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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Make sure she is warm, if they are not comfortable they won't be able to sit. Hope you guys have a great time and hunt safe. Good Luck.
  2. Have a pro stop in once in a while and give tips. Get/give discounts to certain outdoor suppliers. Room to post pics and stories. Monthly giveaways. Joke rooms. Youth room. Female room. Good luck on our start up. Hope it takes off.
  3. Congrats on finding the ole molly! We all aim for the heart and lungs...but liver shots work good too . Glad you got her . I guess the new bow is broken in now huh Tim?
  4. The season is young Ruth...plenty of time left. Deer are getting more active and the pre chase phase seems to be underway down here.
  5. Good Luck Tim. Hope you find her. Look by water.
  6. Oh is it gonna be so beautiful . Sweet progress, looking great William.
  7. Adjam5


    What a pleasant surprise . Looks like it has only one antler, unless the angle is wrong.
  8. Nice job Dance...Thanks for getting another drunk off the road...just be careful out there. Please? Way too many wackos that have no regard for others.
  9. Adjam5


    Nice vacation dates...Prime deer hunting :clap:. Have fun and wack a big one!
  10. That is one unique vehicle. A lot of time went into that one.
  11. This is the field next to our hunting camp/country house. My view out the kitchen window.
  12. Very nice Griz. Good luck with it. It looks like there is more than enough room for 2 people and gear. I would throw a few black, brown and green crooked lines all over that blind. Just to try and break up the outline a bit.
  13. Yes...that color phase squirrel is very cool. You don't see many black ones. If I'd have shot a black one..he would get mounted.
  14. Thanks everyone. It is cold here now...the low 40's. Tink...I promise I will be down in Texas, Kerrville area again very soon and I will get those lights up for ya . I am still smilin' from my last visit with you:clown:. You Da man. Thanks for having me.
  15. Looking forward to the show WHEN they air it.
  16. I had no idea what to expect when I read this post topic. That is a interesting take on what the 2nd Amendment and what the VT constitution means to Rep. Maslack. It is enough to make any liberal puke up their tofu burger:clown:. If this passes, VT could be on the short list for retirement destinations. Good Luck Vermont.
  17. Welcome to the forums and thank you for your service.
  18. I'd have to agree Ruth...that would be a pretty unnerving set of circumstances for me. Glad you hung in there, got out of the hole and went hunting. Hope Andy gets to feeling better soon.
  19. Good Luck Tink! Have a safe hunt!
  20. Adjam5

    quading in mud

    My 03 Kodiak 400. It is a beast. I do so much with this machine it is incredible. A real work horse and fun to ride too. The new tires I got a few months ago really grab well. My oldest son Joe on top of Columbia Mtn in NY's Catskills a few years ago.
  21. You have to spend some time with Tink to actually see what a HOOT he actually is.... I was fortunate enough to spend a day with the MAN last Febuary and laughed my butt off. I also learned a few things to about generosity and compassion. Tink does soo much for our soldiers that is never even written about or talked about. He may a bit bit boisterous about hunting and his products...but when it comes to doing things for others...he is quite humble and caring;). Your a good man Tink. May God Bless ya.
  22. Incredible deer if it all is true. What a giant!
  23. That it very cool Chris...Teachers are a BIG part of who we all are...Rock on Mr Pileski;).
  24. Way cool to see that and have it end successfully also. Thanks for sharing that.
  25. Oh Mike... it is my piece of NY paradise...My uncle bought these 60 acres back in 1968 for 6 grand. The happiness that 6 G's has bought has been immeasurable. I was up there a few days this week, This is what I woke to this morning. How fast things changes huh?