each other for 1600 years because they don't agree with the others interpritation of Islam. It would be like the Methodist and Baptist killing each other over dunking or sprinkling. Blade I would encourage you to ignore everything that everyone is saying on here and read the history of that region. There you will find the truth.
  20. Could be the temp. too. Cooler air will give you a little boost. My guess is that you got some bad gas on the way home.
  21. Crazy night. I stayed up till the bitter end and am paying the price this morning. I like Santorum a lot better than Romney. One thing good about Romney winning, the winner usually doesn't get the nomination. :clap:
  22. Used to be fishing and shooting my bow. For the last 18 months or so it's been getting this thing ready to move into. I did everything but the slab the frame and the sheetrock. I started with a chainsaw and weed eater clearing the lot. We moved in the week of Thanksgiving. Went from 1500 to 2600sq feet. [ATTACH=CONFIG]11381[/ATTACH]
  23. Best "All Around" depends on where you're around. If I was going to Africa I would want something a bit bigger than an 06, but around my parts it's more than enough. My biggest gun is a 308 and it's all the gun I need. I generally hunt with a 223 or 243 though.
  24. Wow you guys jump through a lot of hoops. In Arkasnas if you're 21 and don't have a felony or domestic violence charge (of any kind) you can walk into your neighborhood gun shop slap down cash and walk out with whatever you can afford. Concealed carry licence takes a 4 hour course and proficiency test. Not a big deal, my wife passed it after shooting about 50 rounds with me the day before. With the CCL you don't even have to do the background check for the gun. We do have to fill out a transfer of firearms form. They are kept by the FFL for 7 years then destroid.