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Everything posted by Randy

  1. Wow, very touching. Thanks for posting and so sorry for your loss.
  2. Last night mike had a pretty nice 10 pointer running back and forth along the ridge. He said "it's to bad Willliam isn't sitting in his favorite little pine, he'd have been able to thwack that sucker a few times!!" LOL
  3. Tell your dad congrats on a great buck!
  4. Last night mike saw a really nice buck headed towards your stand by the corn. He was in the ladder at the corner of the woods. This morning he had that big 10 pointer bedded the same spot the 9 pointer got up from. It headed to the pond to never be seen again. LOL Waiting on an update from tonight yet.
  5. I feel bad, the bigger bucks seemed to be following me around. I had seen quite a few nice bucks during the week. We had a ton of corn standing yet and they seemed to be in there. Every chance we had that the wind was right I felt William needed to be close to the corn. He always seemed to be in the wrong stand at the wrong time. My favorite stand didn't produce anything. It may have Sunday morning but poor William was a half a mile away!! LOL
  6. Lets throw this in. What if you are finding good blood with lots of clots in it?
  7. Happy Birthday buddy and thanks for everything you do for this forum, it is appreciated!!! I hope you had a great birthday!
  8. A different thread got me thinking. When trailing a wounded deer, the general rule of thumb is when in doubt, back out. I believe there is a time to keep pushing and I was wondering what you all thought about this. When do you push, and when do you back out?
  9. Depending where in the lung it was hit, yes, it could survive. A lung shot in essence kills a deer by suffication from the bleeding. So if you hit part of the lung that doesn't have as many veins and arteries running though it, it is possible for that deer to heal. The problem lies with the infection it could get. That may kill him but it could take months.
  10. Attaboy Joe!! There's nothing like the first one and the rest will come a bit easier.
  11. It sure was a week full of ups and downs. I'm just glad no one fell asleep in their stand and fell out. LOL I give you alot of credit, you deserved a big buck, you sure put your time in the stand in. Sometimes it just doesn't work out. Did you notice I took the pic in the corn? We saw enough of that over the week too! :clown: Thanks for brightening the pic Steve, I'm pretty good looking eh??? :clown::clown::clown:
  12. Is this the 9 pointer you saw? :o
  13. It was our pleasure William. I'm sorry the big ones didn't seem to cooperate with you. I think maybe I need to hang double stands in all the trees I sit in. Atleast you got to see a couple good ones. As far as that nine pointer goes, I think I may have a picture or two laying around at home. I'll look once and maybe post a pic of him this afternoon. I'm glad you made it home safe and hopefully one day down the road we'll get to try it again...
  14. I'm guessing you're the only true nut on that ridge...:clown:
  15. Here's the situation. As many of you know I am in the middle of a divorce. To make a long story short I want 50/50 custody of my kids. For some reason my soon to be ex thinks she is more deserving of the kids time and doesn't want to agree to it. Anyways, her attorney is trying to say she is basically "going out of her way for me" and he states, "At Trial, she will have no choice but to fully assert her legal rights in all areas." He goes on to say, "Thank you for your time and attention to this matter and hopefully Randy will understand the considerble exposure he will face at trial." So here's my question, is that some kind of threat? Scare tactic? What?
  16. Dang Gary,.......can get through Thanksgiving first??? :hammer1::clown::clown:
  17. Thanks for the update Bugleward. Chris, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
  18. Yesterday was a tough day. Not much moving here at all. It was very windy and warm, hopefully that got the corn to dry a bit and the farmers will get out and pick a couple cornfields that are holding a few of the big bucks. It's supposed to be near record highs of 66 degrees here today. I'm putting William in a stand over a water tank. I figure they have to come out of the cornfield to drink sometime. It looks like Willliam is going to have to earn a buck this year, things have just been tough and I feel bad because it is NOT a normal year as far as buck movement. He's hunted very hard and we're down to a couple days to get it done. Good luck today bud!
  19. Go get him Timmy!! I hope you have better luck than Williams having!
  20. Loooonnngg day. This morning I had a button buck under my stand. That's it! LOL Went back out at 1pm and saw my first buck at 1:56. Second at 2:20pm. Around 4:15 I had a fork horn and a monster 10 pointer at 34 yards and couldn't get him to stop in an opening for a shot. I believe it's the same ten pointer i had video of from July. I'm not sure he'll make 150" but he not far from it. I saw one other small buck for a total of five this afternoon. Here's the problem: I can't seem to get William in the right tree at the right time! I'd love to send this one home with him! Maybe tomorrow???
  21. Who'd a thunk it,...........another big buck from OHIO! :clown: Congrats on a great buck!
  22. I didn't hunt tonight, I sat in a big tower where I could watch the activity from a distance. I saw an almost 18" inside 9 pointer looking for doe at 4:10 pm and about 5:00 I saw about a 16" 8 pointer. Both have broken G-3's but I don't think William would mind, especially after his uneventful night on the stand! Welcome to Wisconsin buddy! LOL Hopefully tomorrow a big one will cooperate. It is getting better everyday and the big ones are on the move. It's just a matter of time now! William would post tonight but he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore!
  23. The bucks were the move this morning. Unfortunatley I scared a pretty good one off in the dark this morning that was heading towards Williams stand. I did however see 4 bucks and a doe this morning. One was pretty nice. I'll let William fill you in on his first morning in the Wisconsin woods..
  24. Thanks for bringing the cooler weather with you William! It ought to be a great week. I saw 4 bucks yesterday morning chasing a doe, one was a pretty good one. My buddy saw 3 last night, two shooters and a small one. Hopefully that big one gets the THWACK this morning. The wind is right and we're heading back to where he's been all fall. Don't forget your boot blankets! :clown: