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Everything posted by Randy

  1. WTG Craig! Does everyone have their deer entered?
  2. Randy

    Its a Girl

    Fill the whole safe brother,....fill the whole safe... Congrats, she'll have daddy wrapped around her finger in no time.
  3. Randy


    Dang, I missed it...
  4. I know this will get moved but, Spring turkey applications are due TODAY!!!! Heading out the door right now to get mine! Mods if you can just give this a little bit for exposure before you move it I'd appreciate it...
  5. Congrats you two! Have a great time at Doc's!
  6. Whaaaat? Nobodies ever blown "cash" on cheap Kleenex's??
  7. Randy


    LOL I don't think so... What's the deal, someone goes in and they log out? Sounds to fishy to me. Why wouldn't they just explain what's up?
  8. I call it the way I see it. Unfortunately sometimes this gets me in trouble!
  9. Randy


    Guess who's chatting???
  10. It's going to have to wait til next season.
  11. Done. Thanks for posting Gary!
  12. I bought this new last winter. I used it for one season. The cables do have a bit of wear on them where the arrow rest is tied. Other than that the bow is in "almost new" condition. Peak draw is 70# and I believe it's set at 28 1/2 for draw length. Includes a 3 arrow "treelimb" quiver. This suckers loaded with G5 sights and an awesome G5 rest. Meta peep sight and Limbsavers all over the place. This stabilizer finishes this awesome shooting, quiet, bow off. All this for $700 TYD.
  13. Good luck on your exam Ruth.
  14. I've seen that one a few times but, it's a good reminder. Thanks for posting it.
  15. Oh, she's kinda cute too! Camo and a knife...
  16. I think this ones pushing 148ish.
  17. So, this morning I'm sitting here checking out a few threads and I can fell the pressure building in my nose. I get up and grab a cheap Kleenex and blow my nose. Wouldn't you know it, yep, I blew right through it! Somethings in life you just can't skimp on... I just thought you all wanted to know how my day started...
  18. Tim, you just let me know if you EVER have a hunt planned and feel like taking the day or week off, don't feel like you HAVE to go. I will always graciously fill in for ya!!
  19. That's one thing you will NEVER see me doing...:rolleyes:
  20. Great video Charlie! Thanks for sharing it!
  21. Randy


    Sheesh Chris,....for someone who knows everything you sure don't know much...
  22. Wife's standing right behind me.....