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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. The remaining brass is free to anyone wishing to pay the shipping on it. How is that for a deal?
  2. Adjam5

    elk rescue

    Wow I was on the edge of my seat watching that:eek:. What a great job those guys did! That is the part the animal rights people have soo wrong about hunters not caring and just looking to kill. Couldn't be any farther from the truth. Thanks for sharing that.
  3. Adjam5

    My Buddy.........

    My condolences. A prayer for him and his family.
  4. I think I saw that Gar mounted on the wall of his library when I visited with Tink the man... the legend earlier this month. I was in such awe taking the 50cent tour around his home I felt like I was in a museum...I was;). Yeah I'd say it was well over 8'!
  5. That is funny:D. I'd say Yup...your doing a GREAT job for sure;)
  6. Those smiles are priceless on those kids Joe. Looks like a job well done and a successful tourney;).
  7. Close one huh? Could have been a lot worse. Glad you didn't get Hoyt:D...But wait you did. Sorry I just had to:p
  8. Adjam5

    Feel the love!!!

    A great place for sure;).
  9. I guess there can be cool teachers:cool:... occasionally:p. Cool parents also;)
  10. A cool rifle at the right price...IF you win:D Who knows who will win?
  11. My apologies Jorden. There are some pot stirrers and sometimes you just never know where certain so called "sportsmen" stand. Sorry.
  12. Soak in Muggs that YOUR president and vice president took money from these idiots and they have a 100% rating from PETA and HSUS on animal rights issues. Why is that? How do you like them apples? You find the PETA ad offensive, but you are part of the machine by enabling the people who give them validity. What else do I need to know?, Wow! You are a pompous Obamite. Why don't you educate me in what a assault weapon/machine gun/semi auto is...funny we that posted to that thread never heard back from you on that issue. Yah...I thought so;)
  13. So I passed the NICS check and I own "military styled" guns. Now that I passed the NICS, I should be able to own explosive devices and machine guns ...right? Your words...not mine. The ban will do just that, BAN them and not offer a grandfather clause. What does the Govt have to fear from a law abiding citizen? Courses that teach gun control!...spoken like a true democrat. Gun control is hitting your target. I don't know where you live, but I didn't need a course to tell me that certain items are dangerous. My parents did that early on. Most hunters had to go through a hunter ed course that taught gun safety and the 2nd amendment is NOT about hunting. My sons grew up around all types of guns, were shooting since they could hold a gun and NEVER once mishandled one or took one to school. In my life, I have come across tons of people who should not have been allowed to breed, but it happened anyway. That is a greater responsibility to this country, than taking a gun safety course. Not making sexual recreation a burden of society with kids that have no parents or positive role models in their lives. Gun bans are all about control, it has nothing to do with safety.
  14. Welcome Tims sister:) AKA Lori:D. This place is soo good because of people like your brother, but I guess you already knew that:p. Jump on and dig in.
  15. Arson is no joke, I hope your school district takes a firm stance on this one and cuts the spesh kid no breaks.
  16. Adjam5

    Weekend plans?

    It is NY's last weekend of rabbit and squirrel season. At minimum, my son Joe and I will be out pounding the woods for tree rats, wascally wabbits and a dash of crow;). My younger sons are into their BMX riding and the offer is there, but I will not push them to come. If only the wind holds out. I can deal with cold, but the wind is another story.
  17. This is EXACTLY why this BB is the best on the net! WTG Joe!
  18. The Clinton ban had a sunset provision, that allowed the AW bill to be reviewed after the 10 years. If the ban did NOT make any decrease in crime or any less of these type semi autos being seized in crimes, it was to be done away with. Which it was...done away with. Do not expect BHO or Holder's current ban bill to be any less than the last one, and the anti's have had 4 years to whip up new bans and add to the list. They know whats best for me:rolleyes:...PUHLEEESE. 2004 FBI uniform crime report. Less than 1/10 of 1% of all guns used in crimes, are these type semi autos. So why the big scare and feel good legislation pushing? To make you think they are hard on crime? Now... who is pushing propaganda? What does the style of guns have to do with anything? Any jerk off the street should not be allowed to own one? Who decides who is a jerk? If anyone passes the NICS check, then they should be allowed to own whatever and wherever. That is your constitutional right. I had no idea Mexico was a BIG concern of the Whitehouse. Its the people who commit these crimes. Canada shares a border with the US. How come they don't have those issues? Don't tell me it is because they banned them. Laws mean nothing to criminals. They ONLY disarm the law abiding. Why wouldn't the Gov't want law abiding citizens to be armed?
  19. Thanks Jesse and William too for the link! Yes...the Thermacell does work. Would not go into the woods and sit anymore without this invention. Even in October the bugs are still active. Good deal!
  20. Adjam5

    Bar Fly

    Poor thing...It will have to be tranquilized, then have the stool removed. How else will it be able to graze? Amazing how animals get themselves into these things.
  21. Is this enough of a Non NRA news source? Like most of us here have predicted. What is it gonna take for some "sportsmen" to believe BHO is anti gun?
  22. Prayers on the way Tink. My condolences.
  23. I really do hope you wrote that tongue in cheek:o. Because if you REALLY believe PETA is NOT a threat to hunting and trapping. Rosie O Donnell has a bulletin board for you to join.
  24. Very cool pics Tink:cool:. Thanks for letting us in on your private life. You are an incredible man;).
  25. That IS good news Dakota, I am very happy for you.