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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Merry Christmas to you and the family Luke .
  2. Merry Christmas Ben .Have a safe trip. From the pics you have posted of "back home" is one heck of a place and I can see why you long to get back home . Enjoy...and Oh...shoot straight!
  3. The cold and snow I can deal with...I have lived in the North east my whole life. It is the dang wind I can do without. Kicking the real feel temps to single digits and below. Hard to move with many layers on so Under Armor cold gear is the right stuff.
  4. Congratulations...the years creep up fast don't they?
  5. Sad for those workers for sure... But what is scary is that so many firearm manufacturers are owned by these big conglomerates...AND... With so many business' going out of business, one conglomerate can close and eliminate a half dozen gun brands or more.
  6. Adjam5


    Prayers headed north...hope all works out OK.
  7. Yeah that would get me a bit upset also Mike hearing co worker talk so cavalier about wounding deer. Some folks are just casual hunters and just get in the "mode" come season. We however... eat, sleep and breathe this thing called hunting. I know for me it is practice all summer as much as I can to be on target. You owe it to the animal to be as proficient as possible with whatever weapon you choose. Do your best to teach them if you can, and hunt far away from from them until you do.
  8. Adjam5

    Need prayers...

    Prayers on their way bud...Hang in there.
  9. Adjam5

    what a birthday

    Hope your feeling better Cody...
  10. Does it get any better? I mean does it? Congrats on a great day and many more to come Don . She sure is adorable.
  11. Great family pic. I think you did a great job.
  12. She is the real deal...Love her. Woman look so sexy in Camo...Realtree especially
  13. Ahhh...would have loved to have met you guys . But yes...that is the plan for the Memorial(above ground) to be finished by the September anniversary. The company I work for has over 190 men on site and that is just electricians. Massive payroll to say the least. If ANYONE on this board visits NYC. You have to go see Ground Zero and the incredible progress being made. Mike...if you do take the bus in. Gimme a shout. Love to meet ya for lunch . Thanks for the great comments guys...but I am just a tiny piece of the BIG picture. The hardest thing about working there is ...there is not one day that I do not think about those that perished. I personally knew 3 good family men who perished that day. As the progress continues I will try and get more pics and post them.
  14. As many know I am an electrician that is currently working at the World Trade center memorial. Been there since February 2010. These are a few pics I have taken during my work day. There is a tremendous amount of work going on. I'm talking the Memorial(which takes up the whole foot print of the old towers), the Freedom tower(tower 1), tower 2 has not yet started, but towers 3 and 4 are under way. As are the 13 subway lines that are routed underneath it all. There are a incredible amount of cranes all over the job hoisting all day long. When I was sitting in my treestand a few weeks ago I was REALLY appreciating the lack of the ear splitting air horn blasts when cranes hoist loads over workers heads. Enjoy the pics. The Freedom Tower. Up to about 52 floors now. Going to be 1776' high. This is the North pool. There is also a South pool. Part of the Memorial. It is a 30' high, 1 acre square endless water fall into a empty hole to symbolize the loss that day. It all will be run with recycled rainwater and that water also will feed the trees with a very advanced irrigation system underneath it all. The tree plantings. They are sweet gum and White Oak. They all have been grown specifically for this project. This is tower 3 on left and 4 on right. This is the south side of the site. Where the 200 year old boat was found while digging and also where the Deutche Bank building had to be demolished because of mold created from the Ground Zero Rescue. As I said there are cranes all over this site. I was told there are like 28 cranes on site. Some insane amount of steel as structure supports. They are making this place bomb proof. This is a pic of the north west corner of the site. World Financial center on left. Also here is a link to the Memorial website for more info that has a live construction cam. I feel a tremendous sense of pride working here and every piece of conduit I install is my signature on the worlds most famous AND largest construction project in the world right now.
  15. Hey Mike.... Been getting your texts and updates. Thanks. Also...been seeing and hearing some of that anti bear hunt talk around town and even on the job by some uneducated individuals who are life long city dwellers with no clue about wildlife. One person said hunting breaks up animal families...I had to walk away. Hope you get to stick a good deer or even Yogi himself . Hunt safe and have fun.
  16. That is way cool. Congrats to the successful hunter. I love non typicals . Thanks for sharing that.
  17. Adjam5

    69 years

    Yes...Thank you to all past and present military for your service. Great pics Chris. One day I'll get to Hawaii.
  18. Looks nice. Are they made to mount on a wall or only pedestal mount only?
  19. All gone . Thanks for sharing it anyway.
  20. Adjam5

    My Son Won!!

    Congrats to him! Great day all around. Savage makes some nice rifles. Good Luck with it.
  21. Adjam5

    gas prices

    I go through New Jersey to get home from NYC daily. Yes I drive into NYC EVERY workday. I gas up in NJ due to the much lower gas prices there. $2.95 this afternoon. In NY where I live...$3.25 That is what we all need... higher gas taxes...atta boy Congress.
  22. Adjam5

    Happy Birthday Shaun

    Happy Belated Birthday Shaun hope you had a great one.
  23. Yeah I have seen that. That has been making the TEXTING rounds also. Funny stuff.