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Everything posted by rhine16

  1. I laughed... This is me to an extent. Fortunately have never had to be apart of a club. If I do, it will be with a few like minded people. I know guys like you are talking about though. It's annoying
  2. Got my first smart phone Photo bucket Antler insanity
  3. I ha to put the bow down today.... I certainly don't blame you. I don't miss a mississippi state home football game. Granted our rut is after the regular season, do miss a rut day or two for the bowl game usually... Doesn't look like that will be a problem this year.
  4. Team 7 - Team Pile Driver Saw 5 this evening. Does and young bucks.
  5. I was skunked last night except for coons and turkeys. Little brother was busted as he drew on an 8 point. Looking like this morning may be a 0 sighting morning as well. Weather is awesome, but it's tough hunting when there are acorns literally everywhere. The 5 coons from yesterday:
  6. Team 7 - Team Pile Driver Nice Hoosier! I don't really do any duck hunting but maybe this is the year that I'll kill a good deer early enough to get to go a few mornings. Here is the upwind side view from this evenings setup. Acorns are dropping constantly. New buck that showed up on the cam I checked Thursday. Rack says he's a three year old, but body says he's four in my opinion.
  7. No luck. Heard a few walking just out if range. New buck on cam that will get shot if I'm given an opportunity. That 290 came off the actual chrono. Used a calculator for kinetic energy.
  8. Team 7 - Team Pile Driver I'm finally back in a tree. This time with my new spyder 34 beside me. Set at 31/80 with Easton axis 300s, total arrow weight is 497. Chronoed at 290 fps, not that fast but Easton's kinetic energy calculator says it's hitting with 91.5 ft/lb of force. Maybe I'll get to test it out today.
  9. Team 7 - Team Pile Driver Congrats Hoosier! Took my test yesterday so I'm ready to roll now. Unfortunately looking at rain the next two days.
  10. Congrats to Izzy! Enjoyed the read!
  11. Congrats! Looks like it was a fun evening!
  12. Don't underestimate the warmth of a vest. For the 40-50 degree mornings, I wear a cold gear under armor with a vest. Can leave the vest off walking to and climbing in your stand and then put it on. Also just a good camo hoodie should work for those temps. I have two under armor ones that I'll wear occasionally.
  13. Team 7 - Team Pile Driver Congrats on the second doe Hoosier! No way I could kill that buck this early with only one tag either. Hopefully you've got another date with splitter. I had a few shots at does this weekend, but I just didn't take them. Good luck everyone.
  14. mock scrape? Rake the leaves back and pee in it. If you've got it in the right place and have a licking branch, I promise you it works just as well as any product out there.
  15. Team 7 - Team Pile Driver I'm assuming that's where you glassed the shooter the other night Hoosier. Hope you stick him! I saw two does from afar this morning. Back in now. It's hot and mosquitoes are flying but maybe something will happen
  16. Team 7 - Team Pile Driver Hoosier, congrats to you and your wife! It begins for me in the morning. I'm going just to be able to say I saw the sun rise on opening morning, will get to sit for about 40 minutes once shooting light opens. Unless something comes up at work I'll get the last hour and a half to hunt tomorrow evening as well. Going to be shooter bucks only between now and my test (oct 14). I need to be studying instead of cleaning a deer. After that, it's game on.
  17. Team 7 - Team Pile Driver Awesome hoosier! What's he look like?
  18. Team 7 - Team Pile Driver smha- I'm not in the delta, that pic was taken 30 miles east of it. I do have good neighbors, but most importantly myself and the people I hunt with have done a good job of not shooting young bucks, and progressively getting better with trigger control by year. This deer is good but he's actually below average for our target buck over the past 5 or 6 years (if that makes sense). Hoosier- yeah our salt lick activity begins decreasing at this time of year. I should have started repositioning cams last week, but didn't take the time to. Will be doing that soon.
  19. Team 7 - Team Pile Driver I hung three more stands Sunday evening and ran a few camera cards through a viewer. My best had visited a salt lick just once over the past two weeks. Don't have that pic but here's one from a few weeks ago for those of you that haven't seen him. He'd be worth a few points.
  20. Team 7 - Team Pile Driver Yep I'm going 80. May not crank it all the way up, but it'll be upper 70s. Won't go any higher than what I can pull sitting down, but I pull my 73 easily right now. Figured I might as well go 80 while I can. Yeah going to shoot an Easton axis 300 with 125 grain heads. Going to be packing a punch for sure.
  21. Team 7 - Team Pile Driver Good luck bh97. Rained changed my plans so I'm not getting to hang stands today. Stopped by my old bow shop last night and finally broke down an ordered a bow. A 31"/80# hoyt spyder 34. I'm excited to get it here.
  22. Man those first two are STUDS! Good luck with them!
  23. Atta boy Hoosier! Way to get us on the board! Thanks for the comments about the cancer guys. Didn't mean to post it for sympathy, rather to express how excited for this season I am, but I do appreciate it. I got some stands in trees Saturday. Took off from deer prep on Sunday and went dove hunting. Work day at my new place this coming Saturday and then I'll be finishing hanging stands on my old place Sunday evening. It's getting closer! Good luck to those of you that are hunting already!
  24. Posting Pictures from mobile smart phone I use photobucket as well. Just upload pic and copy/paste img code.