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Everything posted by Squirrelhunter91

  1. Thanks everyone. William... no this buck is from a property a few towns over. It's still a suburban Rockland County buck though. He was the big boy on that tract this year. It always has one shooter every year and I manged to stick him in October.
  2. It sure was fun y'all. Good luck to those of ya that make it out for Spring Turkey!
  3. Wow I'm really feeling the love here. I'm going to choose to sit out on the voting. Wouldn't seem right for me to vote for myself. Keep up the smack talk! Gotta hit em where it Hoyts!
  4. Winter has been horrible this year. We've had a few weeks of sub zero temps here.. It normally doesn't get that cold this far downstate in NY. I've been out stomping the woods looking for sheds.. Only came up with one so far. Been jumping the same group of bucks at one spot that still have both sides. Haven't come across any winter kills yet but I'm sure my land upstate has some. Going up there coyote hunting on Sunday.
  5. Anyone still hunting or are yall done?
  6. I don't own one. My buddy has one and he took it out the one day he gun hunted this year with me. He shot a doe at 30 yards on a drive. I'm not sure what weight bullets or brand he was shooting but I can find out. It blew a really good exit hole through her. Incredible expansion at such a short range. I have pics of unskinned exit and skinned exit with daylight straight through to entrance if you guys wanna see. I was impressed with the round.
  7. Deer closed where I hunt on the 17th. Westchester is still open til New Years Eve but tomorrows my last day to even consider going over there and it's supposed to pour tomorrow so that's out. Ducks & geese aren't though! That's prime weather for waterfowling!
  8. That's awesome. We got nailed with a foot of snow yesterday here. I was thinking about going out for waterfowl myself but the plow was nice enough to put a 3 foot bank in front of my truck last night.. No way did I have enough time to dig myself out and get a decoy spread layed out before the ducks started flying. Oh well.
  9. Congrats on that buck! Mach1.... were you guys effected by that EHD last year in the midwest? I hear its been a terrible year out there. We had it here 2 years ago but it only effected a very small area considering the size of our state. It was like a 100 square miles. The population is rebounding here though.
  10. Awesome. Congrats on the doe. I'm done for buck hunting here. I have two doe tags left and will have another antlerless tag when I go buy my muzzleloader tag tomorrow. This is the last weekend of our regular season. Muzzleloader opens Monday morning. I have to work tomorrow then I'm headed upstate with a friend who also has a doe tag for the WMU our land is in. Between our untouched land and all the land we usually do drives on, there's gotta be a pair of does out there just asking to catch a slug. We're getting rained on here where I live but the property upstate is getting 2-4" of snow tonight. Wish I was there to hunt tomorrow. The deer will be headed for the apple orchard no doubt about it. Good luck to all who make it out this weekend.
  11. Haha thanks Mike. Hard to believe its almost 10 years already.
  12. Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone!
  13. I'll be duck hunting tomorrow morning then headed back upstate to our property through Monday to try and fill my highly coveted doe tag for that area.
  14. Hey all I've been away for a week or so upstate deer hunting. Had friends from Texas, North Carolina and Georgia here in the state for the week to do some deer hunting. Opening day of our gun season was this past Saturday. It's been slow all week until yesterday morning. My dad and I doubled up on bucks. I shot a broken G3 7pt and he shot a basket rack 6pt. I shot mine around 7:10am and he shot his around 8:30am. We were hunting in Broome County, NY in my friends hometown. The friend from Georgia. Everyone was there though.
  15. Our gun opener is 1 week from today. I'm off the 15th through the 25th of this month. I'll be hunting 3 different counties that week and should be able to connect on something. I can't wait! The weather here looks horrible tomorrow as far as deer is concerned. 30mph wind gusts is not conducive to sitting in a tree. I'm planning on going goose hunting. The geese should work into a spread quite nicely with that type of weather. Good luck everyone.
  16. Got my buck entered guys. We're up by 16 points and it isn't even gun season yet. YeeYee!
  17. How about putting 13 more points on the board for Team #3???
  18. Almost wish I didn't shoot my buck so early! I'm tagged out for bow season except for transferred doe tags and the weather is getting perfectly cold just in time for the pre rut to kick into gear. Bittersweet feeling.
  19. Couldn't get that pic posted from my phone but it definitely just worked.
  20. Congrats for whacking and stacking fellas! I have some good news from my corner as well. I hammered a big 8 point yesterday morning. Definitely my biggest buck yet. We green scored him at 117" even last night. And he only had 2" worth of deductions. A very symmetrical deer. I'm on my phone at work now so I'll post a pic later but he was a true brute. He came in to the rattle while bumping a doe. He was facing me stomping his hoof scanning the woods for the bucks he just heard fighting. He turned and put his head down in sneak position and let out a grunt while lunging for his doe. I bleated and stopped him broadside at 21 yards in the only window i had to shoot. Thwack! He took off uphill and only made it about 80 yards. Rage Hypodermic put a whooping on his lungs. Tagged out til rifle season unless I get a doe tag transferred to me. Which shouldn't be a big deal.
  21. And I'm about as frustrated as it gets with this new photobucket and my computer. Trying to figure out how to edit the photo to block out info on my tag. Paint program. Check. Photobucket won't import a picture from Paint. Argh.
  22. Hey all. I'll be back in a tree tomorrow afternoon and all day Sunday. The weather is finally starting to come around here and they're calling for lows in the 30's next week! I can't wait to see the pre rut crank up. At this one spot I hunt there's a 3 year old 7 point that has made himself highly visible during daylight. He'll go about 120" but there's also a split brow 9 point on the same land that will push 140". Every time that 7 steps out he makes it difficult not to shoot him. Duck hunted with a friend of mine yesterday at a swamp no one else hunts. It's a private piece of land that encompasses an old rail road bed and an apple orchard on either side of the swamp. The land owner is a traditional bow hunter my dad and I have become good friends with over the past few years. He has given me permission to do whatever I want on his land whenever I want. What a guy. Anyway, me and a buddy of mine went in there yesterday morning and we each shot our limit of wood ducks. Awesome fast paced action. We were limited out for woodies at 7:00am. We sat til 10 hoping some mallards would come over but nope. Not one mallard. Just a bunch more flocks of woodies. Will get my doe entered in a few minutes. Good luck to those of you making it out this weekend.