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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Re: Stupidity of looters.... Stuff like this is exactly what our forefathers had in mind about owning a gun and protecting life and property. How many liberals have said "this is America, there will never be chaos here, you don't need that gun"...YAH ....OK. It can happen anywhere. Remember the riots in LA? I have vivid memeories of the Korean store owners shooting at looters during that ugly period of American history...Thanks OJ. Looting like that probobly would've happend in ANY major urban area(NY,Detroit,St.Louis). Most urban areas try to disarm the populus by retstricting and banning firearms. Imagine being in that situation and not being armed?...I can't. And as far as quotas go... find the most qualified for the job, don't base it on color or sex. Just think if sports teams made up their roster due to the color and sex of the players, not the skills or experience. You would get underperformers like our country currently has in positions due to affirmative action. PATOOEY!
  2. Re: Realtree Apparel Question I'd reallly like to see Realtree apparell put out in stores the way that OTHER camo(MO) is all over. You have to look for Realtree good where I shop. That other camo company has displays all over Walmart and Gander mtn. and is easy to find. I know I can shop on line, but I hate the whole not trying things on stuff and returning thru the mail if it don't fit. Clothes I like to buy in person.
  3. Re: Just bought some gas....... I got filled up yesterday in Jersey for 2.79. I made sure I brought the gas cans too! Imagine feeling lucky over only paying 2.79 for gas? Bio Diesel must be the way to go. Cooking oil...won't run out of that! This has to end...YOU HEAR US WASHINGTON?
  4. Re: Realtree forums v.s. Mossy Oak I am a Realtree guy for life. Mossy Oak just got their website started on aug25th. I'm sure it'll grow, but not like this BB. I think Mossy Oak is a day late and a dollar short on getting started with a forum now. This is my home.
  5. Re: Fill up your gas tanks today Right over the border here in NY, in NJ, gas prices are atleast 20-35cents cheaper than here in NY. Its all taxes. Its worth the trip to jersey to save a 5 spot on the fillup. The Gov't should step in and do something, not just sit there and let this country be milked dry. There was a list a while ago of what gas stations import fuel and which ones use domestic fuel. That way we could control our purchases and reduce foriegn fuel dependancy. Something has to happen. It cost me about $65 to fill up my Silverado Whens it gonna end? YOU HEAR US WASHINGTON?
  6. Re: Ughh.. I hate my schedule! Whats easier Joe...going to school or feeding/housing you , your brothers and Momma? Oh and I forgot about all the hunting equipment I supply you and your brothers with.... Wanna switch? So SHADDUPPA YOU FACE and go take out the garbage Love Daddy
  7. Re: Private Land Hunting I have 62 acres That I let others ( local friends) turkey and small game hunt, but not deer hunt. The deer are scarce in that area, no doe tags this year in many areas in NY. Lots of yotes though. No one wants to shoot a yote and ruin their deer hunt To me the yotes go before the deer.) Anyway, I offer our land, every year, to take a kid hunting for the NY Youth turkey hunt. My oldest boy is only old enough to hunt. MY 11yo took his course, but in NY you have to wait til your 12 to small game hunt, 14 to big game hunt with a bow, and 16 to big game hunt with a gun. I love seeing a kids face when they hear their 1st gobble at dawn!!! Priceless!!! But I'm sure when I'm not at our property, people ride through with horses and quads. I find tracks and horse crap. Thats why I don't let others use it. Tresspassers ruin it for everyone, leaving garbarge and not riding gently(tearing up the ground). I have to drop trees before every deer season to block the trails,so people don't ride thru while I'm on has happend 2X OHH! They say, I didn't know deer season was still open? I say, it doesn't matter!, you still are trespassing!!! Don't ya know how to read posted signs??? Now turn around before I call the police. Thank you... have a nice day.
  8. Re: Bow setups this year. 03 Mathews Outback 29" 65lb draw Single pin tru-glo sight (good to 35yds) NAP quicktune 3000 micro adjustable rest TRu-Glo deadenator stabilizer 31" Beman 380-16's carbons 100grain NAP Spitfire mechanicals Tru fire Hurricane buckle release.
  9. Re: 650 fps bow??? It will sell. Look how many guys own $1000+ guns and scopes! It might be harder to buy and sneak it in the house though Hard to hide buying a $1500+ (all set up) bow. For me anyway. I am curious also about this bow. Make no bones about will sell. Some people always want the newest and money is not an object to some. ME...its the only object in my way
  10. Re: NOOO!!! Bad news for opening day Get one of those camo tuxedos! Those are cool! One more thing... Try not to get any doe in heat urine on you before the dance! Then again....that might be a good thing Have fun and good luck opening day.
  11. Re: Carbon or Aluminum? Seeking Opinion [ QUOTE ] Carbons!!!!!! They are either straight or broken!!!!!! [/ QUOTE ] I agree! Much more durable and able to spot faults in the shaft.
  12. Adjam5

    Empty Home Now

    Re: Empty Home Now Don't look at it like an empty nest. Look at it like an achievement. Your wife and you taught them well, raised them right and eventually the wings spread and the they take off. Sure its a bit sad, but know that your child is a piece of you and you are ALWAYS with them. Congratulations on a job well done. Now you get to look forward to weddings and grand kids!!! Ain't life Great? My mother always said" I cried when you left, I'll cry harder if you come back!" No stop reading this, log off and go find your wife!
  13. Re: Two words...HOLY and CRAP! Thats real cool. See how the teeth are rearward facing? Thats to help with the swallowing and moving the prey into the stomach.
  14. Re: Well aint this a bummer.. Was that a T/C hammer extender? I'm surprised that happened, but I guess when you stress a certain part failure is immenant. Pot metal? is that cast? I would think that T/C would machine the parts from billet and not cast them. Especially a hammer. With this problem you have , I just went and checked all my guns with hammer extenders . I would hate to have one fail in the field as you said. Will T/C make good on the part? They usually do. They have great customer service. Good luck.
  15. Re: Coyote & Grayfox...Aug.17 How about the heads/skulls? What do you do with them?
  16. Re: hunting partner headed for iraq God Bless EVERYONE who is there defending our way of life.
  17. Re: ever seen the Beatty Buck ? Thats a great once in a lifetime buck. I think it was something like 39 pts!!! Atleast Jim Beatty had it scored and brought it around to show everyone. Unlike that other hunter(Rompola) who shot a record breaker and was shrouded in secrecy and doubt. The only problem I see in shooting a buck like that is....where do you go from there? How do ya top it? Thats a good problem to have
  18. Re: 1969 Firebird convertible I cant believe that no one want this car?
  19. Re: Block Target Is Going Bad Already!!! I have to say my Black Hole target is not holding up well either. Pass thrus also. I cant remember where I read this, but one magazine said to pack the block type layered targets as they wear with some plastic bags. Like the kind they give you in Walmart. Stuff them in there good and it will give you some more life to it. I expect a target to last atleast 2 years. My 3 sons and I, all shoot archery, so I can see where my target takes a beating. The plastic bag stuffing trick works. Give it a shot. No pun intended
  20. Re: Idea for Realtree Video I'd like to see Realtree visit many deer camps all over the country and do hunts with ordinary people. Not stars or country singers. Just regular people. Maybe a contest to pick 10 or 20 deer camps for Realtree to visit and do stories on. Not everyone gets to shoot a deer over 100". Many are happy with little deer and even no horns sometimes. Just to see the varying ways people do things and the way the camps look. I'm sure EVERY deer camp has atleast one funny story to tell Regular people, regular hunts, taking some not so big deer and turkey and yotes. Yeah...thats it! Or maybe a yote video by Realtree! Thats the ticket!
  21. Re: Winners of the 2005 Photo Contest! Some really good pics there. Congrats to all who won.
  22. Adjam5

    shot a mathews!

    Re: shot a mathews! With the way Mathews comes out with new bows, my Outback is OLD already...! I'm waiting for the BUYBACK from Mathews!!! Buy my old one, I'll buy a new one. Whadda you say Mathews??? Start taking trade ins? Old Mathews bows only! State of the art don't stay that way for long.
  23. Re: How Much $$ on Bow Set Up????? I went for $1148 with tax for ,at the time, a New Outback in march 03. Bow was 565 stripped, by the time it was all set up with 2 dozen arrows, Beman 380-16's...$1148 I got the bow for a great price, just everything else was expensive. Metro NY thru the nose.
  24. Re: Hunting License I also got a habitat stamp and donated a buck to venison donation programs around the state and my muzzleloading stamp, everything else was sent about 3 weeks ago with my lifetime license package. Got 2 DMP's for 3R where I live here in Rockland county the area I hunt is bow only. Where I gun hunt in region 3H, there are NO DMP's . Matter of fact there are NO DMP's for regions 3K,3H,3A,4W,40,4P,4X,4R,7M7A,6N,6J,6F,5A,5C,5F,5H,5G,5J,and 5N....WHEW! WE NEED A YEAR ROUND YOTE SEASON FOR ABOUT 5 YEARS HERE IN NY. Anyone agree? Long Island hunter, are you hunting the Werthiem preserve this year? If you want, I have an application for you or anyone else who may want one. The place hasn't been open to hunting since 1947! A few catches though, one you have to take 2 does before an antlered deer, only allowed in woods one hour before light, and out an hour after dark. Mandatory orientation meeting if selected on...get this...OCT 15th!!! and OCT 17th!!! YIKES!!! What are they thinking??? Mandatory orange, climbing stands only, NO trimming or cutting of vegetation , no trail markers, no tape on twigs...nothing. If you could deal with all that. It might be a good place to hunt.
  25. Re: 1969 Firebird convertible still for sale