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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Re: Almost went Nuge last night. Better not miss and hit a rock. Those sure are some purdy arrows... I'll be about a $40 miss with the broadhead! The white is real nice. I like the fact also of seeing the blood on the shaft from so far away. Were those wraps or paint?
  2. Re: RAPID CLIMB STIRRUPS BY SUMMIT? Summit users.... Look on this BB for an idea I have posted about summit stands.
  3. I have an idea that will help Summitt Tree stand users. I have and use the Broadhead Backpacker model. Like most, if not all Summits , they assemble with a black triangle type nut attached to a tether that secures the stand together. I have opened my stand in the dark and the nut got caught and it popped off the tether. Even with a flashlight, looking for a black nut in the leaves left me a bit frantic at 5am. Without it, hunt over, no climbing stand. Heres my idea which I e mailed to Summit yesterday. Make those black nuts out of molded orange or some other Hi-Viz color, so if they fall of that tether, they can be found easily. I sprayed mine flouorecent orange. Its a pretty simple fix to a nightmare of a situation that could occur on opening morning. If Summit starts making them a hi viz color, you heard it here 1st ladies and gents. Thank you...thank you verrry much. (in my best elvis)
  4. Re: The best post ever!!!!!!!! Now who can argue with that post?
  5. Re: How\'s this for a largemouth? Thats my boy!
  6. Re: Some my garden product Nobody answered.... CAN YOU EAT GOURDS????
  7. Re: 12 yr old brother Nails one Great shot...way to go. The 1st ones are ALWAYS special. In NY, the legal poundage is 35lbs. Question to the bow scientists please... My youger son has a Mathews Genesis. It has a 20lb draw and the manual says it is comparable with a 35lb recurve. Does that mean this bow is legal in NY(35lbmin for deer) for a child who cant draw much?
  8. Re: some bad news Nothing like losing your deer to a soccer mom in a mini van(figuratively speaking...of course ). That bites, and before he had a chance to pass on those genes...jeez! Good Luck this season...gotta be more out there.
  9. Re: Just witnessed something awesome! A while ago, my son Joe inquired to NYS DEC about Falconry...The sport of kings. There is a whole lot required to become a falconer. 3 years as a apprentice falconer under a Master Falconer. See you 1st have to have someone thats willing to teach you about falconry. That person ties their name to yours and becomes responsible for your actions in the field. A Master Falconer can be the ONLY one who teaches falconry. Then... once all your paperwork goes thru, you get to climb a tree and get a baby falcon(Redtail or Kestrel only) or get one from DEC. Raise it from a chick, then teach it certain traits. Think about squirrell/rabbit hunting with your hawk? Cool huh? There is a bunch of rules regarding hawk kills also. Sometimes these birds take animal that is non huntable or restricted, sometimes even house cats!....YIKES!. You have to leave that animal in the woods. Until you are a master, you cannot fly your bird alone. Tests are given by DEC for advancement of the falconry apprenticeship. THis has to be a REAL COOL sport, but I can see how it can take up soo much time caring for the bird and the exercise the bird needs. Definitly a full time hobby. I am always in awe of the grace these Raptors have, even those UG-LEEEE turkey vultures have grace when riding those thermals. You know that Ben Franklin said "the the wild turkey should be our national bird, because it makes it living honestly looking for food. A Eagle is a scavenger who would rather eat carrion than hunt" I never thought of it that way about raptors. Anyone elses state offer Faconry?
  10. Re: Here is my 2005 NC BUCK Nice deer . Looks like your gonna mount it with the cape and all. I wonder how the velvet is preserved on the antlers. Maybe its replacement velvet on mounts. I know the velvet is living tissue and will dry out and crack if not preserved somehow. Anyway, nice shooting. How was the outfitter you hunted with?
  11. Re: What are the Minimum ages to hunt in your state. Thank you guys for all the replies.
  12. Re: RAPID CLIMB STIRRUPS BY SUMMIT? When I bought the Broadhead Backpacker, it didn't come with the rapid climb type. I went to Gander Mtn and got them there. What an Improvement!!! No more searching with your boot tops for the loop to put your foot in. They stay out of the way also, the straps you used to have to stand on. They are a good product and I reccomend them. LIke 21.99 at Gander I think.
  13. In NY, the minimum age to hunt is 12, but they won't let you take the hunter safety course until your 11 or older. MY 9 year old has sat thru his older(13) brothers classes( bow and gun ) and now his 11yo brothers classes, but the instructor said he was too young to document this class for him and to receive his certificate. Since this boy could walk, he has been coming in to the woods with me. He was answering questions in the class that adults did not know. STuff about rubs and scrapes and crossing fences with guns ect. Many states I understand, that it is the parents choice of when they think their child can hunt. I have seen some young kids taking some REAL good deer on these TV shows. I guess it could be worse...this is NY and everyone knows the stupid laws that are around this state What is the minimun age to hunt in your state? How young have you gotten your kids into "This thing of ours"(hunting)
  14. Re: Determined little feller OH YEAH DADDY....the best times are on their way! The memeories that will be collected NO money can buy...Enjoy and congrats! I remember my kids 1st gun purchase. A single shot .20ga Rossi. Thats the beginner shotgun here. I have 3 sons. 13,11,9. Hunt safe!
  15. Re: Just witnessed something awesome! OH Yeah.... I've seen Perigrine Falcons in mid air, snatch pidgeons. A big puff of feathers in the air. I worked on a major bridge in NYC, and the Perigrines were nested up on the tower of one of the bridges spans. If anyone got close to the nest...POW MOMMA came a swooping on by. Trying to combat a falcon at 400' up is not fun. Luckily we were all tied off with safety harness' WE would find dozens of pidgeon carcasses all over the bridge, with just the breast meat eaten of the birds. Most of the bridge towers in NYC have a population of Perigrines and Red tailed hawks. They are excellent pest pidgeon control in NYC. Matter of fact I have a pic I took of that bird resting on a handrail. Let me see if I can find it. I did. I just scanned it. Pretty cool. I remember that day in Sept 98. This is the Tri-Boro bridge in NYC.
  16. Re: Knight and Hale Rack Attack For Sale! It makes a clicking rattling noise simular to antler rattling. I can be done with one hand, by squeezing it open and closed.
  17. Re: How many of you.... I only sit all day the 1st 2 days of the opener of gun season. My land is adjacent to a hunting club, and those guys just don't sit still. Most of them go home by the 2nd day. So I sit to shoot whatever they kick up on my side of the mountain. The suburban deer I hunt here, I'm usually done by 9am, I don't hunt suburbia in the pm, too many people home by then and the drag is tough one. I ususally bring the Deer Hunter almanac with me to stand when I do sit all day. I read up on other states deer harvests.
  18. Re: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Truck out some water in 55 gal barrels to the spot. Be sure not to use a hose to fill them. Deer noses are sensitive to neoprene and won't drink from smelly water...even if its fresh. I learned that from putting water out for the deer on my land. They didn't touch the water out the hose,well no mature bucks or does drank, only young un's. The other tub I had collected rainwater, they all drank out of that one. Its VERY dry ALL over. Good luck!
  19. Re: got my new release Good Luck with the new release. I use the TruFire Hurricane Buckle with my Outback. NO velcro, can put it on with one hand and jaw feels perfect thru the trigger. And yes...they don't give those things away. Alot of machining goes into the making of a release. Think about the precision that has to be there. Enjoy.
  20. Re: Favorite hunting show. Roadtrips Spirit of the wild Tred Barta Dream season Gettin close...with.......TIFFANY! Archers Choice
  21. Re: mechanical broadheads Take a look here. There is some good info here. Broadhead tests I love the NAP Shockwaves. Every deer I have hit with them have only walked about 30-50 yards then the jelly legs.... They fly right thru with the sound of the arrow hitting the leaves...OHHH! WHAT MUSIC! Spitfires have a tendency to close after exiting an animal, leaving the use to think the head did not open. Take a look at the wound on the animal... It opened alright. NAP said this is a normal occurance for the Spitfires to close after exiting. But for the price, The Shockwaves perform incredibly well. Good luck and hunt safe.
  22. Re: Want laugh hysterically? This stuff in soo funny I can't stop reading it. It makes you want to go hunting right now!
  23. Re: Backyard Visitor I believe ALL bear human contact should be reported to DEC. Since you said that bear has a radio collar on it, it most likely was a nuicense bear that was trapped and relocated already. It is VERY dry here in NY. Bears will be looking for food sources, and I would be VERY careful, like others have said about the comfortability that bear has around a childs play space . Keep the OO buck and the 12ga by the door . Show momma how to lock and load 99% of the time, if a bear smells humans...they are outta there. You or your child don't want to be that 1% that winds up being bear food. BTW...I have a pic of a camper that was found being eaten by a grizzly in Alaska. My sons hunter ed instructor gave me a copy of it. A deer hunter stumbled upon the scene and dumped a rifle full of 7mm mag into the bear and killed it. The bear had 5 bullets stuck in it from previous hunters and 2 broadheads broken inside of it, also from previous hunters. Tough bear huh? One pic I don't have is one of the hunter holding up a paw from the bear. It is the size of a catchers mitt!!! Had to be about 12"accross!!! HUGE!!! I'd post the pic, but I think the mods would have none of it and delete it. Its kind of graphic, but good for the eye to see and teach to non hunters or beginning hunters that bears are NOT cute little play things. If anyone wants a copy of the bear pic ,PM me with your e mail and I'll send it.
  24. Re: WHAT IS FAIR CHASE, SEPERATING MEN FROM BOYS... I don't participate in MANY types of hunting, high fence, bait, with dogs ect BUT...I still SUPPORT anyones right to hunt anyway they want, as long as its legal. ANY HUNTER... is a friend of mine .
  25. Re: Deer Hunting Murder trial on Court TV now! BOTTOM LINE...HE WAS TRESPASSING! PERIOD! Ignorance of the law is NO excuse. It doesn't matter if your an immigrant. He spoke english good, I'm sure he could read the NO trespassing signs and understand the commands given at that time. Now as far as the scope he took off. Do you think he'd put $100 scope mounts(removeable) on a gun(SKS) that only costs about $100? I don't think so. Hopefully some criminal who lost his hunting priviledges in jail, will get a hold of him during the rut He'll be bunking with BUBBA soon Good riddance and rest in peace brother hunters.