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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Great pics Mike! Thanks for sharing them:). The Oitkers seem about as down to earth, as down to earth gets.
  2. The Black Hills 50Gr Vmax in .223 seems to do the trick for me with minimum pelt damage out of the AR. Neck shots seem to work well.
  3. Good job! Nothing like it when you do it yourself;)
  4. I agree Ruth. That is what I use. I mix the peroxide with borax, make a paste and brush it on the skull. You might be able to buy white peroxide from the beauty supply store also.
  5. I have found a few in a wide open field, a few sticking out of the snow and a few at the either side of a hurdle(rockwall or obstacle). My son Joe found one once sticking out of the mud in a boggy swamp. If it wasn't for the squirrels chewing the tops and keeping it white, it would have never stuck out to the eye.
  6. Sad situation for sure. Prayers coming their way.
  7. Adjam5

    Couple videos

    You have a good sound and definitely talent also;). Next time, the vids could be a tad lighter to see your face:)
  8. Happy Birthday. Glad you dodged that tornado and all is well.
  9. Joe is home and seems to be doing OK. Thanks everyone for the prayers. He is in bed out cold, sleeping with his mouth open. Now, with a house full of boys, we have a lot of fun when one of us gets caught sleeping with our mouths open:D. But Joe will get a pass this time, and not get a mouth full of feathers or whip cream which is usually the norm. Yes, we torture here:eek:. The Geneva convention means nothing to us. I have to tell ya, the nurses in the hospital we were at, Good Samaritan,Suffern,NY were incredible. So personable and caring beyond belief. I felt like I knew them. The Dr. also was aces. Again everyone...thanks for your well wishes. I will pass them them on to Joe. I am boy is home OK.
  10. My son Joe, some of you know him as Squirrelhunter91 on this board, is going in for a Tonsillectomy; and to have his adenoids removed. It is relatively a minor procedure, but it is still in the hospital with him under sedation. I think he will be fine, but a few prayers his way can't hurt. He did not want me to post about it, but being the Dad I am OUR Realtree family should know;). I'll give an update when we return home, it is ambulatory so we should be back this afternoon. Anthony
  11. Hey folks...ya know what I found out? Yesterday , I was watching Jim Zumbo Outdoors and they were hunting Sika deer in Maryland.Maryland has about 8000 free ranging animals of this species. Jim Zumbo shot a spiker and when they came up upon it, it had almost identical spikes to the one I have posted above. The guide made refererence to the lage bases on the antler, even though it was a spike horn. Where this shed was found is an area(Kerrville,TX) where there are large populations of free ranging exotics. Axis,Sika and Black Buck. So I figured I share the additional info. Ya know what also... read back a few posts. The one from Tink. He nailed it right on, early on; and said it might be a Sika deer shed and the man was right! Tink you DA MAN:)
  12. Adjam5

    One sick doe

    Joe, call DEC and tell them what you saw. They should send out a officer to dispatch the doe...Key word is...should. That animals willingness to live is incredible.
  13. You are very welcome Luke. I was thinking of you as I was hunting them. Sorry I could not find you a arrow head, if I did it was yours. I did a lot of walking, kicking up rocks, flipping logs and anything that I could, looking for arrowheads and scorpions too. Last March when Joe and I were down in West Texas for Rios, in the Trans Pecos area( Iraan) we found 4 arrow heads. With Joe finding the best one. This flint is from the Hill country of Texas, Harper to be exact. I now what to look for since then. You can tell those are for real because of the opposite chipping on both sides with intent to make an edge. Nature is a great engineer, but nature rarely makes something so symmetrical. If you get a knapper, you can knapp your own arrowheads and make your own arrows to get that real primitive stuff going. There is an article in this months Bowhunter magazine about a hunter who made his own bow, arrows and arrowheads and took a turkey with stuff. Glad I was able to get you something. Enjoy them and you are still on the list;).
  14. The CoreLokt ammo is the least expensive and there is nothing wrong with that if it shoots the best out of your gun. I have three .308's and each likes different loads. My Mod70 likes 180gr Winchester Silver tips while my Ruger 77V likes 165 gr Federal Boat tail soft points and my G3 likes almost anything I put through it. Hey think of all the fun you'll have find the right loads:). You have to try as much as you can afford. When you start rolling your own, then you can really fine tune. Let us know how you make out. Good Luck.
  15. Breaking in a gun IS fun:). What ammo were you using? If you get a hold of some Black Hills .223 50gr V-Max stuff, get some. The most akrit:p factory stuff I have found for varmints with minimum hide damage. Good Luck with it.
  16. We have a big meltdown going on as well. The streams are gushing here. 48*
  17. Something crossed my mind a few days ago shipping something back to where I just hunted in Texas. I live in a town named Garnerville, My hunting house upstate in the Catskills, is in Hurleyville and I just got back from Kerrville, where I am looking to retire in 11 years, good Lord willing. I am all villed up! Strange coincidance. So, I was just wondering how many here live in a "Ville" of some sort or have ties to Villes? Yeah...I'm bored:rolleyes:...
  18. Adjam5


    Most likely from burning up that keyboard:D Hope ya feel better bud and get back to abnormal as soon as possible:p
  19. Adjam5


    Great Job...yours and everyone's perseverance paid off. Now make sure he does not see the light of day. There should be NO thing as repeat offenders.
  20. Thats funny stuff, you guys are quite creative:). At our turkey camp it usually consists of us doing ,miles of walking and by the time noon comes, we are beat. My sons and I are hungry and are looking forward to the breakfast that I cook when we get back to the house. Then we shoot our bows, prep food plots, take visits from neighbors and watch the grass grow. The boys disappear on their dirt bikes and quads.
  21. Time does fly Lewis...especially when you are having fun. Congrats on your anniversary. Can there be levels of moron, or will once you have attained moron status...that's it?
  22. Adjam5

    just got home

    Get some rest, being a ambassador of good will is hard work!
  23. Wow, that is about as TOP of the LINE as they come in rimfires:) German Craftsmanship at its best. Congrats on the gun and sweet deal too.
  24. .223 is GONE! The .308 is dirty, fired from a Cetme/H&K G3. It has a fluted chamber that puts junk all over the cases, but there is always positive extraction because of that.