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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: I\'m back.................... awesome gator! sounds like ya had a blast, congrats on the cats!
  2. Re: Another Pic another GREAT pic! dad sure looks proud of his young lady, congrats once again!
  3. Re: My Daughters First Kill Chelsea sure looks like a happy girl! Congrats to her and dad, thats a memory that will last a lifetime!
  4. Re: Turned a spike today!!! awesome! congrats!
  5. Re: ammo i shoot either Remington or Winchester ammo out of all my shotguns: Remington 870 Wingmaster 12ga, Remington 1100 20ga, Browning Gas 2000 12ga, and Remington 812 20ga.
  6. Re: Big ol Wisconsin Tom(Picture included) dang, the pic isnt workin, i got the red x. oh well, congrats on that big bird!
  7. Re: Oneida and Lil-blonde got close....... sorry to hear that ya's didnt get a bird. oh well, still had a good time i bet! like borch said, huntin is the fun part, getting a bird is a bonus!
  8. Re: dollar menu [ QUOTE ] Guys... I worked at McDonald's for 18 months. The first 6 were fine, and I ate anything and everything there. But when they bumped me up to manager I learned how to cook the food, bring up the grills, fryers, etc. Basically, once I hit manager I learned how the place works, and since then I will only get drinks and salads there. I won't eat the fish, chicken, meat, etc. The meat is disgusting: it goes from frozen to ready-to-serve in just 40 seconds! Then it's placed in plastic UHC containers that are slid into slots to keep them warm. After 15 minutes they get pitched, but if you get a burger 14:59 after they're pulled off, you will get a burger that has sat in a quarter-inch of liquid FAT for just about 15 minutes. It's gross. Worse yet: McDonald's leads the fast food industry in food safety. The standard is set, but McDonald's blows it away with it's precautions, meat distributor, packaging, etc. BUT IT'S STILL GROSS! Ech! I choose NOT to eat at fast food joints. [/ QUOTE ] thanks for that info man, i knew McDonalds wasnt the best food to eat, i sure will second guess my next meal there, i'll go to Subway instead!
  9. Re: i won a trap shoot today. awesome! sounds like everyone in your family are pretty good shots! congrats!
  10. Re: you know that fox i was out to get? right on man! congrats on the long awaited kill!!
  11. Re: What does deer hunting mean to you? to me it means the world! i dont know what i would do without being able to hunt deer. its time to get out with my family and enjoy nature and spend quality time together
  12. Re: 3 Word Story who cared about......
  13. Re: 3 Word Story because he didnt.....
  14. Re: Sporting some new points congrats Finn! keep the posts comin man!
  15. Re: my brother would kill me congrats on the headgear PA!
  16. Re: dollar menu LOL i'd like to GAIN 34 pounds i am 6'4" and 170lbs i eat like a horse and cant gain any weight. i guess that will change once i hit 30 eh?
  17. Re: what gun? i use a Remington 700 .22-250 with a 6-18x Redfield scope.
  18. Re: new decoy never thought of that either, sounds good though!
  19. Re: dollar menu LOL i like Wendy's better than McDonalds.... my favourite from wendy's is the Spicy Chicken Combo, with a Coke.... supersized
  20. Re: 3 Word Story LOL!! until he reached......
  21. Shaun_300

    New ATV

    Re: New ATV nice lookin ride man!
  22. Re: Passing of my grandmother... oh man.... sorry to hear that Harv my condolences, thoughts and prayers sent to your family. have a safe trip to Florida.
  23. Re: Finally Shot My .223 Encore Good Shootin John! looks like ya found a keeper.
  24. Re: My 9 yearl old Daughters first animal congrats to your daughter on her first hog! great to see her interest in hunting so early!
  25. Shaun_300


    Re: ??? read the photoposting tutorial. Photo Posting Tutorial