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Everything posted by MUDRUNNER

  1. Re: Hunter\'s Journal - Poaching? I've seen that episode before and wondered the same thing.I thought it was called Samson's Ridge.I thought rifles were illegal for deer hunting in the whole state,no matter where you are hunting.

    Monster IL NT

    Re: Monster IL NT What a huge Illinois buck!The mass is unbelieveable! Macoupin is the next county over from me.
  3. Re: Big Spending Hunters I think I may have spent more than that last year.I bought a new bow,went to South Dakota for a five day pheasant hunt,paid for 3 deer to be processed.I outfitted my bow with new sight,rest,quiver,and had to pick up more arrows.Luckily I spaced everything out so I didn't pay for everything at once. If I didn't hunt out of state or buy a new bow,it wouldn't have been no where near that much.
  4. Re: THE GREAT COLORADO ELK HUNT It looks like any state issued hunter safety card is acceptable. It looks like the let-off rule for a bow is 80%,so I should be good there too.And if I read it right I can even use my 12 gauge slug gun during rifle season if I didn't want to buy a rifle.This sure is awefull tempting! Thanks for the info Beanman!
  5. Re: THE GREAT COLORADO ELK HUNT Man,that sure sounds like a great time!I've always wanted to do an elk hunt.I didn't know you could get non-resident tags otc.That's great.Is that for the second rifle season only? If I have my hunters education card issued by Illinois, is that enough to get a liscence,or is there some type of federal card I need? Can you tag a cow with a bull elk tag or is that for a bull only? Is this all public ground and are a.t.v.'s allowed for game removal? It sounds great,but I'm not sure what to expect.I would be happy bagging a cow.I don't have a rifle,but that might give me a reason to get one.A bow hunt would be great to. Does Colorado have a % let-off rule for archery equipment?
  6. Re: Anyone shoot a Bowtech? I've got an 04 Liberty that is a sweet shooter.I've heard good things about the Allegiance,but am afraid to shoot one,for fear I'll want to buy another new bow.
  7. Re: your Broadheads 100 Grain Crimson Talons.
  8. Re: ***It a baby GIRL******* Congrats Dartonman!That's great news!
  9. Re: 2005 in review and 2006 preview Lets see,2005 highlights: Been married for 5 years now to 1 woman. Very successfull hunting season.2 W/bow and 2 W/gun. My biggest buck to date with shotgun. My 11th year straight going to South Dakota for a pheasant hunt. 2005 Lowlights: Crappy raise. My daughter turning 2 already. Worked way to much O.T. Too many friends and family going to the E.R. 2006 Pre view: Got another property to bowhunt on.Should be nice. My daughter getting pottie trained. Cardinals winning the World Series. Getting the wife a new Tahoe. Maybee having another kid.
  10. Re: Your first deer It was a chilly November morning about 14 years ago.I was hunting in a permanant tree stand that the guys built a few years earlier.It was the second day of Illinois first shotgun season and after about 2 hours a doe walked right across the trail I used to get to the stand at about 60 yards.I was using my dads Remington 1100 with a modified barrel and took the shot.I thought I missed,but got down to look and found some blood so I took up the trail.After about 100 yards it jumped up about 10 yards from me and I finished it off.The first shot busted the shoulder,but didn't hit no vitals so she bedded down.It was a 1 1/2 old doe.I guess I would have been about 15 years old or so and it was my second year of deer hunting.
  11. Re: Hoyt - what model Depends on what your after.When I was in the market(before I bought my Bowtech Liberty )I made a list of things I wanted out of my bow.I wanted an average axle to axle(around 34"),adjusteable let off,and a decent brace height for forgiveness,and wasn't worried to much about speed.I gave the Razortech a pretty good look.
  12. Re: HUGE DEER! 12 POINTER! Wow,congrats!You sure got there pretty quick.
  13. Re: Back when you and Your friends were Single! I know what you mean Ryan.Everytime me and my buds get together we talk about the stuff we did "back in the day".It sure doesn't seem like it was that long ago.My wife is pretty understanding so she lets me go out and blow off some steam once in a while,I just don't do it every weekend like I used to.I remember the old man telling me to live it up and enjoy it while I could,and he sure knew what he was talking about. I'm not complaining though,I had my fun and now I got a great family to keep me in line.(Most of the time).

    My Introduction

    Re: My Introduction Welcome to the forums SMB!I'm sure you'll enjoy this place.

    Help please

    Re: Help please I agree with straight shooter.Make sure the bow is tuned and you knock point and rest are where they're supposed to be.A peep sight really helped me tighten up my groups.Practice makes perfect,and since you joined a club,you should get plenty of it.Good luck and welcome to the club!
  16. Re: Absolutely CRAZY !! I hear ya!I threw mine up outside after I got it and while I was trying to fold the thing up it started raining.By the time I got the thing wadded up and stuffed in the bag I was soaked.Now I lost the bag,so the thing is behind the seat of my truck.Hopefully I'll be able to leave it there till next year,cause I don't know what the heck I'll do with it if I need to get behind my seat. I agree,a video would be nice.
  17. Re: Possiible Oklahoma State Record! NICE!Cool pics Ryan!Did they have a rough score on him?
  18. Re: Must read!!!! NEED HELP I would not have a problem hunting that same spot right away.I've killed more than one deer from the same spot on the same day more than once.Even gut piles didn't seem to bother them at all.
  19. Re: Merry Christmas everyone Merry Christmas everyone!Hope you all have an enjoyable and safe holiday.
  20. Re: Its bad... Sorry to hear that Swampy.Prayers are on the way bud.
  21. Re: WOW Mind Boggling I beat it with a drill bit. It is pretty neat though.

    ever regift?

    Re: ever regift? We do it every year.Mostly just stuff for around the house that doesn't match anything we have.The wife gets about 6 or 7 baskets every year with soaps and lotions and stuff that we usually give as gifts the next year.My friends and family pretty much know if they get me anything to do with hunting that I'll keep it.
  23. Re: Who will win \'06 ROTY in NASCAR??? I think it will be between Truex Jr. and Hamlin with Truex coming out on top.I don't predict either to make the chase. These two have the most seat time in cup cars,so they ought to be the top two in the ROTY.
  24. Re: I am changing.... I here ya Swampy.I've been passing on smaller bucks for about three years now.I pretty much pass on any bucks 1 1/2 years old.That will probably change to 2 1/2 in a few years.My hunting properties are all pretty small so odds are the deer I let walk will probably get whacked,but if 2 or 3 make it to next year they'll just be that much nicer.We don't have a shortage of does,so that is my freezer meat nowadays.I think as we get older and smarter and bag our share of deer,we understand them more and get a little more patient.
  25. Re: MY 2 ILL BUCKS!! Congrats on two great Illinois bucks!Those are a couple of brutes.