toot my own horn? where?
One thing to remember bud, the guy that annoys you does more for the hunting community and republicans everywhere than Michael Waddell will ever do. That's the problem, the media thinks all of us are just southern boys puttin thumps on critters. Ted is proactive every single day fighting for our rights to have hunting and fishing forums. You seem to have no respect for him. I guess it's cause his sponsor is mossy oak :hammer1:. Anyway, Ted's show is #1 on the outdoor channel every year, how dare he be an extremist? How dare he thank God and give thanks to the animal and land which he hunts. Too spiritual? We are all on the same side. We are hunters and that's why you see shows where Waddell and Uncle ted are hooking up and promoting the hunting community. Like I said, I like Michael. Like to watch him hunt, listen to him talk, etc. I don't like people being fake because he's a celebrity. I am sure if he's just another southern boy, he can listen to some criticism and take it into consideration for future shows.