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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Re: My worst nightmare has come true My mother in law started once....ONCE! with the "your turning my grandchildren into killers by teaching them how to shoot guns" I remembered a line a while back by, I think it was Jim Baker or Wayne LaPierre when he told an anti gun woman that; you know how to be a prostitute...are you applying that knoledge? Since then the mother in law don't bring up guns or hunting again
  2. Adjam5

    Favorite Movie Quotes?

    Re: Favorite Movie Quotes? No one... I mean no one has brought up Blazing Saddles My ALL TIME FAVORITE. " I was born here, and I was raised here, dogone it, I'm gonna die here. Ain't no way no how any sidewinding hornswagglin cracker croaker is gonna ruin my biscuit cutter" "Don't you worry sir, when were done with Rock Ridge it'll look like a chicken that got caught in a tractors nuts" Anything Mel Brooks... How about Spaceballs?
  3. Re: Guess what I am? Moron than off?
  4. Re: My first turkey! Thats my Boy!!!
  5. Re: TEAM 5 Hey guys...Just got back from our yote/fall turkey hunt. No yotes...2 birds. My 13 year old son got his 1st bird! A Special day. I nailed a hen he got a jake. Father and son...ahhh the memories! Anyway, our deer bow season opens on Oct 15 and I have been seeing 2 nice 8's frequenting my yard ALL summer. These are suburban deer...40 miles north of NYC. The guestimates for their score is somewhere around 100-120? I hope to bag one of these bucks. Good luck to all. Anthony
  6. Re: Reatree vs. Mossy Oak I agree...Realtree needs to get some displays out at WalMart. Mossy Oak is all over WalMart. Hardcore hunters will hold out to get the camo they want. Most people IMO, buy whats availible and convienient and cheap. And most everyone has a walmart around. WalMart sells ALOT of hunting equip, so it would be wise marketing to put your products at Walmart. I love my REALTREE
  7. Adjam5

    1st robin hood

    Re: 1st robin hood Nice shootin.... That Robin hood is worth the price of the arrows
  8. Re: four wheeler I love all of Yamahas products. I have 4 of them. One Kodiak 400 and 3 dirt bikes. They have never let me down yet.
  9. Re: Reatree vs. Mossy Oak Realtree Hardwoods Always... Now the HD patterns...WOOOHOOO!!! Even my Mathews bow says so...
  10. Re: Pressure\'s off.....WAY OFF! Nice story and nice shootin too!
  11. Re: You know when your a Deer Hunter when............ When no one will get in your truck because it smells like doe estrus!!! (only for oct,nov and dec )
  12. Re: First Ever (photos) You had to be good to get one of those... Congrats.
  13. Re: Anyone have exp with 55gr 30/30 accelerator loads? You are correct in that the Marlin is a lever gun. I know better about pointed bullets in a tubular mag. Those accelerators will the 1st shot in the chamber and then deer ammo will follow ...IF a second shot is nessessary. I have been looking for light .30cal bullets to whip up some light loads for my son. Then again... it might be cheaper to buy a .243 than to set up to re load 30/30 for varmints. The 30/30, I know; is not a varmint gun, but it is what my son can shoot good right now with the lightest bullet I have on hand. Thank you for the reminder on the pointed bullets in a tube magazine. Hunt Safe!
  14. Re: Anyone have exp with 55gr 30/30 accelerator loads? Thanks for the info AJ. I already have a box of those loads that I picked up at a gun show for 8 bucks...not bad. I am going to have my son put a few rounds thru the Marlin and see how it does. Worse comes to worse, I'll put the deer loads in that 30/30. There won't be much coyote left, but it'll be dead. Like you say, if for some magical reason they shoot good for me, then they might be just what we're looking for. Thanks again.
  15. Re: If Realtree asked you to come up with a new ca I took plain brown burlap and camo 'ed it with spray paint a few years ago . The kids asked what pattern I was making. I thought a minute and came up with "Daddyflauge" I still call any wraping I put around my tree stands as Daddyflauge.
  16. Does anyone have any experience using those remington 55gr 30/30 accelerator loads? In a few days, my son and I are gonna go out for yotes. I'd like him to take a shot. He shoots my 30/30 marlin well and I was thinking about those 55gr loads for him to use on yotes. How do they perform? Anyone ever use them? Its dead on at 200yds...ballistically. We will be hunted heavy wooded areas, so the short gun will serve him well.
  17. Re: My gun with new scope Nice BLR and REAL nice scope. Is that a Belgian BLR? Good Luck with it. When you buy quality, you only cry once. I learned that quote on this BB, and it is soo true.
  18. Re: Don\'t know what I should call this topic... Good one true.
  19. Re: Name with that posting name? OK... Anthony Here ...41, married 15 years, 3 sons(14,12,9 all hunters ) IBEW Construction Electrician 21 years work in NYC. Hunting since 1987 I hunt everything and anything whenever the seasons allow. Gun and Bow.
  20. Re: TEAM 5 Hey guys. I've been seeing and trying to pattern 2-8's that looks like they will measure somewhere around 100-125. They are real wide, but not much mass. I plan to be in the woods on oct15th the start of NY bow season. Good Luck to all. Anthony
  21. Re: Get a free Wild Game ringtone I need a crow caw ringtone for when my mother in law calls!!!
  22. Adjam5

    movie quote question?

    Re: movie quote question? You got it Tominator!!! Anything Mel Brooks is my Favorite. "don't you worry sir, we'll make Rock Ridge look like a chicken that got caught in a tractors nuts"
  23. Adjam5

    movie quote question?

    Re: movie quote question? How about this one... This is the 1st line in the movie. "Aww come on boys...whats all this lollygagging around acting like its can't be more than 114!!!" Someone has to get this. An all time classic,IMHO, that could NEVER EVER BE RE-MADE TODAY.
  24. Re: A Few things Redneck hunters will never say Where do you get that stuff?