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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Re: One income family? My wife just went back to work after 14 years living the high life...staying home. She works now in the high school cafeteria, not a heck of a lot of money, 4hours per day, but it keeps her that much more out of my pocket We have 3 sons who at this point...its cheaper to clothe them than feed them . With all of them hunting soon, the piles of venison will be welcome Me... I've been in construction the last 21 years.
  2. Re: ATV\'S, What do you have? 03 Yamaha Kodiak 400 4x4. I am amazed at what this machine does.
  3. Re: Greatest Bow Trophy I'd have to say elk with the bow. What other animal ,that size interacts with the hunter? I want a elk as close as Will Primos got to one. Ever see that clip when the elk charges right past him at 3 yards and he rips off his face mask and says" Dame-it!" with big buggy eyes. I want to get that close.
  4. Re: What is your Thermostat set at I keep it at 70 during the day, 67 at night. Everyones always cold.
  5. Re: Gander Mtn. Disappointment: It has to be the store and the personell in it. The Gander Mtn by me in Middletown,NY is filled with people who don't leave you alone about asking you if you need help. The archery dept there is filled with people who know their stuff, and patience to answer questions over and over. I am happy with the GanderMtn by me.
  6. Re: Did anyone watch the movie... Treadwell had a deathwish that was granted. The commercials killed the continuity of the show. Him getting close to the foxes was cool. But he could not understand why the wolves killed the foxes...DUH! competition for dipstick. He was almost crying. The bear possibly could've considered him a threat to his food and or domain. I think Treadwell helped us hunters...How? After watching that show, Mr&Mrs America should have a good idea of what these animal rights nuts are all about. We could not do a better job of showing the world of how wacko these people really are.
  7. Re: Squirrelhunter91 (Joe) Looks like my boy has become a varmint! Nice job Buckee...
  8. Get to WalMart, they are closing out all of the camo clothes from deer season. Camo button down shirts$4, Camo insulated coveralls$19 ,camo hooded jackets$11. Get there before its all gone!
  9. Re: Lee & Tiffany Lakosky They have a good show. I am glad they are supporting the troops. I especially like the show where Tiffany; shot at a turkey while sitting in a barn, and she fell backward from the recoil Funny stuff. The show is very casual and entertaining, not to mention that Tiffany is some REAL EYE CANDY
  10. Adjam5

    Beman Arrows

    Re: Beman Arrows I like thin shafts for better penetration. I use Beman 380-16's super thin and busts bone like no other I have ever seen. I also use a 100gr NAP Shockwave expandible out of a 29"/60lb Outback. I don't think that Beman makes these size shafts anymore. Lucky I bought 3 dozen!
  11. Re: Car deer accident in NY (graphic pics) Betcha they ain't eatin jello for a LOOOOONG time. Glad everyones OK.
  12. Re: WHAT DO YOU ALL DO IN THE OFF SEASON?? We can predator hunt until march and then spring turkey rolls around in may.
  13. Take a look at this one for sale... fox pro caller
  14. Re: Occupation and Deer Hunting I am a IBEW construction Electrician and have been for almost 21 years here in the metro NYC area. I am currently working in the Ground Zero area of Manhattan. I have been lucky the last 10 years with getting to pick my time off to hunt. We start work real early so that gives me the afternoons easily. I bowhunt right here in my backyard and have land and another home about an hour away. I hunt and shoot and ride just about EVERY weekend with my 3 sons. I keep them out of trouble that way.
  15. Re: Contest contestants (READ THIS) It is fine with me also...
  16. Re: Discontinued Camo - How Can We Purchase Take a look at They just might have what you need. Good Luck!
  17. Re: 390.... How many rounds do you have thru your gun? Reason I am asking is... I dug out from the back of my safe a Beretta A390 Silver Mallard 12 ga with the tags still on it! I must have this gun about 10 years and have never shot it! I have no idea why I neve shot it, I have alot of guns. I took out the paper work on it and read it only takes 2 rounds in the mag. I don't remember that when I bought it. Now with the problems you have had, I am wondering if I should get rid of it, since I have no attachment to the gun at all , not even shooting it in 10 years! The bbl is 28" and a Walnut stock, REAL pretty. Did you like the performance of this gun before it started giving you problems? Any info on this gun would be appreciated.
  18. Re: T/C Customer service. Look for T/C stuff at FoxRidge Outfitters They are T/C's custom shop.
  19. Re: Your Favorite Band/Singer Nothing gets the foot tapping more than a little Skynard
  20. Re: How did you meet your???? She was the babysitter for my next door neighbor, when I got my 1st apartment I needed to borrow a a a a can opener...yeah! thats what needed a can opener... Anything to get to meet her... 21 years and 3 sons later
  21. Re: How did you pick your Screen Name... The combination of 1st letters of everyones name in my family. Anthony Dawn joseph anthony michael, 5 of us. ADjam5
  22. Re: WHERE DO YOU BUY YOUR... I know a guy on the NAHC forum who is looking to part with some .410 shells and a .410 slug bolt gun. Let me know if your interested, I'll get ya the info.
  23. Re: Things you learned this year.... When playing musical trees with your climber from day to day in the same area. Pay attention to which direction the sun comes up... so your are not blinded for most of the morning. Things we've learned....
  24. Re: NY Bowhunters I don't make the laws. I just follow them. I'd LOVE to see more disabled people in the woods, using whatever means possible, but I'm not the person YOU need to convince. If you knew ANYTHING about NY Bowhunters, you'd know of how much they do for disabled hunters and youths. But you know that already...right? NY Bowhunters is opposed to the crossgun season placed in the archery season. If you read my post CORRECTLY, I have no opposition to the crossgun, just the placing of it in the archery season. CAPEESH? If you want less crossgun restrictions, lobby your assemblyman or congressman, don't blame me for the limitations that were set on what makes one eligible to to currently use a crossgun to hunt with. You support whatever group or organization you believe in and I'll do the same. Is this a great country or what? Well I guess shtr you know all there is to know. You even know what EVERYONE else knows.... WOW!!! Washington needs people like you!
  25. Re: NY Bowhunters No way did I ever imply to leave out disabled hunters, who are, BTW able to use a Crossgun LEGALLY here in NY with the proper documentation. As far as mastering the crossgun, maybe some can pick up a bow/crossgun and be a master very fast. The inexperienced can master a crossgun REAL fast, the bow needs form and practice. Crossgun scopes have multiple crosshairs with a stock that is much steadier to aim than a bow at full draw. Anything that brings more hunters into the ranks I am all for, just the placement of the season is what I have a problem with. You know what else ??? The NRA is a one issue organization and I belong to them and will continue to belong to whatever organization supports what I believe in. Isn't America a great country?