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Everything posted by gzilla45

  1. Wow. Congrats on a truely great buck.
  2. I hope this guy's insurance company realized what an idiot he is and doesn't cover it.
  3. That is hilarious. Except I think I'd stop shooting after I put the first one between his eyes.
  4. We do the italian dressing like others have mentioned and then grill them. They are delicious. My all time favorite though is frying them in bacon grease and having about 4 large onions fried up as well to eat them with. I can't wait to get out to deer camp to enjoy them.
  5. Just wondering if you are seeing much rut activity where you are at? I spent 4 days hunting last weekend and it didn't seem to me like there was much rut activity going on. I didn't see any scrapes or rubs and my recent trail cam pics have bucks traveling in groups of 3 still. I'm just wondering if the warmer weather has delayed it a little and pushed it into gun season. It's just been a bizarre year out by us so far.
  6. Good to see the boys from Wisconsin representing the state.
  7. gzilla45


    I've been cruising the forums for a while now and just realized I don't think I've ever properly introduced myself. My name is Gary and live in central Wisconsin although I do pretty much all of my hunting in the northern part of the state where my land is located. I love hunting whitetails, grouse and have recently got into turkey hunting and hopefully will get my bear tag next year. This is certainly a great place to come as there is a wealth of knowledge readily available on pretty much all types of hunting and other topics as well. It is pretty cool to learn about how everyone hunts based on where they live and to see other parts of the country I might not normally. I've learned a lot on these forums and look forward to continuing to do so.
  8. I think this would be hunting Alberta whitetails for me.
  9. That would be my Winchester 1400 12 guage. I still own it and it is still my best shooter. We have put down many birds and many clay targets together. I love that gun.
  10. I'm truly jealous of the fact that you are eating fresh oysters. It's been a couple of years since I've had good fresh ones as it is hard to get them up here in Wisconsin.
  11. Can't beat the trusty ol' .270 with 130 grain Core Lokt.
  12. gzilla45

    Whats for lunch?

    Friday fish fry for this guy.
  13. Sounds like you guys had a good time. If you don't mind me asking, did you go through an outfitter or did you do it on your own? The reason I ask is that I'm looking to book a hunt in January and am not having a lot of luck finding an outfitter that doesnt charge an arm and a leg.
  14. I'm hurting just thinking about it. Hopefully I never have to pass one.
  15. For a while I was convinced that the grape cigars I smoked while sitting in my stand actually attracted deer. I shot a lot of deer while smoking those things. But I never shot a buck while doing it either which is why I stopped. There probably isn't a direct correlation there but it was enough of an issue for me personally to make that decision to stop smoking while on the stand. I have a chain-smoking buddy that sees and shoots deer all the time so this arguement can easily go either way.
  16. I skin and quarter the deer out while they are still hanging on the meat pole and then bring them inside to my "workstation". We have a big island in the kitchen that works great as a cutting station. I put down 2 huge cutting boards and have a couple of meat bins that I throw everything into. I do all the cutting first and then come back and package everything after.
  17. I've been cutting up my own for about 8 years now. Not only do I like the savings but I also like the fact that I can portion control the packages of meat the way I want them.
  18. It snowed all day yesterday but thankfully none of it stuck. I'm just not ready for it yet. They salted the intersections this morning which is a sure sign winter is almost upon us.
  19. I have to buy all of my clothes in tall sizes. It certainly isn't easy to do.
  20. I would start applying for the tag now and hopefully in 5 years or so you will get drawn. A lot of it depends upon which bear unit you are applying for as to how long it will take. I am in my seventh year of applying in my unit and I'm hoping next year will be the one. Most guys I know are getting them around year 8. You can hunt bears with either weapon choice you have mentioned but I would recommend visiting the WI DNR website for specific info. http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/land/wildlife/regs/
  21. Post your thoughts on this place when you get back. I've been tasked to find a place for 9 of us to hunt and this place definitely looks big enough.