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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Adjam5

    Tax poem

    Very hard to read with all that distracting junk that came with the cut n paste.
  2. Go Will Go Will Go Will:D May all your beards... be long beards;)
  3. Adjam5

    Good news

    Very good news Frank! Congrats on the bid awards;). Yes the Lord does work in mysterious ways:). The job in Aruba, will you have to hire locals or can you bring your own people?
  4. Happy Birthday Lisa! Hope you have a great one:).
  5. A few words of wisdom some of you may have seen before: "You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence. You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves." Abraham Lincoln
  6. Adjam5

    Thanks Anthony

    You guys are too much:D. Joe, my wife usually buys it at Costco in double shrink wrapped 63 oz bottles, but I believe it is available at Sams club also. The Cracked Pepper and garlic one Frank suggested is also killer on Chicken. Enjoy!
  7. Oh man...Prayers out to the family of the slain officer:(.
  8. :D:p:D:p FUNNNN ...eeeee:)
  9. I guess certain hobbies and sports are recession proof Mike. People will always need recreation of some sort, and with trout season upon us, people must be gearing up. Cabelas stock seems to be doing well, so they are doing something right. Tim Andrus will be at the Hartford,CT Cabelas this coming weekend. Joe and I will be swinging on by there Sunday to say Hi and drop a few sheckles ourselves:D. Did ya get a Morrells Bone Collector target?
  10. Good news Will, now go wack a big'un:D. Hunt safe!
  11. Adjam5

    Thanks Anthony

    I am really glad you tried it and liked it. I have to try Gator one day. Is it like meat or a fish type texture? How do you cook it? Did you use it as a marinade or dipping suace? I had some Mr.Yoshidas myself this weekend up at our deer camp. My neighbor from down the road always smells my BBQ and pays me a visit when the wafting smell is in the air. Here is some Axis meat waiting to get grilled, apple tree trimmings for my primitive smoking:D and a adult beverage;). Thought of you when I took this pic. Get some Mr Yoshidas is good stuff;).
  12. Adjam5

    Sensitive stuff

    Leave it to a Redneck to deliver that kind of news that way:D.
  13. Very Cool Tink:cool: Happy Birthday Dot...wishing you many more;). Boy Texas sure does grow 'em and keep 'em right:)
  14. Welcome back home Lewis, glad you guys had a great time.
  15. Waddell is hotter than a roaring Volcano right now:). Go Michael..Go Michael:D.
  16. Cheese and crackers..did you EVER get a deal! Enjoy!
  17. Adjam5

    Local tragedy

    Sad story indeed. Prayers out to all involved.
  18. Shed hunting just got easier:D. Cute dog Steve...good luck with her finding more sheds.
  19. Looking forward to your pics Ruth. That Randy is a class act;).
  20. Have fun and don't get hurt!
  21. If Shaun can't help ya...check here. A plethora of info.
  22. I agree totally Gary...totally;). Tim is a great guy to have a few...laughs with:D. Very good speaker and gives great info too!
  23. I do not want to single out just a few people on this board. Everyone has been incredible to say the least. These boards have taught me much, and the generosity that I have seen is immense, for so many who have never met each other. I am looking forward to meet many more from this board and the 2 I have gotten to meet have been wonderful experiences. Tink and Tim Andrus;). OK, I'll throw some quick names out there for whom I hold the utmost respect for here. Tink, Tim Andrus, Luke, William, Kyle, Ruttinbuc(Mike), Kathleen, Steve B and Steve K(Buckee),Joe(Ranger Clay), The Oitkers just to mention a few;). This is a nice thread.
  24. Sorry to hear that. Prayers on the way to all involved.
  25. Sheesh Charlie! I hope you feel better soon and heal quickly! Prayers headed your way!