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Everything posted by RangerClay

  1. Happy Birthday Blade! Hopefully I can make it up to sling some arrows with you this summer. Wow! 12 years old, you are now free to kill some deer!!!!
  2. How do I tell which file type it is? No I don't have any editing software. Is one better than others?
  3. We will be staying to home and putting in the garden. We are having a big venison bbq tonight with lots of vino. And yes Olan, on Monday I will be remembering those to gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Every year I pull out my 1944 M1 garand, fire off few volleys, then clean it and put it away. It is my personal 21 gun salute to those who have fallen.
  4. I have a 2+ min. video recorded on my home digital camera that I want to upload and put on Facebook. Right now it's stored on an SD card. I've tried using a card reader and uploading to photobucket but it takes hours and hours to upload even with good DSL and never seems to finish. Is there a better and quicker way of doing this?
  5. I havn't pulled out the bow since November but I may get it out this weekend. I will be focusing more on getting my daughter and her Razor Edge shooting properly.
  6. RangerClay


    Ouch! I'll bet she is getting a lot of attention at school. Girls with black eyes get plenty of sympathy. My daughter just started pitching. I will probably make her wear a mask also.
  7. Welcome home!! Thanks for keeping America safe!
  8. Anything to make money :bummed: It's disgusting if you ask me. Now his weaknesses are kryponite and vasaline...
  9. Shaun I tried them when I was down in Texas. They are really good. The only problem is that you need a bunch for a meal.
  10. That is REALLY great news Tim!! I figured it would be your own show. A huge congratulations to you!!!!!:clap: Can you tell us what channel the show is on?
  11. Happy Birthday to the Realtree Cookie Queen!
  12. I had a March road kill once. We didn't like it. Very tough even for a young deer. Although I like deer heart I would be leary of parasites this time of year. Neat story Ruth.
  13. That is cool Chris! You must be doing something right. Heck if I asked most of my students they would have no clue what a superlative is.
  14. He lasted a lot longer than I would. I would have had him arrested 10 emails ago after the gas threat.
  15. I'm still hunting but with kids sports 4 days a week its tough finding time to get out. Hopefully I will get an opportunity next week. Congrats to everyone who got a bird!!
  16. That was my first thought!! Great story!! Congrats on the skunk. I'm surprised it didn't spray. Usually a shotgun blast is a surefire way for them to squirt.
  17. RangerClay

    Bird ID

    I get those all the time up here. That was an easy one. They will empty a feeder in a hurry if you give them a chance.
  18. You know I've had your back the entire time. Good for you buddy! I'm proud of you!
  19. Went out on the deck last night to take a peek, it was really bright!
  20. What he said. Clucks and soft purrs. If he starts to wander off give a half hearded gobble to let him know there is competition. Make him mad.
  21. Great bird! Congratulations!!
  22. Great story Tom!! Congratulations!!
  23. 12 days only makes the victory taste that much sweeter. Congratulations!!