Arkansas Boy

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Everything posted by Arkansas Boy

  1. me too. can't be shooting at a glen del full rut. I've never seen a deer that big in arkansas! I have a Delta 3-d backyard buck and a fieldpoint/broadhead target made by Gander Mountain (it sucks, the arrows bury very deep and refuse to come out. End up ripping veins off)
  2. If you want to put out multiple blinds in multiple spots and leave them get several Ameristep doghouse blinds. They are $50 a piece here and they have the shoot through mesh. Plus the setup is 100x easier than most blinds. You take it out of the bag and throw it and it pops up. Getting it back in the bag isn't much fun but neither are the bigger more expensive ameristep blinds. I much prefer to take my doghouse out in the woods to set up.
  3. usually means you are gripping the bow too tight. I am guilty as well.
  4. do you shoot 2 or 4 blade buzzcuts?
  5. PSE Carbon Force Radial X Weave Pro Arrows with Blazer Vanes
  6. that is a slick set-up! very cool!
  7. I just use it like someone said earlier in the thread. I know with my 26.5 draw length and 61lb weight, that I am nowhere near IBO. However I know my IBO is 330+, so I know I am still getting adequate speed and better speed than one rated at IBO 305.
  8. toot my own horn? where? One thing to remember bud, the guy that annoys you does more for the hunting community and republicans everywhere than Michael Waddell will ever do. That's the problem, the media thinks all of us are just southern boys puttin thumps on critters. Ted is proactive every single day fighting for our rights to have hunting and fishing forums. You seem to have no respect for him. I guess it's cause his sponsor is mossy oak :hammer1:. Anyway, Ted's show is #1 on the outdoor channel every year, how dare he be an extremist? How dare he thank God and give thanks to the animal and land which he hunts. Too spiritual? We are all on the same side. We are hunters and that's why you see shows where Waddell and Uncle ted are hooking up and promoting the hunting community. Like I said, I like Michael. Like to watch him hunt, listen to him talk, etc. I don't like people being fake because he's a celebrity. I am sure if he's just another southern boy, he can listen to some criticism and take it into consideration for future shows.
  9. I have a Fred Bear F-325 with a 3-9x40 illuminated scope and case that I would let go pretty cheap.
  10. I have a zebra string on my x-force, but i want the candy cane striped string that comes on the new x-forces. Anyone know who makes it?
  11. that's what I was thinking!
  12. well you guys can all suck up to michael while I stay honest. I love Waddell and Realtree and watch all of his shows. I was really excited about Bone Collector but when he pulled that you'll have to wait until roadtrips stunt, i was pretty upset. I have my DVR set up to record bone collector and it seems like the same 5 or 6 episodes are always on there. i protected the vatoville episode because it was so much fun to watch. Also the alaska episode where Nick almost gets eaten was pretty good. I am not going to change what I think because Michael might see it. I'm not a poser. By the way the people who complained about the words and phrases that Uncle Ted uses haven't said anything about big daddy rabbit or freak nasty or any of the other quirky things Michaels says. Hmmmm. I personally love hearing both of them after a good shot on a big buck.
  13. that's another good point. I have a broadhead sharpener but with those curved blades, it's useless.
  14. I have PSE radial X-weave 200s for my new X-Force SS, but I have only shot my 3-D target so far.
  15. depending on how many arrows you carry, a kwikee quiver is lightweight, easily detachable and compact. I have one in a 3 arrow design
  16. stick with the muzzy's. i shot the talons last year and lost my first deer. The broadhead was destroyed despite lack of penetration (supposed to be thicker durable steel). Will never shoot them again
  17. i bought muzzy MX-4s last year but my girlfriend bought some crimson talons. they were 125 grains and she only shot 40lbs so I gave her the muzzys and used the talons. Shot one deer. Had about 2 inches of penetration and a weak blood trail for over a mile. No deer......
  18. oh and camoman, that alphamax looks freakin sweet!
  19. PSE X Force SS (Super Short) Pro Series Bow. Zebra Non-Twist String 5-Pin Trophy Ridge Matrix Sight. Whisker Biscuit Deluxe Arrow Rest. V-Flite Stabilizer Moassy Oak. PSE Top Gun 4 Arrow Quiver. Jim Fletcher Tru-Peep. Braided Sling with Rubber Grommet. Flambeau Safe Shot Hard Case. 12 PSE Carbon Force Radial X Weave Pro Arrows with Blazer Vanes IBO Speed- 330 FPS ATA:26.625" Brace Height: 7.06" Draw Weight: 50-70# Draw Lengths: 26-30" Bow Weight: 3.5# HF Hybrid Cams 70% letoff
  20. I'd wonder what the heck I was doing in Colorado hunting these prancing funny loooking deer. Then I'd let him walk