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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Re: Re-did my truck door panels in RT Hardwoods Grey It looks really cool. Great Job! You could make some $ doing that for other people.
  2. Re: Wisdom Teeth I think it all depends on the dentist. You have a good gentle dentist then you'll have no problem. I had all 4 of my wisdoms pulled, by 3 different dentists. Why 3...the 1st 2 were HACKS. The last guy I found was out of my insurance network, but it was worth paying for, what I will stop short of saying it was a pleasurable experience. Night and day difference between the Dentists. No gas, a few shots in the mouth, and I didn't even know it was over. My guy was great. Hope you have a Dr like I had. BTW...I saved EVERY tooth that was EVER pulled from my mouth...its in my will to send them with me when I go to meet my maker. Wisdom teeth are huge comapred to the others. My urologist wouldn't let me keep my kidney stones, I had them 2x. He said they needed them for tests....DANG! Wanted to keep them in a jar, on the matle. Good conversation piece. I look at them like Human pearls Well...they do belong to me. I made them. Yes...I am a bit strange. But ain't we all?
  3. Adjam5

    Its my b-day

    Re: Its my b-day Happy B day. from a fellow Leo.
  4. Re: GAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2.60 here in Rockland county,NY We are bordered with NJ, sometimes I scoot accross the state line to fill up there. I can save about 20-30 cents per gallon gassing up in NJ. When you gas up a Silverado, that could be like a $5 savings making the short trip accross the state line. The price difference is ALL TAXES. Jersey has the gas refineries, so I guess they can charge a little less. I've seen some Jersey gas at 2.29...Thats not bad considering what others are paying.
  5. The last few years we planted tomatoes and cucumbers and basil. We had some grow, but none as many as this year! Ya see, I put my older boy, you might know him as "Squirrellhunter91" on varmint detail. He has done a great job ridding the garden of pests. The chipmonks used to eat about half of the cukes and take bites out of many tomatoes and ruin them. So far I think he has taken about 15 or 16 chipmonks with the airgun, and one woodchuck with his bow!!!....WITH HIS BOW! That boy brings tears to my eyes with how good he is. I should hire him out I now have more tomatoes than we can eat, have to give some away( neighbors love 'em). The cukes we don't share often. Boys love 'em. The deer ate the tops off of the cuke plants early in the season and they got bushy and gave a bumper crop! Joe has really done a good job with keeping the garden clean of rootin tootin varmints. I planted beefstake, roma(plum), cherry and grape tomatoes. Italians don't go too far without tomatoes We are in tomatoe heaven here.
  6. Adjam5


    Re: REALTREE I have met some AWESOME AWESOME people on this site. This is great place to hang out and meet great people.
  7. Re: Wife went to the doctor today And may your 1st child... be a masculine child (Luca Brasi/The godfather) Good Luck and God Bless ya.
  8. Re: had a peta experience today Remember this.... You can NEVER tell a stupid person that they're stupid.
  9. Re: 1969 Firebird convertible Remember the days when all cars had speedos that went up past 120? and NO, it doesnt do 160. I don't think polyester thread tires could handle 160
  10. Re: Suggestions on a Climber? I must agree with the others.... Summitt makes the best stand around IMHO. I have the Broadhead Backpacker, folds flat and weighs only 22lbs! Very solid, quiet, easy to set up like all summitt stands and durable. The rapid climb stirrups make climbing and descending a breeze. Go Summitt!
  11. Re: Best hunting boots I have the Lacrosse Burlys in REALTREE hardwoods with the air grip sole. I paid about $90 for them a few years ago, and have not wanted for a boot in a long time. I think these are the best ones out there.
  12. Re: 1969 Firebird convertible ttt again
  13. Re: Custom 3d target fabrication??? What works well to stop arrows out of older targets is plastic bags. You know the kind you get from wal mart or wherever. Stuff those bags in the weak spot of the target. It should give enough resistance to keep the arrows from passing thru. I have a black hole target that is stuffed with those bags and I have no pass thrus. Myself and my 3 sons all shoot bows, so our targets wear out pretty fast. I found this to help with making them last. Good luck.
  14. Re: fear of portables I was bit apprehensive at first, but I got the hang of it. Ther key is to use a good quality climber. My Summit Broadhead backpacker is as sturdy as they come. VERY comfortable, I can sit ALL day if have to. I have no problem with heights, its widths I have a problem with Put me on the 100th floor of a bldg and I'm OK, put me up a 100 stories on a string, then we have a problem
  15. Re: whats the limit for whitetails in your county? NYS deer of either sex with archery tag, doe tags can be used (if applied for). Buck only in gun season( unless you applied for doe tags). Muzzleloading/late archery season, deer of either sex Doe tags ARE transferable all season, up to 2 per person only in the area given for. So, if you play your cards right, in NY one can get up to 6 deer.
  16. Re: Went deer \"watching\" this weekend Thats a great way to spend some quality family time and scout too!
  17. Re: Little guy\'s needing your prayers Prayers sent
  18. Adjam5

    Life without Parole

    Re: Life without Parole You guys are beyond married at this point. Life partners are more like it! Congrats! many more!
  19. Re: PETA Demonstration Backfires in New Haven, CT Once again this misinformed have struck out Incredible bunch of losers putting animals before people. Just once I'd like to read or hear about a peta member refuse med treatment for their kid or themselves because the meds were made from animal testing .
  20. Re: New New York State Law With that rash of drive by Barrett.50 shootings, they had to do something Its only a matter of time before they come for all the semi autos, wording it so it means EVERY gun in the world. A bunch of feel good legislation by do nothing legislators. Cheap sensationalists. Did anyone see that letter that Ronnie Barrett of Barrett firearms sent to the LAPD? He said that since CALI-fornia has banned the weapons he manufactures, LAPD must find some other place to buy/service/repair their Barrett firearms. They better hope they never break those guns...who'll fix'em?
  21. Re: My little brother outshot me. Thats my BOYS!
  22. Re: Julys Raffle was drawn That forum is just getting going huh? I registered and made a few posts.
  23. Re: ER trip last night...muzzy\'s I hope your not left handed... There are some things people MUST do with their dominant hand. Pick nose , bathroom routines Jeez! Some one might have to cut your backstraps for ya! PS, glad your OK. We only learn when it hurts.
  24. Re: Gun cleaning patches OK hear ya go.... Ya know those dryer sheets that your wife throws out? Those are perfect for cleaning gun bbls!. I use them often, cut them to size. I also cut up old tee shirts and rags. Most gun cleaning patches are by products of the clothing industry, tee shirts ,underwear ect. Give the dryer sheets a try.
  25. Re: Climber question I have the Summit Broadhead folds completley flat and weighs about 22lbs. The front is wide open, perfect for the bow hunter. Very quiet and light and easy to set up.. I put a piece of outdoor carpet on the floor platform for rubber boot squeek elimination and to block wind. The rapid climb stirrups are a great improvement.