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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. I agree:(. The poll was open when I voted.
  2. Come on Team...lets have some input on the team name. Before another team steals our suggestions! Steve, maybe we can finally get to hunt together this season.
  3. Your absolutely right, this is not BHO's fault, but any coincidence that it is a democrap trying to let politics decide this issue, not science, biology and the DNR? Didn't Bush get blamed for everything and I mean EVERYTHING. Now it is BHO's turn. Yes, I am speaking tongue in cheek. The DNR is a appointed office by the Governor correct? So I guess, if certain individuals wish to keep their jobs, they better vote along party lines.
  4. Happy Birthday guys:).
  5. According to the article, there were 3 students who gave opinions about teachers AND students being armed. While armed students could present a problem, what is most disturbing is the fact that the professor, the one who encouraged a current media issue to be discussed in class. Was discussed. He found it revolting to the point where he felt they were threats. It was said that professors and students could have stopped the carnage, not just students. There goes the gun registration issue also with the police looking up the fact that a student owned firearms and questioned him about them. Vhere are your PAYYYY-PERS! What did they do wrong to be violated like that? The class assignment? So make students afraid to discuss certain issues and start lets the intimidation of the thought process. Higher education my foot.
  6. Adjam5

    Poor Kid Movie

    I have caught bits and pieces of it on cable and changed the channel. I think Ashton Kutcher does a voice in that movie. He grew up on a farm hunting and fishing too! No surprise Hollywood types sell out. Disney started all this anti hunting junk:rolleyes:. Walt Disney was a HUGE hunter/safari type also, he must be doing mondo RPM's in his grave.
  7. Bear tags are sold with deer tags if you buy the Sportsman license, or else it is a separate purchase. There is no draw for Bear in NYS. Everyone who wants one, gets one. The only draw that happens here is in areas where Deer Management permits( doe tags) are limited. It took me 3 years( 3 built up points) to get a gun season doe tag, in my wildlife management unit last year.
  8. 16% increase from 2007.
  9. Adjam5

    Hi from Iowa!

    Hello Lisa:). Welcome to the forums. This is a great place to hang out on the net. Looking forward to your contributions here.
  10. Wow, first Buckee and now Mike! Oh boy Kyle...I see a E-whoopin' headin' to Okie:D But you know what guys...? I kind of see Kyle in the E-Octogon, with his shirt off, swollen nip and all. With his hands out, moving his fingers back and forth makin' that "bring it on sign":p Lets see if he taps out! He has called out some Giants who are VERY capable with the mouse:D.
  11. Welcome to the forums and glad you have joined us;).
  12. That is a amazing gesture and may the Lord bless you for doing so;). You are a good man with a HUGE heart:).
  13. I can't wait to see what Buckee whips up Steve:p.
  14. Thanks a lot Luke:rolleyes:. I just dropped enough for free shipping! Got Joe some cool stuff too;). One thing I really wanted was Road Trips Season 1. I had it and had a DVD player get smoked by a power surge from a lightning bolt at the hunting camp and I threw it out before I realized that DVD was in it! It was one of my favs. I got it back! Got me one of those cowboy hats too, so I don't have to beat the crap out of my George Strait one
  15. Come on Ruth...No such thing as a dumb question:). Yes, NY Bowhunter is correct it the Former Gobblerbane. Dakota is his proper name.
  16. Oh we love tomatoes in this house . I usually plant 4 different types amongst other veggies and spices. Plum, cherry, grape and beefsteaks are the usual plantings. My youngest son Mike, would rather eat a tomato than candy. How weird is that? We call him Tomato boy:D. I have to shroud my garden here in plastic netting to keep the deer off of them. Then we have the groundhogs that decimated the tomatoes one summer. Ate EVERY plant to the ground:mad:. Arrows flying out the bedroom windows have helped with that problem;). My son Joe nailed 5 last summer and pinned them to the ground, same arrow, same broadhead. Goldtips and slick tricks Firearm discharge is illegal in our town, so the arrow is the go to weapon. But yes, I am looking forward to our garden again this summer and our home grown veggies...especially the cucumbers...mmmm:)
  17. Sportsmen for Obama:confused: HA! Yeah...right. There is your change.
  18. Oh man...I can only imagine what is going to happen when my son Joe gets to college next year. So much for higher education. CT, where they used state pension money to invest in Colt, for the good return; and then they went and banned the good citizens of CT from owning AR15's:confused: What is this country coming to?
  19. Wow, I hope you can get a handle on this issue. Follow the Dr's orders and I'll keep ya in my prayers. Get better.
  20. Sorry to hear that. I will include them in my prayers.
  21. I hope everything is OK. I too am waiting to hear from her. Sending some prayers her way.
  22. Adjam5

    Tuff times

    Yeah, that is a tough thing to do. Let go of people who have been with you for a while. I hope they are able to find work soon. Construction is dead all over. I have been out of work just a bit over 5 months:(. The company I worked for, went from 215 electricians to 36. I know all too well what you/they are going through.
  23. Yup that would get me excited also:D. Funny:).
  24. Slightly up from last year.
  25. Nice smokepole Luke and you are on a ROLL my friend! New truck, new MLer...GREAT wife. Go get a lottery ticket while you are still HOT! Enjoy it all;).