Great looking kids Muff.
In addition you don't see too many dogs dressed in a tux at a wedding. I'll be the dog was almost as big a hit as your daughters.
Thanks Colorado Bob and Kathleen.
In Idaho a non-resident has to purchase a bear bait permit for 12 dollars I believe. There are certain regulations one must follow, but no classes. The area I'm in has a 2 bear limit. The first I plan to use my 300 ultra mag (possibly spot and stalk while I wait for the baits to become active). The second I'd like to take with my bow. That's why I elected to bait, because I don't think my chances are very good to get within 30 yards of a bear without bait. In addition I'd prefer to be in a treestand being that close to bear.
Yea, my dad used to have a small Honda (70 something I think). Several highschool seniors turned it on its side as a graduation night prank (probably been 30 years now).
My dad woke up and chased them off. Suprisingly he just laughed it off. I don't think I would take it as lightly.
I wonder how strict they were enforcing the laws they broke?
It makes me think of deer camp 2 years ago. We camp at a Illinois DNR camp site along with several friends. An older guy "Otis" (he used to hunt but no more) always walks around the camp sites looking for a lengthy conversation to get involved in. A buddy of mine was camped next to me taking a nap in his camper when Otis happened by and thought he'd be nice and get my buddies smoldering fire going. Well he did and then left. The IDNR officer came driving around and saw the fire and no body watching it. He knocked on my buddies camper door and asked him why he had a fire going. He said he had put it out before taking a nap (not knowing that Otis came by). Without hesitation the IDNR officer wrote my buddy a 500.00 ticket.
It's a big laugh now when we see Otis coming, but if I ever saw that IDNR officer leaving a fire while he slept...
I've had to stay in the stand until about an hour after dark to keep from busting deer below me, but I've never had the desire to sleep in my stand overnight. My stands are all fairly small. If I fell asleep I'd fall out.
I'm planning to hunt near the Lochsa river (units 10&12). However, the snow is bad this year and I may have to just figure things out once I get there.
I've heard/read about so many different ways to set up a bait station I honestly don't know what to do. I originally thought placing a smaller hole (grapefruit size) at the base was the way to go. Then I heard the bears are really big in Idaho and that grapefruit size would be too small for a bear to get his paw into. I also have heard (and saw on videos) keeping the tops open (cover with branches/etc.) Then again I've heard cutting a small hole will keep the bear at the bait longer because he has to dig around for the food and paw it out.
Anyway, I thought I'd run it by you all before cutting up my trash cans.
I'll be using galvanized 20 gallon trash cans (about 3 ft. high) for holding black bear bait. I'll be filling them with grease, sweet feed, and possibly old pastries. I'm planning to screw the lids on and chain them to trees.
Should I cut a hole closer to the ground or higher up on the trash can. I was thinking about cutting a hole the size of a paper plate (alowing the paw in, but not the head). What do you all recommend?
This is what ya do turkeygirl.
Next time you go out take your NCLEX call that announces the test is about to begin.
If that doesn't get them to shock gobble nothing will!
(For those who don't know, NCLEX is an exam us nurses have to take prior to receiving our license).
I wonder if pepper spray would be an alternative to carry instead of your 44 mag on your joggs Kathleen?
I realize the 44 is more logical, but given your broken ribs perhaps not as practical?
Anyone else please feel free to comment on this suggestion. I have zero experience with pepper spray and bears.
I had a Ninja 600R in the early 90's.
I rode it for 3 years and had several close calls because people didn't see me. I was lucky I never wrecked because in IL helmets are not required by law so I seldomly wore one.
I had to replace one back tire and a mirror from it falling over once. I purchased it for 2800.00 and sold it 3 years later for 2800.00. I wasn't looking to save money at the time, but no doubt it did.
I've thought about getting a bike, but crotch rockets are very uncomfortable after an hour or two of ridding. You could get a used Honda or Yamaha or whatever that has the look and comfort of a Harley? I know I would if my kids were grown. They need a dad right now so I can't take the risk.
If you do get a bike get a good helmet.
I'm 6'2", 160 lbs, .01% body fat, no grey hair, and all the other desirable stuff.
Well, at least on-line anyway.
And from a previous coment...
"You're a brave man. Or stupid. Jury's still out.:D"
It's not bravery.
I use a light climber that goes in and out each time I hunt. I hunt public land and a privately owned farm. I've never had a stand stolen and plan to keep it that way. Prior to the days of my climber I always took my chained ladder and stand down on the last day of the season to prevent weathering and thieft.
Cabela's has RT under armour on sale currently. I bought my first set. I'm used to cotton so it will take some getting used to. Anyway last night I tried it on (not thinking I walked into the kitchen to see what the family thought).:eek::eek:
I think my 13 year old is scarred for life. My 5 and 6 year old laughed right out of their chairs and my wife screamed "Ahhh, get out of here! What's the matter with you!"
I then went back to the bedroom and looked in the mirror. Boy, I should have done that first!
Been about a year for me. I generally run high 120's over 80's.
Wouldn't be shocked it was higher right now. I need to start working out again. Thanks for the reminder.