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Everything posted by fly

  1. Had another scare yesterday! The shipping company called and said the fright was 960.00! I was quoted 450.00 by the taxidermist. I called the taxidermist and he cleared it up for me. It's so big it has to come by 18 wheeler (ABS shipping). 450 seems reasonable, but not 960! Had to ship it to a local business to get the cheaper rate. The secretary's at my local state farm insurance office were a bit shocked when I asked them. "You're having WHAT delivered here?" I assured them it would not be alive. LOL It comes Monday. If interested... the taxcidermist is Steve Brett out of Florence Montanna -
  2. Thanks everyone. The bear shipped on Friday. I should get it some time this week. I'll put some more pictures up once it's in my house!
  3. I took him a little longer than expected. He said he customized the rock some. The picture is poor quality, but I think the rock looks better. What do you all think?
  4. I do the same thing. Always keep the original cape. Looks great!
  5. fly 40 years old Season: October 1st - January 15th
  6. I spoke with the taxi yesterday and asked what he thought. He agreed that that rock gave it a too much of a square look. I told him perhaps adding some more vegitation or another rock or two behind it might help, but he wouldn't have any part of it. He said he had just the rock in mind to replace it with and wanted to do just that. I agreed. I'll have another picture to post some time next week and you all can let me know if it's any better.
  7. fly

    Not guilty?

    I did not follow the case much and I don't know if she killed her kid. However, I do know her actions were not those of a person that holds the title of mother. There was enough evidence to show she should never again hold the title of mother. A bilateral ovary removal should do it.
  8. fly

    Things You See...

    A couple weeks ago I saw an 8 inch skink walking through the landscaping. First time I have ever saw one in my yard. I'll go outside and see what turns up and post a picture later.
  9. So awesome! Congratulations
  10. I sure appreciate all your comments. I asked my taxidermist to send me two more pictures before changing out the rock to a more rounded one (he agreed to do). One from the front and one from the front angled. I'd hate to have a different rock placed in the habitat when it wasn't needed. It will be Monday at the earliest that I get the pictures.
  11. I know this belongs in taxidermy, but the sooner I let the taxidermist know about this the better. The mount is in Montanna and I will be shipping it to my home in IL. I wanted to know your thoughts on it. Mine take: Bear: The bear looks great in my opinion. I love that shaggy look. Habitat/Base: It looks a miss to me? Something is off. I think it might be that the rock looks more like a square cement block than a natural rock. The square base and square rock makes it look too boxy or something. I thought swapping a rounder rock (or rocks) might correct the problem? Perhaps it is just the angle? I welcome any feedback: thanks
  12. fly

    Heard Ellen Degener

    Thanks to everyone for your comments. I suppose I never thought of Ellen as uneducated. She may only have a high school diploma, but I think she knows enough about the way the world works to make an educated decision on her stance against hunting. She doesn't get it because she chooses not to - not because she hasn't had the oppertunity to know it as we do. Just my opinion on the matter. Anyway, I have no use for her any longer.
  13. fly

    Heard Ellen Degener

    Thanks for the reply Kat. Anyone else?
  14. fly

    Heard Ellen Degener

    I always thought Ellen was fairly funny - until yesterday when I heard her on the radio. She actually encourages the killing of a hunter! Listen in - at 2 minutes she shares her words of wisdom. Perhaps it could be chalked up as a joke, but after a little research I found she supports anti-hunting organizations. The audience listening sure thinks it's funny. What do you think? Is she out of line or just being funny? Ellen DeGeneres - Hunting - Video Clip | Comedy Central's
  15. Shaun, the new F-150 pulled it a little better than my old F-150. It was a flat drive for the most part, will not get to really test it till next year's bear hunting trip to Idaho (given there isn't 7 feet of snow like this year). I'm really happy with the truck so far. The back seat had plenty of room for the kids and it rides very smooth and quiet. My only complaint is the gas mileage. I averaged 10.2 mpg with the trailer in tow. I was hoping for 11-12mpg with the fairly flat pull, but then I didn't buy it for the gas mileage.
  16. Sorry Chris, this one is from Cades Cove.
  17. If I you had just asked how does it look? I would have said it looks real good for 325.00! In my area that level of work (I'd classify as respectable) goes for about 300.00. A good mount is in the 400's and a detailed mount by the best in this area goes for 5-6 hundred. I don't see the problems everyone has mentioned from the pictures, but pictures rarely show a mount for what it is. No way would I say a law suit is in order, but let you're friends know to go elsewhere.
  18. Just returned from a week long camping vacation in the Smoky Mountains. The weather was great! High 60's at night and in the morning up to low 90's during the day. Unfortunately the weather in Idaho has not been very good. There is still 7 feet of snow in the area I killed my bears in last year at this time. We had no choice but to cancel the trip for this year. The Smokies were a lot less dramatic in comparison to the Rockies, but had a different kind of charm. The mountains are all green and very smoky. The less dry climate was nice and the fragrant mountain aromas were much stronger. Most of the river levels were about right for swimming and tubing (which we did a lot of). There were a few areas though that had some dangerous rapids such as the one below. The smaller (and kid friendly for swimming) rivers ran right through the campgrounds and provided hours of free entertainment for my wife and I to watch the kids play while relaxing at the camp site. Dollywood was overpriced, but clean and fun. The park was smaller in comparison to other theme parks we have visited. Some emplyees were nice, but some of the older ride operators - not so much. I didn't take a camera in the park since there are so many water rides. The kids loved it and that is what matters. The hard core hiking I'd hoped for just wasn't meant to be. Our first hike to Laurel falls had an easy rating and was only a 2 mile round trip mostly level hike. The kids started complaining after the first 100 yards. Being allowed to swim in the falls kept them going, but made me realize the 5 mile hike I had planned to Abrahms falls the next day was a long shot. We tried it, but when the wife started feeling sick after a 1/4 mile we turned around and went swimming at the start of the trail that followed the river. I fly fished a little - had about 25 strikes, but the trout were so small I never got a hook set. We also hiked about a mile to the highest point in the Smokies (Clingmans Dome). It was pretty neat being on the Appalachian Trial and the highest point in the Smokies at the same time. The highlight of the trip for me came one morning at dawn. I heard a gobbler right outside our travel trailer. I walked out and found a gobbler in full strut gobbling to another tom still on the roost. He was a campsite local and not afriad of people. I got to within 20 feet of him as he strutted back and forth gobbling his head off. This went on for about 20 minutes. Then the other Tom flew down and they walked up the mountain and out of sight. I'll end the story with our last breakfast in Pigeon Forge as we were headed home. I had a camper full of food and didn't feel like spending another 50 on breakfast. Therefore I pulled into a parking lot for a Redneck Breakfast! My kids were laughing so hard after my 8 year old son stated: "Dad, you know a reporter is going to take our picture and put us in the paper, it'll be titled: Look at the poor people". The rest of the laughter and breakfast conversation spiralled from that comment.
  19. Relief is my fealings on the matter - given it is true. As the President - Obama has a duty to protect our Nation. If there was a chance to take out a threat the man has to authorize the attack. Any president would (especially with the election right around the corner). Maybe some degree of credit goes his direction concerning the final decision on the type of attack. I really don't know and even if he went over there and shot Bin Laden himself I'd vote conservative in the next election. I don't trust Presidents. "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." (remember that one?). I really hope this isn't a lie / faked death to get votes. Pretty sad when Americans never know exactly what is true and what isn't.
  20. Really does look great Ross.
  21. I live 30 minutes from Lambert. Worst storms in many years with more expected Monday. God must be watching over us all because no one has died. Several subdivisions have been leveled. The reports I heard is there were multiple tornados, not just one. My town got hit with marble size hail, but no tornados. Flooding is the most widespread problem right now.
  22. My 2011 turkey season has came and went. Got about an hour and a half in before the thunderstorms blew in and messed up the only gobbling bird around. Driving 2.5 hours one way has me fed up with turkey hunting in IL. Wish they would lengthen the season to at least a week and include a weekend for the first season.
  23. The stupid IL turkey season has arrived (5 whole days - this Monday -Friday). I got off work one day (Monday) and the weather man calls for thunderstorms. We'll see what happens.