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Everything posted by johnf

  1. I killed a doe about 6 years ago with 83gr and a 240 bullet. The shot was 183 yards ranged. I got great expansion and an exit I could put my hand in. Doe went about 30 yards and dropped. I think 50 gr at 30 yards would be fine. Obviously it worked.
  2. Another vote for the 243. I've shot the youth model 700 and it was a great shooting gun. I'm a short guy and wouldn't mind having one myself. Mosberg makes a bantam modle 243 that's pretty decent. I've got the H&R 243 and the thing is a tack driver out to 350 yards. I've shot a couple of the Rossi's that Jeremie suggested and wouldn't have one. For the price difference the H&R/NEF is a lot more gun. Just make sure you get good scope/rings for it and you'll be set.
  3. I've got this sight on a gun I picked up and don't have a clue how to adjust it and can't find instructions. How the heck do I do it. AR-15/M16/M4 USGI BACKUP IRON SIGHT - Brownells [ATTACH=CONFIG]11113[/ATTACH]
  4. You have to be at an EXTREME high angle for there to be a signifcant difference either way. If you are shooting up or down hill at 40 yards line of sight your distance will be less than 40 yards. I would worry more about the angle of the arrow then the differnce in distance. Just make sure the bolt has a good trajectory through the body cavity and gets both luns and the top of the heart if possible.
  5. [h=2]Deer tracking dog training[/h] I've got a little Mt. Fiest that was given to me a couple years ago. I don't squirrel hunt and she's supposed to be gun shy so I've got no reason to train her for squirrels. After trying to give her away my wife went ballistic on me, so I guess I'll keep her. To be honest I've not really paid much attention to her since I've been working on the house. I didn't realize what a good little dog she really is. I've been taking her out to the new house lately and she stays pretty close to the house. When I'm outside she's generally right with me or within 20-30 yards. I've been thinking about training her to trail injured deer but haven't got the foggiest clue how to do it. I'm guessing I need to kill one and take her with me when I track it even if it's a short tracking job. Would that be a good place to start? Should I get deer parts or blood and make a trail with it and have her follow that, what about just some skin drug on the ground? I've never trained a dog to do anything but simple house dog tricks so I really don't have a clue. Any advice would be appreciated.
  6. johnf

    Building Trusses?

    I'm actually still on our house. We've had some problems with some (all but one) subcontractors. I'm now convinced that that the vast majority of subcontractors are lazy, stupid, lying son's o.................. :angry:
  7. johnf

    Building Trusses?

    I would just do a cut roof. You could match the pitch exactly that way with no trouble. It will be a bit more labor intensive, but it would look better in the end. Do you know how to do it?
  8. Didn't he say he wanted a conceal carry gun? Glock 27 would be better if you want a 40. We really like the Glocks at our house, a 19 and a 26. they are very reliable and easy to shoot.
  9. Glock 19 is a very nice size for carry. Not too big for concealment and very comfortable in the hand.
  10. I've got a buddy who only uses 243 and has killed over 400lb hogs with it. He said he's never had to rail more than 30-40 yards.
  11. The chances of needing to reload in a self defence situation are just about zero - .0001%. 38 has a ton more stopping power than a 380
  12. Can't beat summit for safety and comfort. The open shot is their lightest and cheapest. I use a viper and it's very comfortable.
  13. Try not to look too guilty when you walk into Walmart that first time. I always ask my wife to check to see if I'm printing. You can get a decent holster for $25 and a real crappy one for $20. Spend the extra bucks and get a good one. Buy some bigger pants if you are going to carry IWB.
  14. Summits are great and so are the lone wolfs. I'm not sure the Wolf is worth that much more. Summit is more comfortable, but not quite as light.
  15. Already have a couple shotguns that would fit that bill.
  16. I've been thinking about a SHTF gun and keep coming back the Sub-2000 to go along with my G-19. I would really like an AR-15 or AK but have no practical use for one. I hunt more with my bow anymore than anything and I've got all the hunting rifles I want, so this would just be for home defence/SHTF. What are some of the pro/cons of this gun for those of you who have them?
  17. Funny you should say that. I've got a set of quad locks on both scopes for the same reason. The idea of the one piece thing seems good to me. That's two less unions to move. I would think it would have to be more stable.
  18. I've decided to rob a scope off either my yout 223 or 243 for the 308. The 243 has a nikon pro staff 3-9X40 and the 223 has a leupold VX-II 2-7X32. The 223 shoots a little more consistantly than the 243 so I'm a little hesitant in robbing it. For a mount I can't decide if I want a one peice system like this, or this or a more traditional base with rings. What say yee?
  19. Can I lower the trigger pull on it? Feels like 5-7lbs and I like 3-3.5 on my rifles.
  20. Not really interested in the value.:bummed:
  21. My father in law passed away Friday and my MIL gave me his 742 308. It's in pretty good shape but hasn't been shot in over 30 years. Is there anything I need to do before shooting this gun? If you've got some experience with this gun any advice would be appriciated. What kind of ammo, scope and mounts would you suggest? What kind of groups can I expect out of it?