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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: MSN virus yep, i got that one... what a pain!!
  2. Re: Beautiful Weather yeah it is b-e-a-uuuuuuu-tiful here too! it was above freezing all weekend!
  3. Re: buckmasters mulie hunt didnt see that, havent saw ANY hunting shows up here because they took away the new tnn, the channel that they used to be on but that sure sounds like a pretty unethical shot to me. a lot of young hunters watch hunting shows, thats where they get some motivation and tips, that sure wouldnt be a good thing for a young or new hunter to see, and get in the habit of i dont understand why they show that kind of footage
  4. Re: A few more Adirondack photos... wow, awesome pics Ruth!
  5. Re: Rhino ...Babybuckee painted her for ya LMBO! you guys are great
  6. Shaun_300

    Hornet's nest

    Re: Hornet\'s nest awesome! thats a good sized nest!
  7. Re: IT\"S OVER thats awesome man! hope you have fun, and catch some big ones! oh, dont forget to have fun eh
  8. Re: Soon! holy jeepers Palssonator... that sure was a successful hunt!! what did it take ya... 3 days to clean them?? yup here too, you should see it in the spring on the Mississippi River, when you cross the bridge on the trans canada highway going into Ottawa, you can hardly see any water there is so many geese
  9. Re: Happy Bithday NS Whitetail...... Happy Birthday Lewis! hope ya have a good one!
  10. Re: Friday joke LMAO! that is hilarious
  11. Re: Congratulations JB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! awesome hog JB!! congrats man!
  12. Re: Still Undecided! i use a .22-250, and if i were to buy another one, it would be a .22-250. you can drive tacks with it, and it is good out to some pretty long ranges!
  13. Re: Boar & Sow dang, those things are big! thats a lotta bacon!
  14. Re: Not a shed but..... thats cool!! always is cool finding stuff like that!
  15. Re: Found a shed in our backyard this morning! i bet the cat got extra cat nip this morning for finding it eh! thats cool to have deer in your back yard!
  16. Re: Dead Kansas Buck... wow, what an awesome find, that sure is one HECK of a buck!
  17. Re: dead buck skull awesome find Mike!
  18. Re: Bittersweet Find!!!! wow, that sure sounds like a nice buck. that would have had to be a MONSTER to bust that off!
  19. Re: deer guns shot my deer with the Remington 700 .300 Win Mag, but i bought a Browning BLR .300 WSM in december... after the season... hopefully get some bangin in this season with it
  20. Re: 2004, 105\" Iowa deer awesome lookin bucks!
  21. Re: 10 year old\'s 10 pt. Buck congrats to Jake on an awesome buck! way to go buddy, keep em comin! i bet dad is one proud father
  22. Shaun_300

    I'd donate:

    Re: I\'d donate: LMBO! they sure must be poor if they are beggin for that stuff eh
  23. Re: Tominator on the red carpet..... LOL thats funny right there ....better cover up a bit Chris!!
  24. Re: Photo of my horse awesome lookin horse TG!!
  25. Re: Nobody\'s Safe (Baby Ohiobucks) LMBO! good one!!