The man is out to only make money. Since he is an investor in a company that sells carbon credits, the more he convinces people of global warming the more money he will make. He is a scumbag.
Bama certainly does have a good team but I don't think anyone is giving Texas the credit they deserve. I have this one picked 31 - 27 Texas. Either way it should be a good game.
Unfortunately this thing is too far along to not pass. They will force it through. My hope is that constitutional lawyers can find something illegal with it. It certainly seems illegal to me to force people to buy something. Either way come Nov 2010, we better vote all of these people out.
I just watched a show on ice fishing and they had an electric auger that could drill 28 8" holes before needing to be charged again. That is crazy and I want one.
I keep it simple for crappies and use nothing but a split shot, gold hook, and a minnow. The size of the minnow really depends on how they are biting. If they are active, I'll use a larger fathead to catch the big boys.
I don't remember not having snow at Christmas. We already have plenty here so if anyone wants some, just send a dump truck to my house and you can take as much as you want.
I got about 8-10 inches through this morning and it is still coming down like crazy. I hope they get the roads cleared up better than they are before the wind and bitter cold hits us. The drive to work this morning sure was interesting.
The snow has started falling already well ahead of their projections. I see now they are predicting 8-14" followed up with wind and bitterly cold temps. I'm not happy at all. I wish the cold came before the snow though to solidify the lakes. I guess guys are already ice fishing up in Wausau already. Personally I think they are crazy.
I'm glad to see they decided to table the 16 day hunt for next year. It would be nice if they cancelled the hunt this weekend but I think mother nature is going to keep a lot of people out of the woods. We are looking at a lot of snow Tues-Wed and then bitterly cold temps over the weekend.
I just read the article about Russ Decker calling for the firing of all the DNR folks who deal with whitetails. He hunts just down the road from where I do and I'm guessing based on the seasons we have had the last few years that they have had similar ones. I hope he is doing this for the right reasons and not something to get re-elected.
It seems to me based on talking to lots of hunters from all over the state that the deer population isn't anywhere near what the DNR thinks it is. It didn't take long for them to start blaming the weather for this year's poor hunt. If I remember correctly they said the same thing last year. I did manage to see 7 does this year which is 3 times as many as I saw last year so hopefully things are on the up and up. I was quite happy that in my unit (32) we couldn't shoot does this year. In fact I hope they do it again next year. I believe there to be 3 key factors specific to the area that I hunt that caused the drop in deer. The first is the fact that the over the last 5 years the DNR was practically giving away does tags and people took advantage. The other two problems are wolves and bears. As their populations have gone up, the deer population has gone down. I have sat numerous times this fall and when the wolves are close, the deer aren't anywhere to be found. When they aren't nearby the deer move. I can't figure out why people don't think the wolves are part of the problem.
Well we are finally two days from the gun opener and it looks to be quite warm on opening weekend. I just wanted to say good luck to everyone and have a fun, safe hunt.