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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Re: New York Bobcat 11-26-05 From what I learned about bobcats since the kill was... They travel in pairs when they are young as siblings. My buddy missed one of these cats a week before this one was taken. They also get to somehwere around 20-30lbs full grown. This cat weighed only 10 lbs, no doubt a young 'un. Most likely a yearling. Gotta git them turkey killers
  2. Re: Climbing Stands I agree on Summitt. I use the Broadhead back packer.
  3. Re: Did anyone order the Cats Crap Hmmm...I have always bought my cat crap at Gander mountain...its by the register. You know one of those impulse purchase items. I bought a small plastic container like the kind for ear plugs for like $2.99. I know the cat crap works...I just never bought it mail order. Wanna hear something funny...My wife really thought I was putting cat crap on my glasses With all my outdoors ways , she reall thought I was putting cap crap on my glasses...I still giggle when ever I think about that time I have also found at gun shows, military surlpus antifog works good also.
  4. Re: My son\'s first \"REAL\" bow... So Hookset, what you saying is that Browning will let a dealer upgrade the bow with stronger limbs with this new up grade program? My son has the Micro Midas3 40lbs and it is about time for him to pull something stronger. I love how the Browning bows are adjustable without a press and a wide range of draws lenths too. Its makes good sense to purchase this bow is you have kids who will be shooting a bow in the future. It makes a great hand me down. But my oldest is growing too fast...he has his eyes on my Mathews Outback
  5. Re: what broadheads you all use 100grain NAP Shockwaves
  6. Re: NY bucks....where are they? I bow hunt in 3R and gun hunt in 3H. I went to 3 meetings held by DEC last feburary. 2 of those meetings were to discuss the changes to the hunting rules and regs. Youth seasons, saturday opener, year round yote season were the topics of 2 meetings. The last meeting I went to was in Loch Sheldrake ,NY in Feb also. The was a DEC proposal for antler restrictions in all of region 3. 99% of the room was for it. Meat hunters opposed it. No where in ANY of the meetings I attended did anyone request that doe tags be curtailed. A matter of fact, many complained about there not being enough doe tags. 80% of the bucks harvested are are you gonna shoot a big one if you don't let the small ones walk? I know not everyone is looking to shoot a trophy, but the over all quality of the deer herd will benefit from QDM. Yup, some people don't even report their deer, and that makes for bad DEC math regarding the kill count and whats in store for the following year. All I saw this gun season so far with MANY days on stand is does and small bucks...forks and smaller.
  7. Re: New York hunting age Yes I agree that we need to do more to keep kids interested in the outdoors at a earlier age. Many kids throughout the country have taken some nice deer at ages WAY before NYS lets kids hunt. I think thet should drop the ages 2 years on each season. Such as 14 to bow hunt big game...make it 12. 16 to gun hunt big game....make it 14. If DEC makes a move like that, then I will believe they are doing what they can to get kids in the woods earlier. The saturday opener was a good start for younger kids to get out earlier, and it would've been better if DEC had a youth deer season, like they did with the youth turkey season. Let it start the week before the opening of early archery. I am all for kids hunting as young as we can legally get them to hunt. ANYTHING That can get kids in the woods at a younger age than now I am all for.
  8. Re: TEAM 5 Hey Karen... Are ya out there? Anyone hear from Karen?
  9. Re: 835 shells and chokes I have had good success with the Undertaker choke tube by HS Strut. I believe it is a .690 constriction with no porting and knurled edge so it can be installed without a choke wrench or key. I have one of the original 835's, yeah the ones with the bad factory camo job,round fore end, and noisy slide bars. But it works and shoots well. I shoot winchester 3" supreme turkey loads. 3 1/2" for me is TOO much. I like getting them in close. But give the Undertaker a look. good luck and hunt safe!
  10. Re: A nice NY buck.. Ahh they get bigger than that in the wild here in NY. Anyone remeber that HUGE long island buck that was taken a few weeks ago during the archery season and posted here ? That is a monster...and MANY 160+ class bucks are taken on long islands east end. There is still alot of farms and vineyards all over there and VERY limited access to these honeyspots. But I have to agree about the size of that deers rack, with no agriculture to fuel its growth where it was taken, that is a mighty big deer. But they do get bigger.
  11. Re: Weekend at Deer camp wasn\'t a total bust... Joe, I can't wait to see what those backstraps taste like! BTW...I have seen Joe nail chipmonks with the bow, so mice should be a natural progression The weekend wasn't that bad, my buddy nailed a nice Bobcat on my land. Get them turkey killers for sure.
  12. Re: Cousin\'s first deer (16 pt.) Thats the only problem with bagging a deer like that for the 1st time...hard to beat it. Real nice buck...congrats.
  13. Re: 1969 Firebird convertible This will make a nice christmas present... If you come from over 500 miles for the car, I will take off a grand.
  14. Re: TEAM 5 Hey guys...nothing doing here. I have been out many times and all I have seen was does. There are no doe tags for the area I am hunting. I am gonna switch up and hunt with the bow in a bow only area this week. Good Luck all and hunt safe! Anthony
  15. Re: Predator hunting contest (sign up) count me in also....there are Bobcats and yotes running my land..Hope to kill a few.
  16. Re: 1969 Firebird convertible How about it give me 13 grand and get me one of those moster Candian whitetails, and I'll give ya the car...DEAL? I will take cash and a hunt as a trade.
  17. Re: What is your favorite backboard? I have fooled around also with various woods and stains. What seems to look good and is pretty inexpensive is maple stained with cherry stain. Wow did it take good. I mean of course if you can get cherry by all means use it. but I bought a 3'piece of maple and red oak from Lowes, traced out a shape, 10" plaque, made 3 of 'em, like a sheild and mounted the skull cap. I have not used the red oak yet, but the grain of the wood in incredible. I will stain that golden oak when the time comes.
  18. Re: New York State antler restrictions??? Shawn...I can see your arguement about not having enough time to hunt, and more or less taking any buck that came along due the time restrictions in the woods. There is some validity to that. Maybe I am so in favor of the AR's because I get plenty of time off every year to go bow, gun and muzzleloader hunting. I get to see many bucks and pass on most of them( unless he's a monster) until around halloween. The rut kicks in full steam and only the bigs boys are out playing. I passed literally on about 10 bucks(spikes, forks and small 6's) this bow season. I saw a injured buck walking on 3 legs. Had a perfect 4 pts on one side and a twisted downward spike with a browtine on the other side.(entered in Realtree contest team 5) I seen him all october and most of november. I did not see the 2 big 8's I have been holding out for, so I took this buck with the non typical rack. He was old 4-5 and by rights he should have been a 8 had he not been injured. I did more for the deer herd by harvesting that buck, than shooting a spike. Regardless of his genes, his leg will never be repaired, so he couldn't fight. He'll never breed and always grow a malformed rack due the rear leg injury. I had the opportunity to shoot smaller deer with perfect racks, but helped the herd. I can see where having NO time to hunt and AR's would mess things up a bit. I was lucky and I had options. Not everyone gets to hunt the same. We need more discussion on this topic.
  19. Re: 1969 Firebird convertible TTT again....
  20. Re: TEAM 5 Hey guys...I see we are still wacking them I hope we can win this thing. I just got back from my gun hunt, and its bucks only. All I saw were little spikes and buttons. I have a rule on my spikes are to be taken...unless its your 1st deer. One of my buddies did not heed that rule and we had a blowout. This was not his 1st deer and he shot a spike that had like 4" spikes . You can't shoot big deer, if you don't let the little ones walk I am trying to get some QDM going on here. I'll be back up there this weekend, I have 2 more weeks of gun season left then muzzleloading witch is a either sex tag. Good luck to all and have a happy and safe thankgiving. Anthony
  21. Re: NEW MATHEWS BOWS ARE OFFICIALLY OUT........ Their new bow should be called the "buyback". Yeah...they take trade ins on your old Mathews How can you keep up with state of the art when they come out with another bow every 6 months? You have to have alot of money or be on their pro staff. I bought my Outback back in march 04, all said and came out to about $900. With 2 dozen arrows, it came out to ver $1100!!! With these new bows, once the rest, sights, limbsavers, string options are put on... all set up will go for over $1000 easy. Beman/Easton carbons will set ya back $85-$100 a dozen. Bottom line, when you buy quality, you only cry once.
  22. Re: Well, well - I found an eBay Fraudster A modern day minuteman... Good Job!
  23. Re: Non Typical from injury Even with his age, he could not fight to breed. He could not possibly rear up to lock horns and fight having only one good back leg. He was rubbing though, lots of bark on the base of his horns. having them inside tenderloins for dinner...mmmm
  24. Re: New York State antler restrictions??? Yes there are antler restrictions in areas 3J and in 3C. I went to 3 of DEC's meeting around the state last jan and feb. Besides the changes that happened, antler restrictions were discussed and a year round yote season. The year round yote season was shot down immediately, DEC says the yote season is long enough. Yotes decimate the deer herd in sullivan county. Everyone but a few in the room(100+) at the meeting I went to at Sullivan Comm Coll., voted in favor of AR. There were some meat hunters that said it was no good. Every deer I let pass, gets shot by someone in the bordering hunting camp. They have the philosophy of its brown its down. Its hard for me to compete with that. The private land rule, I guess is OK, but you don't need a law to make that happen on private land. Just tell all who hunt there not to shoot small bucks. I practice QDM where I bow hunt in bow only areas. In a gun area...if its more than a fork horn. If I shoot that spike, and my neighbor shoots a spike, then there are 2 young deer that are dead instead of my neighbor just killing one. That is the only way I get to practice QDM where I gun hunt.
  25. I took this bad boy this morning. By rights, he should have been an 8. I have been seeing him all bow season and have held out if something better came along, well, nothing did. So I did this deer , me and the deer herd a favor by removing him from the gene pool . He was walking on 3 legs, gimping. Most likely got hit by a car. When a buck injures his hind quarter, the oppisite side of antler grows malformed. This was proof by his injury and his horns. I really like non typical...I mean almost every deer killed has typical horns, some racks even look alike. Don't get me wrong I'd love to get a large typical deer, but I think this is more of a unique rack too. I hit him at 20 yards and broke both front shoulders, hit the heart and he sat right down. Like someone pulled the plug on him Who said expandibles don't open when you hit bone? 100gr NAP Shockwaves got 'er done. Our gun season starts this saturday, so I am hoping to shoot another buck soon. I am leaving for my hunting cabin tomorrow in upstate Sullivan county, WMU 3H, and I will be lacking a computer and internet. I will be back for thanksgiving. Good luck to all and hunt safe!