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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. You got condolences.
  2. Adjam5

    Back Home Pic

    Awe come on Gary...don't cha miss NY even just a little bit? Look at all the show shoveling and shivering you are missing out on:p.
  3. It sounds like a lot(no pun intended) of fun Jeramie . I have never been to a auction. It seems though you need to know what certain items are going for or you can overpay. Have fun!
  4. Sorry to hear the AX might swing. I hope it don't for you. What a shame that the CEO's play such a game with peoples lives . IMO, companies that do that to American employees should get hit with the TAX/penalize hammer for hurting OUR economy and boosting India's. Good Luck.
  5. Adjam5

    my plans

    Incredible plan you have Steve. I wish you and your wife the absolute best possible . Happy Trails to you both.
  6. The R25 is a Bushmaster made for Remington. They are both owned by the same parent company, Ceberus. Now with that lower...your boss can also buy you other uppers in .308, 7mm-08, 6.5 Grendel any caliber based on the .308 cartridge. Be a good employee and make sure he knows that. . Have fun with it.
  7. Very sweet William . I am a BIG fan of EVIL Black rifles and yours is in .308. So that must make it extra EVIL:D. So many bullet weights to choose from in the .308 caliber. From 125 gr to 220gr. OH all the fun you are gonna have finding out what it likes best. Congrats on the new addition.
  8. Good Luck Ruth. Hope it turns out the way you want it to.
  9. Yup I agree...Moms do have it hard. Our boys are big now. 18,16 and 13. So outside of keeping the house clean, laundry and cooking. All were/are honor roll kids, so we don't need to stay on them for homework. My wife kind of pulls double duty too by working in the high school cafeteria feeding our younger sons when they come in for lunch. . They eat good . None of us here would be able to do the things we love like hunting and fishing without the great women behind us .
  10. Cabelas is giving a 10% discount to all NRA members from Feb 5-7. If you cannot make it to the store that weekend they will give free shipping on orders over $50. The link below.;jsessionid=LSYTCEO5KGGWRLAQBBKSCOFMCAEFAIWE?detailedInformationURL=/cabelas/en/content/community/aboutus/retail/retail_stores/promos/2010nraweekend.jsp&cm_mmc=ven-_-nra-_-email-_-nraweekend&_requestid=97188
  11. Thank you William. Rules are rules.
  12. Scott, I told a friend of mine about this post and he replied asking about sights on it and for a few pics. The post is now gone. What happened? He had only one post before that one. But I can vouch for him if you guys decide to do the deal. Thanks Anthony
  13. Good Luck...Hope it works out for you. If you want a good laugh...take a look at the way this guy sells cars:D Don't do it this way. ( be forewarned...a little vulgar)
  14. Osmosis...didn't he marry Jackie Kennedy? Cool vid, too bad for Topsy.
  15. You left out Englebert Humperdink:D.
  16. Nice pics. Cabelas does put some major money into their stores, but as was mentioned. No deals...ever. The bargain cave has some deals, but it is never what you want or need. I have been to the Hartford,CT Cabelas( had lunch with Tim Andrus there) and to the San Antonio Bass Pro shop. Between the two I have been to the Bass Pro shop blew the doors off of the Hartford Cabelas. Of course the bass Pro was much larger.
  17. I catch his show from time to time and enjoy/agree with his views. If Uncle Ted calls him a Blood brother. What else needs to be said about Glenn Beck? . Good interview camoman, thanks for posting that.
  18. So he was convicted in absentia with a warrant for his arrest. Will the charge of evading prosecution be added to the list of crimes? Great Job! Sounds like you are good at what you do. Your county is lucky to have you;). I feel there is no worse crime than a crime against children. Way to go!
  19. Had many mornings of cleaning up trash all over my yard and neighbors yards due to a coon tipping my pails. The edges of the pails have been chewed upon also. I had about enough of it. I set out the live trap( coon season is still open til Feb 15th) and yes I have a trapping license . It was a male with a good fat layer on him. This one makes #4 this year. The rest were caught up at hunting camp. The set up on the side of the house. The fatty awaiting his fate. His fate came...between the eyes. I usually don't shoot them between the eyes. They bleed too much. I usually use a .22mag in the lungs. A small hole and they expire fast. But it was early in the morning and my neighbors would not appreciate the sonic boom of the .22mag. This guy got two .22 sub sonics at point blank in the lungs and was still hanging on. He deserved to go quickly. I owed him that. Thats when he got the .22 short between the eyes. A nice prime fur pelt that will be off to the tannery soon with the others. I case skin them with the face on.
  20. MUHAHAHAHA.....Welcome to the EVIL Black rifle club:D. Good Luck with it. Great little gun. I have 3 of 'em . Different configurations.
  21. Hey John...The whole gay thing(no pun intended:D) worked well for the Greek Trojan or was it Spartan armies. They went to war with their partner and fought for their partners life. Ahhh...That stuff is ancient history. If I were serving today, I would be extremely uncomfortable with a gay squad member. That liberal view might impede their ability to defend mine and my other squad members lives. This is all part of what THAT administration in the White house is all about. They want to keep their jobs...they do what the commander in chief( what a joke) tells them.
  22. Being from NY and having connections is NEVER a bad thing Ruth:D. Good Luck with it all.
  23. While we agree in principle about the crossbow Joe. There are quite more reasons folks would want to use one. I cannot see older folks, some with Hip issues/arthritis shooting that way. Some do not have the support of a archery shop or other shooters like this guy seems to have. The young mans disabilities have made him strong in other areas which enables him to shoot the way he does. Dang good I might add. Wish my groups were that tight. This man has incredible determination and a will to shoot a standard bow. I think he has overcome his challenge. I would not call someone who shoots like that disabled. But rather challenged. I agree, quite inspirational.