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Everything posted by gzilla45

  1. Those are incredible. Very nice work.
  2. I need to stop watching the news because every time I see someone on there talking about how we need to protect these illegals my blood pressure goes through the roof. My ancestors came into this country much like everyone else's did (legally) and there is no reason these people should be getting special treatment. It's quite simple really...they broke the law now deport them. From what I understand Sheriff Joe Arapio is planning a big bust today. I'm interested to see how this goes.
  3. The poor guy looks stuck!
  4. It's kind of hard to tell in the picture but it doesn't look to me like you put too much batter on. It is a thicker batter and is going to be heavier than most. Those sure do look good. It's been too long since I've had shrimp.
  5. I shot a 47 last night which was disappointing considering I shot a 42 the last time out on a much harder 9. I'm playing in a big tournament this weekend and my team has a decent shot at winning. It helps having a guy who can hit it regularly over 330 off the tee. I just sit back and do what I can with my short game as I can't compete off the tee with these guys.
  6. gzilla45

    Its snowing here

    And to think I was complaining because we had frost advisories last night.
  7. I thought it was well worth the 2 hours to watch it. Last night's episode was all about the revolutionary war and the reasons behind it. It basically detailed the birth of our nation. There was a lot of combat in it so it might be not be appropriate for a 4 year old. I guess it just depends upon what she has seen up to this point. I definitely can't wait for next Sunday already. Most of this type of info really gets lost once you are out of school and it was good to get "re-educated" on it.
  8. Looks like a great time. Smallies are always a blast to catch.
  9. Anybody watching this on the history channel? So far it has been very good and I think it is something every American should watch.
  10. This is a good start and I'm proud of Arizona for standing up and doing what the federal government should be but I think the governor should also send the national guard to the border. Without armed troops, they are still going to be coming across the border.
  11. I'm heading up to the turkey woods right now for the weekend. It sure looks like it is going to be a warm one tomorrow and then it looks like rain all weekend. Hopefully I can get one early tomorrow before the rains come.
  12. I love it. I think I'm going to have to make some copies of that.
  13. You certainly picked a great place to come to learn about all different types of hunting. I've learned a ton being on here.
  14. gzilla45

    Barking Dogs

    I'm not sure what is worse the barking dog or the idiot owner. My next door neighbor yells at his dog non-stop every morning because it doesn't listen to him. This wouldn't be a problem if he knew how to take care of it. I wish I had a bb gun to shoot him with instead of the dog.
  15. gzilla45

    Lake Trout

    Just booked my annual trip up to Lake Superior for lakers and salmon. Going to try smoking my fish this year. I usually grill them but thought I'd try something new this year. Attached is my biggest fish from last year. I was pulling in the last rod at the end of the day and it hit about 200 feet out.
  16. gzilla45


    Those look like some good eating right there. Nice work.
  17. gzilla45

    ACM Awards

    I'm a huge fan of country music but I can't stand watching these events as it is the same 10 people winning over and over. There is so much talent outside of Nashville that will never get put on these shows.
  18. gzilla45


    I've been waiting 6 years to get drawn for my bear tag and this is just teasing me. Here's another photo of him after he smashed the bird feeder. I just talked to my mom and she said the neighbor called the DNR but it didn't sound like they were going to do anything about it at this time. They already live out in the sticks so I'm not sure where you could even relocate it. They and their neighbors are pulling in the bird feeders in hopes that he leaves.
  19. gzilla45


    I'll be at their house next weekend and I'm hoping to get a live look at him. :jaw:
  20. gzilla45

    mmm Ribs tomorrow

    I cooked up some wild boar ribs this afternoon and they were awesome. There isn't much better than bbq ribs.
  21. gzilla45


    Every spring for the last couple of years a black bear has been visiting my parent's neighborhood eating everything in site. We've gotten some pics of him over this time but he's back and bigger than ever. He used to come between midnight and 3am but he's getting bolder in his old age. The top of the railing on their deck is full of claw marks where he stands up to maul the bird feeders.
  22. That is awesome. I just sent that to my parents.
  23. Thanks for the info. I'll be sure to post some pictures once I get everything up and running.