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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Wow...glad the girls are OK. It could have been incredibly worse. The Insurance co will come around. If she was not moving and was hit while she was stopped, it should be a no brainer. See if they can get you a loaner car while yours is being repaired or situation resolved. I have been hit from the back and I know the BS that goes on. If it is too much... get a lawyer. Good Luck with it all.
  2. Adjam5

    Busy is....

    Take it while you can Kyle... Just make sure you take care of yourself and don't run yourself down. You are no good sick. Work safe.
  3. Good luck with the trade Mike. Those King Ranch trucks are done up so very nice with all the leather trim. I love them. Enjoy the Cowboy Cadillac:clown:
  4. Adjam5


    Happy Birthday Mike. Hope there is another 56 years in there somewhere .
  5. SWEET buck Canuck! Congrats on that nice dark horned beast. Congrats on the does Straight! Good Luck everyone going out, hunt safe.
  6. The live hunt updates are always cool Tim:cool:. Looking forward to them.
  7. Yeah Steve...what is up with being attacked all the time? How big is that beard of yours? Could you have been considered a color phase mate in the bear eyes?:clown: Don't sweat the loss Steve, anyone who has bowhunted has been down the road your on. When the woods get a bit more open, I bet you'll find it. Keep swinging kid:D
  8. I'd have to agree Dan...that was a bad experience for anyone, let alone for one of our wives. But even with all still need to find the funnel that leads from the bedding area to those crop fields. Shouldn't they be cutting the corn soon? Good Luck hanging the other stands. archery season looks to be a wash for me . I have a torn ACL on my left knee(hurt it at work) and most likely will have reconstruction surgery the 1st week in October. I have made it before to my ground blind during gun season in crutches and dag nab it...I will have to do it again. I kept asking the Dr about mid November and where I would be healing wise. Doc says what is up with Nov? Most worry about the holidays your worried about mid November. is firearms season on deer and I can't bowhunt with this knee...thats why:D. Hes like... Ohhh...I understand. Die hard hunter huh? I will give it my all team. This weekend my sons and I will be making sure all our guns are sighted in and we have one more stand to hang and trim a few lanes. I got a cool 2 stroke 12' pole saw to help with that .
  9. Welcome to the forums:). Use loc tite(thread locker) on the scope base , but do not use it on the scope rings. Make sure you use the proper screw really makes a difference. You cannot use a standard screw driver, the pitch is different and you will flare the ends of the screw slots. You can take off the top scope cap(elevation) and place a small level (key ring size) on the flat of where the elevation cap was to level the cross hairs and set the eye relief. Start close as William said, and work backwards making adjustments. With the price of some slugs today, if you spend $20 getting the scope mounted and boresighted it will be worth it. Good Luck.
  10. I learned something. Never knew about warbles. If you don't eat it save it for trapping bait .
  11. I get 2-3 weeks out of a charge from the external battery of our stealth cam STC-AD3. I will never go back to individual batteries again.
  12. A deer gut pile has always been a good place for predators to show up. Bait without baiting .
  13. Adjam5


    That is great to see young hunters, especially women being successful in the outdoors:). Weird though...they require the kill to be with a crossbow or harpoon. I would have went with the harpoon. ARRRRGGGH! Matey.:clown:
  14. Hey is some progress. The wood is there. It does make it frustrating to have all the materials present, and not be able to move on any of it. What job is built on time and within budget? I hope it all comes together soon for you guys.
  15. I know you are doing the best you can. Hang in there and continue to be there and love her. But do not forget about you. You have to take care of yourself too. Prayers headed yours and your wifes way Muff.
  16. However it scores Dakota...that is a good goat:). Congrats. No scorecard for memories .
  17. Hang in there gets better and NOTHING lasts forever. This place is like family no doubt... and after I talk to the immediate family..I head online to talk to my Realtree family . This is a great place and the epitome of Family, Friends and the Outdoors:). Thanks Mr. Jordan. I feel the need to hug someone right now...but I am fighting it off. Whew...close one. I think I'll grab the wife. It is a strong feeling:clown:.
  18. Hope you find that bad boy Steve... Looking forward to the pics. Amazing that bear got soo close. Maybe the bear wanted visual confirmation of Buckees knife on his belt, and payed no attention to the sharp sticks on his bow:clown: Congrats Pal
  19. Good tip Chris about quoting the text and reading it like that . Thanks. I didn't mean to open up a can of worms. Thought it was something simple to fix.
  20. Tex, I could only imagine what this buck would be if we here in NYS; would be able to supplement the deers diet by feeding and offering minerals. We would have monsters. This buck is 200lbs on the hoof(look at his gut and brisket), most likely will be in the 160's field dressed. So he might be eating good, but not what is good for antler growth. This year we had a good crop of acorns and a bunch of good antlered bucks too. My son wants this deer BAD.
  21. That dang ad that rolls down and covers the first post of the page on the right? This has been a ROYAL PITA for quite some time and I was wondering if it can be fixed or altered so one could read the entire story without guessing what is covered by that ad? Everyone know what I am talking about? Does this bother anyone else?
  22. Sweet looking bruin! Congrats to your bro and all involved:)
  23. Do not belittle your kill by saying it was ONLY a calf. If you are happy with it, that is all that matters. It was legal right? Every harvest is a trophy in my eyes. You did everything right to make the kill happen. How many hunt and go home without an animal? Many. Congrats on your Elk and enjoy that OH so tender meat . Very cool for getting the family out there to share the moment.
  24. I have 3 Mossbergs in my safe and never had a problem with any of them. Two 835's in .12ga and one 500 in .20 ga. 1000's of rounds through each of them. They are entry level shotguns and economy priced also. There is a little to want in the rattle dept. Cause they do rattle a bit on the forearm. My son Joe put a rifled slug barrel with a cantilevered scope mount on his 500 for deer, and it is quite accurate with Brenneke slugs.