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Everything posted by MUDRUNNER

  1. Re: best bow for a newbie I would check out a Bowtech Tomkat.It's a short,manueverable bow with decent speed and a forgiving 8 5/8 brace height. PSE makes some good bows.I think the Nova is a good beginners bow.My cousin has an AR34,which is made by PSE and loves it.
  2. Re: TEAM 7 Good luck this weekend fellas!I'm leaving tonight to go on a doe hunt with my muzzleloader. We're only a couple of deer away from being in the top 5,so we are still in this thing.
  3. Re: A Buck and a doe on the Pennsylvania opener(pics) That's a great buck!Congrats on the double!
  4. Re: What kind of... Tru Fire Judge.I just got it in the spring and like it a lot.It's not priced to bad and I think it will hold up pretty good.
  5. Re: One good day of archery hunting I'd call that a good day!Congrats!Those are some good looking cornfed Illinois bucks.
  6. Re: How many deer did you see? I would say around 60-80 in a full season,with about 15% being bucks.I mostly only hunt on weekends,and sometimes might not see a deer for 1 or 2 days.
  7. Re: biggest bow kill Congrats on a great buck!Sounds like a fun hunt.
  8. Re: Well im back at It! Cool,that sounds like a blast!I love to play to,just not much time anymore. It's even a checking league eh.That puts a little more spice into the game. Have fun bud!
  9. Re: Who builds their own arrows? I kinda do.I use aluminum arrows still,so I can cut them to length and put in the inserts.I use glue on nocks and Xtreme shrink fletchings,so mine are pretty simple to put together.
  10. Re: Survey Question As far as red meat,we pretty much always use veni.We will by some steaks from time to time.We haven't bought a pound of hamburger in about 5 years.With hot sticks,sausage,roasts,and burger we eat two deer a year with no problem.
  11. Re: I Taught Him Well That's a great buck!Congrats to Logan. There's been a lot of good bucks coming from Ohio.
  12. Re: Do you play with your.... I'm guilty of doing that too. Do you think it wears out any faster from messin with it so much?
  13. Re: Pics of my Iowa bow buck!!!!!!!!!! Man,that's a great buck and awesome pics!
  14. Re: Getting the Shotgun Itch! Good luck Billygoat!Sounds like a blast! How in the world did you get the wife to agree to putting "2" on the wall this year?You got to tell me your secret!
  15. Re: what broadheads you all use 100 grain Crison Talons.They fly great,and I've shot four deer with them without any problems at all.
  16. Here is the 6 pointer I got at 7:30 Thursday morning.Even though it was pretty windy,the deer seemed to be moving pretty good.He came right down the main trail about 22 yards from my stand.He was quartering away,and my arrow went in right behind the ribs and came out just behind the shoulder on the other side.I got one lung pretty good.I gave him about a half hour then got down and checked for blood,which was pretty sparse.I only found about 5 or 6 spots and started getting a little worried.I could pretty well follow his tracks on the trail since the leaves were all disturbed.I found him about 80yards from where he was hit at.He is a pretty good 6 point,but didn't have any brow tines. I would usually pass on a buck this size,but he had a pretty bad limp on his front left leg,so instead of taking a chance on the coyotes getting him and going to waste,I went ahead and took him. [image][/image] I'm done hunting for bucks for the year since he's my second one. My daughter was all smiles.She'll be 2 on Tuesday and loves camo and big bucks. I can't wait to take her hunting,it seems like she's already hooked.
  17. Re: Pat Reeve\'s Illinois giant That thing is a giant!Congrats to Pat. I wish I had the Mens Channel so I could see him bag it.
  18. Re: FIRST BOW KILL!!!! Congrats!They say the first one is always the toughest. Glad you stuck with it and found him!
  19. Re: TEAM 7 Well guys,I'm done for the year.I still have a doe tag,but filled my second buck tag Thanksgiving morning with a six pointer.I wasn't going to shoot him,but he had a bad shoulder,probably got shot last weekend during gun season. Looks like a nice buck James Vee.Good luck bagging him.
  20. Re: More Illinois Deer Pic\'s Congrats on a couple of fine Illinois bucks!
  21. Re: Finally cured my buckfever Congrats on your first buck!He's a beauty.
  22. Re: new addiction\'s 9 pointer Man,that's agreat buck!Congrats to the Lady!
  23. Re: Anyone spending thanksgiving in the woods>? I'll prolly go out Thursday and Friday mornings.They're making me work Saturday and Sunday i think I'll sleep in.(Unless the wind is right for my honey hole)
  24. Re: new world record deer???? Yea,your right INBowhunter.I missed the typical part.I was thinking non-typical for some reason.DDUHH
  25. Re: Official IL Firearm Hunting Thread Friday was a great day for our group.I killed a nice 8 pointer that was on a couple of hot does.We had 9 people in our group and filled 8 tags,with 7 of them being shot on Friday morning.One guy has been hunting for 17 years and never got a deer,he got a button buck.We took a 8, a7 and a 6 point,the rest were all does.Can't wait to go back with the muzzleloader in two weeks.