Arkansas Boy

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Everything posted by Arkansas Boy

  1. i was def. thinking something that has to do with being short, little, etc. one of the main reasons i bought it was the short ATA
  2. that's the problem i have with mine. both are 36# and bows have to be 40# to hunt with in arkansas
  3. def. a buck and a long legged one at that!
  4. Instinct was my top choice about 2 years ago. It was the I wanted and could afford. The X3 is nice, but is very plain looking and just wasn't for me. It has no bells or whistles, but I am sure it performs just like a Mathews. That price seems a bit high for that bow from a pawn shop IMO. You can find them cheaper. Look around some.
  5. Well my girlfriend shoots Easton Axis My Dad shoots Beaman ICS Hunter Carbon Express Maxima Hunter's are good arrows from what I have heard and I shoot their bolts out of my crossbow. They carry a hefty price tag though I shot Gold Tips last year and will be shooting PSE Radial X-Weave Pros
  6. no responses? well my uncle just told me that mathews uses these strings on all their bows except maybe the monster. I'm surprised with all these mathews guys that I didn't get any responses. I guess this is a pretty good string if a top of the line bow company is using them
  7. The guy said he went to the pro shop and had a non twist zebra string put on the bow. Are these any good? Was the string that was stock better, worse, the same? I know nothing about strings as I have never replaced one. Did he do me a favor or rip me off?
  8. I'll give the chef your direct instructions Thank you, cause we're pretty particluar bout our meat
  9. any of those dots will do for me. i wouldn't hit whichever one i was aiming at anyway cause i'd be shaking so bad! yellow #4, would say 3 but don't want to make my taxidermist work too hard
  10. that's exactly what happens. very common problem with the 742
  11. that's what we did with ours. Hung one up and put another one in a bucket with other antiques you would find in a lodge.
  12. uncle ted sure doesn't think so. always wondered why he doesn't shoot bear products since he had such a great friendship with fred bear. Still can't believe anyone shoots an oneida anymore, the limbs have always looked cool to me but the noise it makes when that strings slaps those limbs is LOUD
  13. i have the bear cub and the bear kodiak magnum in my collection of bear bows. that one is a beaut!
  14. it is, that's one of the things that I really love about it! 26" A-T-A
  15. had it hit a tree about 10 feet out my window. I love to go sit on the deck and watch it from under the awning, but the one that hit the tree outside of my window scared me pretty good.
  16. only passed up one legal buck on purpose. We have a 3 point rule in Arkansas but I was on a permit hunt where any male deer was legal. I had an easy shot at a 3 point but just couldn't bring myself to do it. Thought i was going to have lots more chances at bigger bucks this year. I was wrong
  17. if ya can't catch em, steal em!
  18. he would rather them say Martin Firecat awesome looking arrows!
  19. thanks Tom, you have been with me since i started looking. The pic is the one from ebay but when i get it, I am taking lots more pics. My girlfriend commented I was like a kid in a candy store and it's not even here yet!
  20. tru ball is what i have. either the tornado or cyclone. Not sure which one