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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Couldn't have said it better:D Chris...congrats on the new addition. The Q2 is the bow that got me hooked on Mathews. The 1st Mathews I ever shot. Your elbow should be slightly bent. don't matter, you are growing and I bet by fall it will fit you perfect if not way sooner. It looks like only a 1/2" or so difference. You'll be OK. Man you gonna love that bow. Great luck with it! That Kyle is alright;)
  2. I just was able to get the pics off of the disc in my vid cam and here are the best ones. The quality is not that good compared to a Digital camera. My yearling Axis, the only one dumb enough to hang around after the corn was all gone. I wanted bigger horns, but a bird in the hand was worth 2 in the bush. Exotics, year round without limit in Texas. There is one whitetail in the rear. The Axis that came to the feeder when it went off. A red Stag in the cooler of Rhodes taxidermy/deer processing. A better pic of Tink and his hunting rig.
  3. Leo I have had a personal experience with a Tom at close range. I just about assassinated this bird like Lincoln at the theater:D. He came in all quiet behind us, while my son Joe and I were working birds in front of us. He turned his back with fan spread to get past a downed branch on the trail and that gave me a chance to swing my gun around. The barrel was practically touching its head when I fired. MAYBE 6" from it... The gun had to send out a pattern no bigger than the size of the barrel. I was luck to have dropped him where he stood. After that, I have really gotten to know how this gun shoots and have done 1 yard, 5 yard and 10 yard patterns. Just this past Saturday, at a gun show here in NY, I was able to purchase a shorter bbl for this Mossberg 835. I was using a 28"bbl then, with a HS Strut Undertaker tube and now I have a 24 incher. The long one caught every branch as I walked in the turkey woods. Excellent advice Leo to know your gun at close range.
  4. Very cute pics...your girls are adorable:). Sorry about your dog:( Look like oak trees all over huh?
  5. Mike, when I saw the title snow birds...I expected to see a bunch of old men and women in Grand Marquis' headed for Florida:D
  6. So we will take the high road and not taunt...even though a little taunting is in order... I had to go there:D
  7. Let see them spin that one...
  8. I have been on my, Texas is THE BEST PLACE to live and hunt soapbox for a while now:). I cannot wait to retire out of NY and find patriotic public officials; who genuinely care about the direction this country is headed. Off to the Hill country!
  9. Adjam5

    I got bored so I.....

    Hey the camo from the blind for treestand wrapping!
  10. Very cool Darla! Thanks for sharing that. Not only can the boy shoot, he has a great personality;).
  11. Adjam5

    Talked to my buddy :D

    Most likely a fast runner huh? You get another leadoff man in that 9th batting position, for the 1-2-and 3 guy to move around the bases. Wish him luck and have fun at the games.
  12. Nice floor plan Chris...Good luck with the new home. I wish I had a great room...ours is pretty mediocre:D One upgrade that you and the Mrs. might like is, the installation of lights in all your closets. When the door opens the light goes on, when it closes it goes off. The switch gets recessed in the door jamb. How is the power co and their rates? If they are cheap, look also into a driveway snow melter, never have to shovel again! Its a electrician thing...I can't help it:p I wish you all the best;).
  13. Adjam5

    New hat

    Cool hat! Lights built in and all...did it come with power windows and A/C?
  14. If it is a photoshop job , probably the best one I've seen. Dead deer with rigor mortis set and even frozen deer will hold some shape. A incredible amount of bone there for sure. Maybe they lost the lease because they shot soo many bucks?
  15. Adjam5

    2008 Buck

    Good deer, I'd say he is 4 1/2 at least and maybe a 130+ buck. Congrats!
  16. I like non typical because it is...well not typical. Don't get me wrong. I like a perfect rack also, but if given the opportunity to shoot a typical 8 or a 6 with junk...the 6 with junk is going down.
  17. The flash on our Wildview5(which only works in +30* weather) does not spook the deer we have gotten pics of. But it did have my neighbor ring our bell at 10pm one night, saying there is something flashing in our yard and there are lots of deer there too:D. So no, it don't bother the deer, but it might bother the neighbors:p
  18. Great caliber...took my Axis with a TC 25-06 last week. Congrats on the purchase and I know it must be hard to shoot something that is not punishing:D
  19. Welcome to the Evil Black rifle club... Congrats Tony. I have 3, a Colt, Bushmaster and a Stag Arms Lower with a Rockriver M4 upper, and love 'em all like my kids. The 50gr Blackhills V max seems to shoot the best out of our 1:9 bbls. Ammo has been scarce, so stock up if you can.
  20. Now it is a good coyote. Good shootin'
  21. Congrats on the purchase:) Made right here in NewYawk. You will enjoy the 1911.
  22. Fred Eichler is one of my favs also. I love how he does it all with the stick n string and the genuine show of emotion every time he is out there. Have a great time Kathleen. Looking forward to lots of pics!
  23. Something Libs can never get. How gun fire can bring a smile to our faces and create envy. It was a great day to be out in the woods:).
  24. OK, I do not reload these calibers and these cases are of no use to me. I have no idea what they are worth, so make a offer or trade something of what you feel is equal value. The brass is dirty and some is oxidized a bit, but nothing that a hour in some media can't fix. All are once fired, quality brass casings loose in zip lock bags. 66pcs- .45ACP 26pcs-.308 70pcs-.30.06 50pcs-9mm 60pcs-.30carbine 232pcs-5.56/223 The whole lot weighs somewhere near 7lbs (for shipping purposes).
  25. Happy Birthday guys...have a great one!