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Everything posted by Squirrelhunter91

  1. Time for a resurrection.... How's everyones deer season going?
  2. I feel like I’m good for one of these posts every few years. I keep up with some of the old timers from this board on Facebook. So who’s left from the glory days of this board because it seems pretty dead right now
  3. I'm around!!! Weekend plans.. well.. I've got 30" of snow out there from the Noreaster we got on Wednesday so my usual March shed hunting is out. Likely gonna just hang out around the house and watch some spring training baseball!
  4. Yikes.. I couldn't imagine a year without bow season. Get better soon! And kill those hogs!!!!
  5. LMAO... Glad I got a reply so quickly.. I haven't been on in a few months but damn this post was too easy to find. 3rd page????
  6. Bumpus Maximus..... what's everyone up to? Fishing? Working to secure that valuable November time off? Scouting? Check in yall
  7. Picked up my Carbon Defiant 31 yesterday!! Took 8 weeks to get it into the shop but now I have it. It shoots like an absolute dream. Perfect bullet holes through paper. Its about 25 degrees outside right now with 30mph winds otherwise I'd be out there tuning. Maybe this weekend.
  8. Hey all.. I settled on a Hoyt Carbon Defiant 31.. Felt great in the hand and the draw cycle was incredibly smooth. My girlfriend ordered her first real bow too. She went with the Mathews Avail - their 2017 womens bow. She really liked the way the grip felt and the draw cycle was pretty smooth too. That was 3 weeks ago this weekend. Hoping they come in this week or next. We were told 3-4 weeks so that should be about right.
  9. Man I see my post brought some more familiar faces out of the wood work. Happy to see everyone still around.
  10. Ruth I'm headed to shoot the new Hoyts next Saturday. Carbon Defiant is on my list. I'm somewhat torn though between the Carbon Defiant and the Carbon Defiant Turbo. The Carbon Defiant falls into the category of specs I like at 31" and 7" brace height. I've never cared much for speed bows but I also never owned one. But my issue is being I have a 26" draw I fall into a #1 cam on both models. On the Carbon Defiant Turbo I fall right into a #1 cam but I read somewhere that the Turbo model is a 5.5" brace with a #1 cam. That's a small brace and not very forgiving. I'll likely end up with a Carbon Defiant but I've gotta shoot them both!!!
  11. I'm buying a new bow this year. Already sold my Hoyt CRX32 so now I have to. Going to shoot the new ones next weekend I believe.
  12. Happy to see some familiar faces!!! Some of you I've kept in touch with via Facebook but I'm glad to see this place is still alive. I saw that the Moron Thread was brought back up. That's hysterical. I remember when that first got going. Hard to believe its been so long since I got started with a blue poncho and two grey squirrels.
  13. After some prodding from other old time members *cough* VermontHunter *cough*... I'm back. Somewhat anyway.. Who's still around from years ago?
  14. Unfortunately NY actually has a season on those stupid coyotes. I'd love to reach out and blast one with some hevi shot or an arrow but it's just no worth it if the law dog is waiting for ya when you get to the truck. Two more days of work and vacation is official. Going off the grid and into turkey killer mode.
  15. No luck here yet. Between trespassers and coyotes, I'm beside myself. Only thing keeping me going is the vacation I have the 17th-26th.
  16. Alright! We're on the board. 2 weeks from today I'll be in the woods. Woooo! April 26th and 27th is the youth hunt. I'll be out with a local kid upstate trying to get him his first bird. Also getting some scouting done that weekend too.
  17. Nothing to report from Texas y'all. Very strange weather while I was there and critters didn't cooperate. NY opens May 1st though. I'll be out there then. Took the first 4 days of the season off plus I have an 11 day vacation later in the month. Get r done.
  18. Did some shed hunting on a property I bowhunt for deer and turkeys today. Found a really nice matched set of a 3.5 year old buck we'd passed several times during the season. Glad to see he made it through the harsh winter. Also bumped lots of turkeys today. Saw 5 toms and 6 hens scattered throughout the property. Gobblers heads were all red too. Almost a month away!
  19. On my way home yesterday afternoon from work, there were two toms strutting for 3 hens on the side of the highway. A great sign. The rain broke in the evening and I went back to that roost with a buddy of mine who is totally new to turkey hunting. Hit the call a few times and a bird hammered back. We messed with him for about a half hour then backed out. Leaving for Texas in 6 days. Hope to add a Rio to my list.
  20. Team name doesn't matter to me! I'm in NY.. Our season opens May 1st but I'm going to Texas April 4-8th for hogs, axis deer and Rio Grande turkeys. I'm pretty pumped up for my trip out west.
  21. Congrats! I'm very jealous. April 2nd I'll be in Texas for Rio's then May 1st back here in NY for Easterns!
  22. Went to a known roost location a few miles from my house. Hit the call and had a bird gobble a few times. I didn't mess with him too much but he gobbled about 5 or 6 times then I backed out of there. He's in a non huntable location but I enjoy messing with them every year and I don't let them get call shy. I knew I'd get a few gobbles out of them considering it was 60 degrees today. So pumped. May 1st can't get here soon enough.