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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. This is all nothing but propaganda as some would have you believe:rolleyes:. Such a self proclaimed upfront person with soo much to hide. Amazing these issues have almost all been forgotten about. Yeah...I'd love to see that birth certificate too:mad:. Hang on America, put your seat belt on!
  2. This is an interesting topic. I remember during the end of the H.Bush and beginning Clinton administration,(remember the jack booted thug comment? this was during that time). This came out during the 1st AW ban, that banned imports. Fear was building about weapon confiscation. A survey was taken with some of the military personnel/Fed Law enforcement on active duty. They were asked, "if given to order to fire on domestic civilians, would you follow that order?" The results were surprising if I remember correctly. I have thought about this stat often and worried to an extent. The majority of: 18-25 year olds said yes, 25-30 year olds said most likely, 30-35 year olds were undecided, and the 35 + age group said definitely NOT. If these stats are correct. I see a younger generation that really has no appreciation for the Constitution and what these rights mean. Just following orders was the mantra. Yeah, but so were the Nazi's at Auschwitz:rolleyes:. I feel many Americans have gotten soft and really have no idea of what it is to fight for anything worth fighting for. We here in America live, for the most part; a very peaceful easy life with no fear of invasion or civil unrest. So people get complacent and get soft. Sheepish I believe is the word. There are some of the younger generation that DO get it. They are not the concern. The robots are. The older generation( I said older not OLD!) seems to have more of a appreciation for what it took to get where we are and will defend what rights we have. Does anyone else remember this survey? I hope I am not alone here. Will I resist if THEY come for my guns? I'd like to think yes, but I will not know, until it happens. But I will rather have my guns and not need them , than need them and not have them.
  3. I does not surprise me at all how sneaky this current administration has become. The Libs cried about the Patriot act and now they bring this? This is the current day "Vhere are YOUR PAY-pers!" Are we free citizens or what? We seem to be having our constitutional rights whittled away at daily and many people just don't care. "well I don't do anything wrong, so the Gov't could snoop on me"" I don't go to gun shows, so I don't care" "I don't go to any kind of protests or rally's, so I don't care" For those people can you not see, how detrimental this could be to being a free man in America today? This is exactly why we had the particular rights installed in our Bill Of Rights and Constitution. To safeguard against these types of Gov't snooping. Oh boy the next 4 years are going to be rough to say the least.
  4. Adjam5

    Downtown Deer

    Amazing how deer can adapt to urban conditions and survive.
  5. Have a safe trip Randy and watch out, you don't get anymore show crud:)
  6. Those are some whoppers for sure! Great pics! Thanks Kirk.
  7. Hmmm, I have 3 hunting buddies who are Hacks( corrections officers) not including Mr Andrus:D. My Dads close friend, we call him Uncle Al; was 20 years Us Army MP and 28 years NYPD(ret) Sargent. Have a friend in who is a Fed air Marshall. 2 friends on various county Sherriff's depts( one K9 patrol the other Gang enforcement). My friend Rich who is a AR tuner/gunsmith is the lead man on a county REACT sniper team. One fishing budding who is a Sullivan County Judge.AND...I am surrounded on my street with NYPD cops that live up here and work in the city. This is a VERY safe street;)
  8. These are kids size 28" waist Ocelot Motocross pants. Ratchet belt on waist. These will not fit any of my boys anymore. Used but in good shape. These pants really help with the bruises associated with MX and guard against twig and branch whip also while riding. Kevlar helps with that kind of thing. FREE to anyone who will pay the shipping! Hows that for a deal?
  9. All this brass is GONE!!! On its way to Washington State:). Thank you everyone for the looks;).
  10. A fitting tribute to a war hero Leo;). Sounds like you were lucky to have him as a father in law.
  11. The motorcycles in Texas should have them huge steel grills on them like every truck I saw in Texas had. Glad the guy didn't get hurt, and like Mark said; when you are on 2 wheels, everything has the right of way.
  12. Keep rollin' rollin' rollin':D. Hope you have it all soon;). Good Luck Dakota!
  13. Just think of how fertile that compost pile will be:D. Ahhh... the pleasures of owning a dog:rolleyes:. Have fun!
  14. I'm glad you didn't get hurt, close call for sure. Those are some good goals to have for the future, I hope you fulfill them;)
  15. Definitely good news when all we have been hearing is cuts from every Gov't agency. Outdoor recreation is soo important to soo many.
  16. Oh condolences and prayers.
  17. Adjam5

    Obama network

    Those networks have the current president walking on water. The media love affair will be at it for LOoooong time. Fox is my source also;).
  18. Ahhh...To have been one of Tinks Kids... Thanks for sharing those family moments with us Tink.
  19. Dang those are awesome finds! Good to know that bruiser is still around;). Congrats on the finds!
  20. Good stuff for sure. Eagle eyed huh? Congrats on the finds.
  21. Nice finds Ruth. Relentless in the pursuit of bone:D. I think they are matchs.
  22. My Dad was a general contractor in NYC doing mostly commercial and industrial work. I was going to jobs with my Pop since I could walk. My freshman year of high school(1978), Dad got me a job at a building supply house, where I learned about material, being someplace on time and doing a days work. I did that for 2 years then worked with Dad doing all the hump work the next 2 summers. Digging and mixing cement by hand. His theory was to make me too tired to go out and get into trouble. It kind of worked. I had no intentions of taking over Dads business. I saw the hard time he had getting paid and the HUGE responsibility he had securing work for his men. Dads business was on the down turn and he went to smaller residential work. After I graduated all boys Catholic High school in '82...I worked again with Dad for the next 2 years until Pop got me a job with his non union electrical contractor that did his work. I worked with that guy for 1 1/2 years until I got into Local 3 IBEW NYC electrical apprenticeship. I also went to college after my electrical theory classes at night, after work; to obtain a Associate degree in Science. I became a journeyman electrician in '90( it was a 6 year apprenticeship) was a Job steward for 10 years for various electrical contractors on major projects in NYC and I have been in Local 3 since 1985 through today. My sons will not be in construction if I can help it. Dad contracted asbestosis from mixing it in the concrete and is battling it today at 78 years old. I have made a living, raised a family and have been blessed in more ways than one...No regrets.
  23. I agree totally. You won't hear back from him...just like the machine gun/assault rifle issue he was educated on. Here are some actual YouTube clips of BHO and Holder with their intent spoken about guns and the current topic of the coming bans. It can't be anymore plain than that.
  24. Cool Hutchies...congrats. Are you gonna mount it?