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Everything posted by gzilla45

  1. I was actually just going to post this same topic as I'm prett concerned about it. The far left is already completely against gun ownership but I fear this might sway some middle of the roaders solely based off the fact that the liberal media will portray this as "machine gun wielding lunatics" threatening the safety of the president. While any reasonable person will understand that no laws were being broken, not everyone will see it this way. I hope I am wrong though.
  2. This is a great article. I'm entirely scared by what the government is trying to do and hope to God that the people wake up and vote everyone out of office come 2010. Our nation was founded on certain principles and those seem to be getting brushed aside. Let me rephrase that, they are being bulldozed off to the side.
  3. I know 3 people that make it but nobody will tell me their recipe. I find it much easier to give them money and let them do all of the hard work though.
  4. Seeing that I fit into this category quite nicely, I'm going to have to try this. I think I'm going to cut up the chicken though and eat it with tortilla chips.
  5. This bear has sweet skills so I don't think I'd shoot him.
  6. I too am glad to see the American public voicing their opinions about something they don't like. But what bothers me is the fact that the administration and liberal media are suggesting that these people are only doing this for political reasons. Seems to be that BO had millions of people rallying all over during his campaign but when it goes against him, he can't stand it. Hopefully my idiot congressmen will be doing these around where I live. I definitely would like to give them a piece of my mind.
  7. gzilla45

    Cowboy Bud

    So true and so funny.
  8. I tried making beer once and it didn't turn out too good. Thank God Leinenkugel's makes such great beer so that I don't have to keep trying.
  9. I'm going to the Vikings/Packers game at Lambeau this year. I sure hope Brett does play for them so our DB's can get about 5 pick 6's off of him. I wouldn't mind Bj Raji laying the smack down on him either. I plan on booing him when he runs out of the tunnel.
  10. Since I can't choose let him stand up, I think I'm going to go the top green. It should be a pretty easy shot from this close through the neck. Either way, I would turn him into all veni sausage. My supply just ran out and I'm starting to crave it already.
  11. I'm sure many of those shots would take him out with my trust .270, I think I'm waiting for him to stand up.
  12. gzilla45


    Now that is funny stuff.
  13. Aside from family and close friends, nope. There are thousands of acres of public land around that they can use. It still doesn't keep people from doing it though. There must be something about hunting on other people's land that I just don't understand.
  14. Let's hope the people of California realize that she needs to go and remove her from office next election.
  15. I really wish Taylor Swift would move to the pop genre where she belongs. She is not a country singer and she just butchered the Def Leppard song. I love country music but the problem with the awards is that the same 5 people win year after year. There are a ton of newer bands out there with great music that get 0 recognition.
  16. I'd try deleting it completely from your machine and downloading a different version of it. What version do you currently have?
  17. This is horrible. I don't understand how they can say they were hunting when it wasn't even deer season. I'm going to have to find out who this judge is and get the word out that he/she needs to go.
  18. i'd like to think all of them didn't but that probably isn't true. Of that list I would think Thomas and Griffey are probably clean.
  19. This was probably one of the most ridiculous articles I've ever read and I only wish there was a comments section at the end of the article. I think they have this completely backwards.
  20. I can't wait for this movie to come out either. I don't think a single day went by as a kid where I wasn't playing with my GI Joe's. I still have a box of them at my parent's house that one day I'll bring out. Hopefully they'll be worth some bucks. At least the ones that weren't blown up, torched, or shot.
  21. Thanks for the info guys. It looks like I'll just have to shoot the ones that are the same size as my dog. That makes it a little easier.
  22. I'm going on a wild boar hunt later this year and I'm wondering how similar the meat is to farm raised pork. Will I be able to enjoy pork chops or do they have a real wild taste to them?
  23. gzilla45

    food fight!!

    This arcticle made me laugh and angry at the same time. I can't believe this principal called the police for a food fight. They should have been slapped with a detention and made to clean up the mess and probably made to clean during their detention as well. I'm glad I'm not in school anymore as it doesn't seem like you can have any fun. PORTAGE — Police arrested five students after a food fight during lunchtime at Portage High School. The teens were led from the school in handcuffs Tuesday after yogurt and taco salad flew across the cafeteria. The mother of one of the teens, Wendy Mitchell, thinks the school overreacted by calling police. So does Lee Ann Vesley, whose son Ryan Hayes was also involved. Vesley says she’s upset they were arrested and now have $172 tickets for disorderly conduct. Principal Karin Exo says she stands by her decision to call police because the cafeteria was chaotic. Sophomore Dylan Mitchell says he doesn’t have any regrets about the food fight and says it was “kind of” his idea. He says other students even gave them a standing ovation when they walked out of school in handcuffs. Mitchell says that’s “pretty sweet.”
  24. gzilla45

    Mafia Wars

    Do a search for mafia wars from within facebook and you can join groups where you can add hundreds of people very quickly.