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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Shaun_300

    God's Timing!

    Re: God\'s Timing! Congrats jeramie! i'm sure glad we have free health care in Canada. sounds like ya have it covered though! hope everything works out ok for you and your wife.
  2. Re: What a nightmare!!! wow. just goes to show you what that 14 year old thought was funny, and a joke... turned out like this... i'm sure glad your wife and young one are ok.
  3. Re: Turkey Pictures!!! awesome pics, really nice area too!
  4. Re: ColorFull Sunrise x2 awesome pics NiteRunner!
  5. Re: Well take a look at me now.... Congrats on the new set Pastor! Keep em comming bud
  6. Re: Short action magnums? I have a Browning BLR in .300 WSM, and my brother shoots the BLR chambered in .270 Win, and dad has a BLR in .308 Win, to me, i dont notice any recoil differences between the three of them. i was really surprised at the amount of recoil the WSM had, a lot less than i expected. I use to use the Remington 700 .300 Win Mag, that thing packs a good punch! a lot more than the small BLR in .300 WSM. i dont have a scope on it yet, so i dont know how accurate it is. my the look of the other guys' results, it seems to be an accurate cartridge. i think they will stick around, especially the .300, not too sure about the SAUM's.
  7. Re: The Date Has Been Set Sounds like fun, good luck and get some hogs!
  8. Re: Oh Happy Day!!!!! awesome!!
  9. Shaun_300

    My new toy!

    Re: My new toy! Congrats on the new wheels John!
  10. Re: Thanks HarvDog HarvDog is da man! and he drives an awesome truck too
  11. Shaun_300

    got my new toy

    Re: got my new toy thats sweet, Muff! the weather is supposed to be a high of 10c tomorrow! hope you can get out and have some fun on the new bike!
  12. Re: Mule Vs. Mountain Lion(pics) wow! awesome pics, it looks like the lion was dead to me as well... those dogs would be in on the battle i think, if the lion was alive
  13. Re: Tomorrows my b - day!!! hope Uncle James comes through with the 20 gauge! happy early birthday bud
  14. Re: Happy Birthday buckchaser! Happy Birthday Buckchaser!
  15. Shaun_300

    Iraqi Kids

    Re: Iraqi Kids LMBO!! wow, they sure know right from wrong eh?
  16. Shaun_300


    Re: Carp Whoa! thats a BIG carp!!
  17. Re: Easter Plans? Nothing special, i am stuck at college away from my family for the first time at easter oh well, i'll probably work on my essay, and hang out on my new forums, and hang around the tree!
  18. Shaun_300

    Bumper Dumper

    Re: Bumper Dumper LOL i guess that wouldnt be a bad thing to have when ya go back in the bush! ya could do your duty and shoot a deer at the same time... now thats skill right there it sure would beat leanin up and squatin against a tree
  19. Re: taking a shower....... THAT was the smell outside this morning! i shower everyday, i find it relaxing so sometimes twice a day. i know a few guys that dont shower very often...i tell ya.. they have a stench to them that'd knock a maggot off the poop wagon at 100 yards!!
  20. Shaun_300

    Happy Easter

    Re: Happy Easter Happy Easter Drummond
  21. Re: \"LOBOTOMY\" Pieced Together awesome pics bcboy, nice finds!
  22. Re: Late night snacks I always have a good snack right around midnite i am a late person, usually going to bed around 2:00am. so i always have my midnite meal a couple nights ago i barbequed a big steak at about 1:30am, MAN that was GOOOOD right now i am eating some Sun Chips! French Onion Flavour, their one of my favourites too.
  23. Re: HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE ! Happy Easter Everyone!!
  24. Re: A Little Project! I'd like to thank everyone that showed up, we have lots of new members, that forum sure took off today thanks again for all who signed up or came in to check it out!!
  25. Re: 870 express 28\" vs 26\" barrel I shoot an 870 Wingmaster with a 26" barrel. i have shot the 28" and the 30" barrels as my uncles all have these guns with the different barrel lengths. i defenetly like the 26" a lot better because in heavy brush or cover, if a bird flies up in front, i can shoulder the gun a lot quicker and easier than the 28". the end of the barrel is less suseptable to hitting debris on the way up. and trust me, anything that comes in contact with the front sight always gets caught up on it. I also love it when i am duck hunting. some of the places i hunt, i sit right on the cat-tails, so whenever i bring my gun up, same thing, theres less chance of it getting caught up in the brush and cat-tails. i have the 26" barrel with the full choke. and i definetly wouldnt want anything longer than a 26" barrel.