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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Re: Antler restrictions in place in NY\'s 3H and 3K It seems like a REALLY wierd restriction. It says that spikes and forkhorns will be protected. 3pters, 5's and better? Yes?...NO? How about a rule like 3 on one side? Less confusing
  2. Re: Off Season Activities? I have been cutting down saplings all over my land, about 2' high, so they sprout new fresh edible forage for the deer. Cutting down big trees to make a clearing for future food plots. Clearing all the downed limbs that fell on the quad trails ect.
  3. Re: Have we become complacent ?? What we need is another Tea party...maybe make it a gas party this time It is incredible how the little guy ALWAYS gets squeezed.
  4. Adjam5

    sight lights??

    Re: sight lights?? I had one , a tru glo blue light. It did a good job of lighting up my pins in low light, but it broke off on me some how, and I never put it back. I found it to be a bit fragile.
  5. Adjam5

    Crazy Rack

    Re: Crazy Rack [ QUOTE ] weird, sumthing i would never shoot at though... [/ QUOTE ] I think that is a deer that definitely should be removed from the gene pool. He most likely may have NOT been the dominant buck in the area, but subordinate bucks do get a chance to sneek one in every now and then. Would you want that deer spreading his genes? I arrowed a non typical last year that I didnt want breeding. I saw it chase smaller bucks, so it had some dominance. Now its in the freezer PS...I also have a affection for non typicals, truely one of a kind works of art. Cool pics thanks for sharing.
  6. Re: Have we become complacent ?? I gassed up last night on my way home from NYC. I go over the GWB and thru Jersey and gas up there, and back into NY. I paid $2.28/gal...not bad considering in NY prices are like 40-50cents more per gallon. It pays for me to take the gas cans and fill up for my guzzling Silverado while I'm filling up my saturn. I do believe we have become used to paying high prices for fuel. It has been a while now since gas has gone over $2, most of the grumbling has gone away. People, as you say, have become complacent .
  7. I hunt 3H and I welcome these AR's for my area. That area is turning out nothing but tiny bucks. I have been hunting this area for over 20 years, and have only taken one nice 8 off of my land. Many locals, who have grown up there, have not taken a buck like I took in nov '01 . I already practice QDM on my land, I just hope the locals catch on. Many never even tag their deer One thing that needs to be addressed is the lack of DMP's in those areas. If there is AR's, and a lack of DMP's, many will be discouraged from hunting in those areas. AR's may not be the end all be all to improving the deer herd, but it is a start. I welcome these AR's for the next 3 years. I hope the junior archers are exempt from these AR's.
  8. I am contemplating buying a used english made rifle(Alpine) in .243, but the rifle does not have a mag well follower. It has the Z spring, but no follower. The action on the rifle looks like a Mauser action, but I would think any .243 follower would work. Anyone have any 243 followers laying around? Any info on how to approach this task would be appreciated. Thanks Anthony
  9. Adjam5


    Re: Knives? Take a look at Cold Steel They make some incredible products of high quality materials. The blades hold an edge like nothing I know.
  10. Re: Taxes and how did you fair? Gettin a little more than 6 g's back. Paying off christmas credit card bills, possibly buying a new commuter car. Dang Saturn is on its way out with only 103,000miles Gonna try and squeeze in a vacation also somehwere.
  11. Re: Lost A Good Freind last eve... Condolences...Sorry. Prayers sent.
  12. Re: Alpine rifle(made in UK) part help Terry thank you...I kind of thought it was a Mauser action. It was overly big for a short action cartridge. Mandall went out of biz a few months ago Just my luck! I'm gonna offer him 250 for it and look for a follower. Thanks again!
  13. Re: Snowy Owl Pics It is AMAZING the hatred crows have for raptors... I can't tell you how many crows I've shot using a crow /hawk sound out of the Foxpro Cool pics.
  14. Hey guys, I have an opportunity to buy a bolt rifle called a Alpine in .243, it is made in England and was stopped being imported in 1987. The owner is looking for $300. Upon close examination of this gun, it was in decent shape with some marks from poorly storing the weapon in a case, the magazine has a hinged floor plate, but no mag follower. If this gun does not have the follower, then it is a single shot rifle. It does have the spring in the mag well, but no follower. Has anyone ever heard of a bolt gun with a internal mag, that has no mag follower? I'm thinking this part got lost or something by the previous owner. Is it a big deal to have a mag follower fitted in the same caliber? Any info on this rifle or its magazine would be appreciated.
  15. Re: ny bowhunters(NYB) I saw them at the Outdoor Expo in Rockland Community college in Suffern. Nice bunch of guys.
  16. Re: how many leave your stands out year round? The only stand I leave out is my ladder stand. All my chain on stands I take down and put into the garage.
  17. Re: Cougar chasing deer [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] that pic has been around for a LONG time. Pretty sure its not real. [/ QUOTE ] ditto [/ QUOTE ] Ditto ditto
  18. Re: REDTAIL HAWK Raptors are the coolest!
  19. Re: This is pretty wild...(Pic) What a pic! Thanks for sharing. Thats pretty cool.
  20. Re: Fertilizing White Oaks... Thats a great link..thanks for sharing it.
  21. Adjam5

    A Cop Killer dead !

    Re: A Cop Killer dead ! God bless that officer and his family.
  22. Re: New RT Hardwoods HD The Realtree patterns rule!
  23. Adjam5

    Funny words

    Re: Funny words How about...Duty. You could be makin duty, on duty, off duty, gross dereliction of duty or duty free I can't think of duty without thinkin of duty.
  24. Re: Check out these deals I found at Walmart!!!! I think the ability to get deals at Walmart depends on the amount of hunters that frequent that store. One Walmart by me, when they have their closeouts...people buy 3 and 4 wagons full of stuff and most people never get a shot at the good stuff. One guy buys for resale at a flea market. Another Walmart not far but in a more urban setting, does not get the influx of hunters shopping there. So good stuff sits and gets marked down to the $1 range. I picked up 10 packs of NAP Shockwave 100gr expandible broadheads for $5 EACH!. Thats what I use. I'm good on broadheads for a while.... Frequent the Walmarts that are out of the way and good stuff should be obtainable.
  25. Re: Voted Best In Show That is a INCREDIBLE buck! Congrats!