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Everything posted by Squirrelhunter91

  1. Birds are on fire here in Rockland County. Came across a tom strutting for a hen in the woods 40 yards off the road. Real easy to pick out that tail fan when passing by. Birds have been gobbling here for well over a month now but I think the action is just heating up. Youth Hunt is this weekend. I'm taking my little brother out. Hopefully we can 3 peat! If he connects, this would be the 3rd Youth Hunt in a row that he got a bird on. Plus I can get a lot of my scouting done this weekend! Good luck!
  2. What's with the like stuff on each and every post now? Many sites, now including this one that I frequent have seem to jumped on the bandwagon Facebook started with the "Like" button.
  3. I'll be out this year with my all black Hoyt CRX32. Can't wait to put an FMJ through a thunder chicken.
  4. I agree with Ruth. Camera is a must and making her part of the hunt besides pulling the trigger always helps. I took my girlfriend hunting last year and she loved it. Had her out in 2009 and she enjoyed herself. Took her hunter ed classes that year then had her in the field with a gun in her hand on May 1st. She ended up missing a jake about half way through the season and beat herself up over it but she got back in the saddle and chalked it up to experience. We almost doubled too. I dumped a jake at 35 yards and she took the closer one but her nerves got the best of her. She pulled the shot as she squeezed the trigger. Make sure she's comfortable with whatever weapon she decides to go with. Good luck and have fun!
  5. Amen Joe. I'm 19 now and had to wait til I was 14, but I know what it was like having to wait. Never understood why I could bowhunt small game at 12 or 13 but not deer or bear. Even though my youngest brother is 14 now, it is still our responsibility to preserve and better our heritage for generations to come. I'll be sending my letter in for sure. It's about time New York.
  6. Ruth, I think the womens specific bows just have easier cams to shoot. Draw cycle should be smoother, more forgiving with creep and shorter draw lengths obviously. I dropped down to a 26" draw on my CRX32 and I couldn't be happier.
  7. I tried an HHA sight out for about a week and that was it. I didn't like the potential of having to adjust the sight as the deer were coming in. I never tried a fixed single pin sight though like the Trophy Ridge line or Tru Glo line. But Ruth, if you have the money, definitely look into the Spot Hogg sights. I had a Spot Hogg Real Deal on my DXT, and I just put another Real Deal on my CRX. It's super bright, especially with the Hogg Wrap and with .019 pins, they really don't clutter the sight housing.
  8. I am selling a 2008 Bowtech Tribute for a friend of mine. It is loaded and will be sold as a package. 2008 Bowtech Tribute 28"/70# HHA Single Pin Sight (adjustable) QAD Ultra Rest Fuse Stabilizer (not sure which one, its very short, maybe 3") Bohning Archery 4 Arrow Quiver Camo is Mossy Oak Obsession. Will post pics if requested. Asking for $650 shipped TYD, price is negotiable. Will ship to lower 48 only.
  9. Oh yea Martin.. well if we win this deer contest, I won back to back years. lol
  10. I've found breathing slowly calms me down. Most of the time I'm composed and on autopilot before and during the shot. After is a different story. I usually melt. But if I do find a deer taking its time coming in and torturing me, I control my breathing. In through my nose and out through my mouth.
  11. jcot.. Food source, food source, food source, food source!
  12. I've tried a bunch of different broadheads over the years (Muzzy 75gr & 100gr 3 blade, G5 Strikers & Montecs, NAP Spitfire, Scorpion, Bloodrunner, etc) However, I've shot 100gr Slick Trick Magnums for the last 5 seasons and have taken over a dozen deer with them in that time frame. That being said, I have found them to be extremely deadly. They are better than razor sharp out of the package. If that's even possible Their low profile design allows them to penetrate easier than other designs and the blood trails are absolutely phenomenal. I haven't had a deer go over 40 yards after a Slick Trick zipped through it. A lot of that has to do with shot placement as well but the head is what does the actual damage. The cutting diameter is small ( 1 1/8" ) but it gets the job done. The small cutting diameter however did cost me a dandy gobbler last Spring but lesson learned, wide mechanicals for turkeys. The entrance and exit holes are great too. They literally look like shotgun slug holes and the deer don't go far. I do experiment each year and try a new broadhead out each year. For 2010, I tried the NAP Blood Runner 3 blades. Will never waste my money on them again. For whatever reason, I keep coming back to Slick Trick Mags. Can't beat their efficiency and their price is reasonable too, only $26 for 3 heads. And if they keep producing results like this: I'll continue to be a loyal Slick Trick customer.
  13. Season closed here on Dec 21st. I still have a nuisance permit I can hunt on at this one spot but I haven't been there since September.
  14. I'm selling my DXT and I have an all black 2011 Hoyt CRX 32 on order.
  15. Ruth... I love that hoodie lol It's pretty warm and comfortable.. And yea thats my 08 Mathews DXT.. It's been good to me. In 3 seasons, we've killed 13 deer together and countless groundhogs & squirrels. I'm in the market for a new bow myself and I'm probably going to part with this one.
  16. Gotta give credit where credit is due. 11/11/10 doe smoked with a 100gr Slick Trick Mag. Here's a complete recap of my season: http://www.realtree.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1248701#post1248701
  17. Hey folks.. I know I've been a ghost on these forums the last few months and I wanna apologize. Things have been crazy and have finally settled down just in time for the holidays. I had a great deer season. In total I killed 6 deer. All with my bow. I was lucky enough to find time to get out in the woods and fill all of my tags. Please forgive me for the picture quality but my camera broke and most of these are cell phone pics. I killed my first deer of 2010 in a spot I had never hunted before other than a walk with my bow in 2009. Its a huge 30 acre field that my buddys family owns. Doe #1 - 10/18/10 My next deer, also a doe, came 5 days later while hunting with a family friend in the next town over. I had never hunted here before and he wanted to get in the stand around noon. He sent me in a general direction and told me where to expect the deer to come from. I had come across an old dilapidated wooden ground blind and figured that it must be a good spot if someone else thought so as well. I had set my climber up on the straightest tree I could find downwind of a small swamp thicket. But right before I climbed up I had trimmed a few green limbs off a semi up rooted tree because they would block my shot at a main trail. Well to make a long story short, a doe and a fawn had come out of the swamp around 5:15pm and the doe fed her way right in to feast on the green limbs I had just cut hours before. She was practically underneath me at a mere 8 yards. She looked up and made me but it was too late. I hit full draw as she jumped 5 yards and stopped. She was hard quartering but I aimed for the exit and the Goldtip zipped right through her with ease, exiting out her lower brisket. She went 30 yards and piled up into an old fence. My next deer came on 10/31/10, Halloween. Not much of a story to this one. I was in my favorite tree and she had come by with 2 button bucks. And well, I've read articles saying does will run off button bucks when they come into estrus and with another doe tag in my pocket and the rut not more than a week away, when she came by at 18 yards, I gave it to her too. She went about 60 yards before piling up in a ravine. She was a big old girl, dressed 125lbs My next deer, also another doe came on 11/11/10. This one I shot out of the same tree as the Halloween doe. I let her feed for 45 minutes with the two orphaned button bucks and she didnt have a boyfriend. So I had a fourth dmp on me and she bit the dust too at 42 yards. I shot her with a 3 blade NAP Bloodrunner. What a terrible name for this broadhead. I mean, yes, she piled up within sight but the blood trail was minimal, even with a perfect double lung hit. So now comes 11/14/10. The last day of my weeks vacation from work. I was back to hunting at my friends property in the field and before I went out, his dad had asked me to take another doe if I got the chance and I obliged. So as it happened, about 30min before dark, a young doe had fed her way in to exactly 61 yards. She was perfectly broadside and absolutely relaxed. I don't reccommend shooting this far with a bow unless you are absolutely confident in your equipment. I have the utmost confidence in my equipment. I practice each year out to 70 yards and can keep 3 arrows in a 4" circle and 70 yards. So I knew I could make the shot. I hit full draw and let her fly. The flight of the arrow was so beautiful as it arched up real high and look as if it was going to go over her back and then zipped straight through her lungs. I didn't see her go down because of the high grass so I let her lay overnight and returned the next morning to find out she only went 50 yards. So now this brings us to my last deer of 2010. 11/25/10, Thanksgiving and my 19th birthday. This day found me in my favorite tree that I had already taken 2 does out of this season. I got in my perch about an hour before daylight and sat tight. Daylight came and I saw a nice 8pt running around 3 does. He was grunting and chasing but never coming near me for a shot. He ended up walking off with the 3 does and after I watched them walk away, I looked over at the two button bucks I had orphaned earlier who were now bedded down 25 yards to my left. I sat tight and about 45min later, when the buttons had fallen asleep, a small but very cool looking four point had come by and jumped them from their beds as if they were does. He was basically a very heavy spike with browtines. I had him at 30 yards quartering away and was at full draw when my phone started buzzing. I let down and picked up the call. It was my friends stepdad tellin me he had just smoked a nice 6 point. 15min into the phone call and I looked up to see the 8 point that was with the does was working scrapes on the hill about 100 yards out and was more importantly, alone. I told Mike I'd call him back and he certainly understood. So I watched the buck work a scrape for about 5 seconds before I threw a grunt at him. Nothing. Grunted again. Nothing. Snort wheeze. He looks my way. I give him another grunt and man did he turn and come running down the hill! He stopped facing me at 40 yards looking around. I had ditched my grunt tube at this point and grabbed my bow. When he stopped, I was at full draw and waiting for him to turn. From a dead stop, he started walking toward me with his ears back, hair standing up and stiff legged. He was slightly quartering toward me but I stopped him with a loud "MEH!" at 31 yards and the Slick Trick tipped GoldTip buried itself right behind his right front leg. He ran 20 yards uphill, tipped over and rolled another 10 back down the hill. He was down for the count. I couldn't sit still I was so jacked up. I had to stay up in the tree for 15 minutes just to calm down. I couldn't speak when I called Mike back. He's not my biggest buck but I'm dang proud of him. No other deer that I've killed put on a show like that. He turned out to be a solid 3.5 year old 8pt probably in the 80" range. I love how symmetrical his rack is. Hope you folks enjoyed reading about my season as much as I enjoyed creating these memories. Thanks for reading.
  18. Hey everyone I have some good news. Even though I never entered one of my 5 does, I smoked a nice 3.5 year old 8 point yesterday morning for my birthday buck! 13 points for us!
  19. Sweet buck Mike!!! Hey all.. would you believe I thumped another doe yesterday morning?
  20. Congrats mike! Team.. I lost a great 8pt yesterday morning. Coudn't find him. No arrow. No blood. No recovery. Looked for 3 hours and came up with nothing. I think I got him right through no mans land.
  21. Hey team, I drilled another doe yesterday evening. It's no points for us but more meat for me!! LOL